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The Living Saint

Epic Thoughts

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Recently took some time to do up a Living Saint model for my fiance. She picked the colors (purple and silver) and I made it work.









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This is fantastic work. I would suddest putting more highlights on her face, leaving the tone you have now in the recesses. Also, I can't tell from the pic if her eyes are closed or unpainted (sorry, iPod screen) but if they're unpainted some white and pupils would add character. And the final thing is her sword- looks like there's some Nurglish stuff on the hilt? Sorry, not too familiar with this sculpt. Overall great work though. ;)
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I think the things on the hilt of the sword are flowers, actually. I'm not 100% sure, but they look like it. Also, are the eyes more of a glowing style in the purple where there wouldn't be a pupil, but rather they're as if she's more like a god and thus, has glowing eyes.


Edit: I forgot to mention how much I loved the model. Your gift should be much loved. Also, congrats on having a lady that wants to play Warhammer.

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This is fantastic work. I would suddest putting more highlights on her face, leaving the tone you have now in the recesses. Also, I can't tell from the pic if her eyes are closed or unpainted (sorry, iPod screen) but if they're unpainted some white and pupils would add character.


I'd give the skin on her and the cherubs a dry brush of bleached bone mixed with the tiniest amount of scab red. It would dull the shininess that you've got from the washes.


I don't bother with eyes. It's too easy to end up with a figure that looks like it's just soiled itself. ie :P


And the final thing is her sword- looks like there's some Nurglish stuff on the hilt? Sorry, not too familiar with this sculpt. Overall great work though. :lol:


Yep. It's flowers.

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An easy way to do 'evil' eyes is to paint them red, then add a dot of yellow in the middle. Would this work for 'nice' eyes but with softer colors? (Bearing in mind she's a saint, so you can get away with a little bit of glowing)


But anyway, the model is great. The person who gets this is lucky indeed.

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I really like it ^_^ although I've always imagined the Living Saint to be flying, or at least hovering. Having said that, I've only really seen LS's on DOW:SS, and not the mini's themselves.


With regards to the eyes, if my painting skills were better, I'd have them glowing in a similar way to how many painters paint Plasma weapons - no pupils.

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I've always had the impression that the Living Saint's eyes are closed in that miniature. That's how I painted mine, and I've seen it like that in many other works. If I can make one suggestion, her base does not seem to flow very well into the wood planking that she's 'standing' on. I think this would look much better if you put the Celestine base on the rubble and left the wood planking bare. Maybe even put some of that rubble coming up over the base so it flows nicely together.



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I've always had the impression that the Living Saint's eyes are closed in that miniature.



Here is your truth. Abide in it. The Saint is in a state of Divine Serenity. Able to gift the unbeliever with the fire of Truth before sending them to Judgement before the Throne. She need not see with mere human vision to impart the Emperor's Wrath. Awareness surrounds and suffuses her. Her Gift is to see the sins of the unbeliever and excise them wholly through Retributive Fury.



Or you can just agree with what was quoted.

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