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Grand Strat and Scout


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I am having a brain fart right now.


If I were to have a Grand Master give Scout to a Strike Squad, does it also apply to their dedicated transport (rhino for example)? For some reason I think I am confusing things up a bit with some other issues regarding Stormravens and what is or isn't allowed to scout in them.

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Stormravens arent dedicated transports... wich is why that doesnt work.


Rhinos etc however do have the scout rule transferred from their squad- wich also allows outflanking in the transport.

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if its ok to piggyback this thread with another related query....


say you give scout to a unit with a personal teleporter and they use the shunt move how exactly is it worked out..

isnt shunt a form of deepstrike? molve 30" with no scatter?


do normal scout move restrictions apply.. i.e no movement within 12" of a opposing unit?

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That's not really clear to me either way. As you ignore all intervening terrain, units, etc, the unit is clearly disappearing in one spot and reappearing in another (essentially, deep strike with no scatter). Why should it care that a line traced between the start and end point is within 12" of a unit, since the shunting unit does not travel along the line?


Hopefully the question would be FAQ'ed at the same time, but we know what the odds of that are.

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That's not really clear to me either way. As you ignore all intervening terrain, units, etc, the unit is clearly disappearing in one spot and reappearing in another (essentially, deep strike with no scatter). Why should it care that a line traced between the start and end point is within 12" of a unit, since the shunting unit does not travel along the line?


Hopefully the question would be FAQ'ed at the same time, but we know what the odds of that are.


to play devils advocate to this argument id say that the whole dissapearing and reappearing is 'fluff'.. the rules state its a move, and moves are clearly defined in the BRB.. the dreadknight would have to stay outside of 12" at all times during his shunt move

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Indeed- the wording for the shunt is almost exactly like that for the standard movement for jump infantry.




Notice that it is not like Gate that has you remove the models from the table and then place them someplace else. You move them 30" so all movement restrictions applied by the scout move would apply.

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