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Masks of Death

Dark Apostle Thirst

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Sorry, maybe I wasnt quite as clear - example to follow:

1 company of marines sent to a system with 3 worlds under attack. They do their 'usual' obfuscationary tactics on world 1, but the extra time this takes means that the other 2 worlds suffer more because the marines take so long to get there that many more imperial soldiers die on 2 other worlds than the marines managed to save on the first world. So their diversionary tactics actually cost more lives than a 'joe bloggs' chapter who just go and do it by the numbers. No?

Sorry, Leonaides, I thought that it was obvious there would be exceptions ;) Seriously, though, if they do have an issue where they can't cover all the bases at once, they have many, many allies to call upon, as explained in their Combat Doctrine.

Time to have another look at this, I'll try not to be harsh. ;)


Originally stationed in the Eastern Fringe. Due to being more open to xenos and having a mindset and combat doctrine more fitting to fighting Chaos, they were moved to guard the Eye of Terror rather than being destroyed.


So ... you failed at fighting Xenos, and they moved you to fight Chaos? Also, how is their mindset and combat doctrine more fitting to fighting Chaos?


Eventually reclaimed their honor after a few centuries of having a lower than usual desertment rate (for chapters around the Eye). Continues this psychological resilence for the rest of their history, their biggest lost being an understength company that had been fighting without support for a questionable amount of time* on a daemon world. *Time flows strangely in the Warp, so exactly how long they were in there is unknown, but the chapter suspects that the captain had been planning to betray for over 3 years and it took less than a day for the company to decide to rebel.


If they'd lost their honor (not really explained how yet), why were they not sent on a penitence crusade rather then sent to fight Chaos?


Psycho-indoctrination and training extremely unusual. Recruits are continually pitted against captured opponents and shown the weakness of those who follow Chaos. The chapter and chaplains emphasize strength of mind and will against the temptations and powers of Chaos.


I don't really see recruits fighting Chaos surviving in large enough numbers to keep the chapter alive.


Xenos are typically treated as though they are lacking in that strength. However, there are some who haven proven themselves by fighting against Chaos, and the Masks are willing to fight alongside these xenos while Chaos is a threat. Said xenos are given honorable burials after being slain as well.


What Xenos have proven themselves against Chaos?


The Masks rely heavily on confusion and psychological tactics, focusing more on distracting and bewildering the enemy than out right destruction - at least until the destruction of the enemy is the only goal.


This has earned many allies for the Masks of Death, as the chapter's willingness to and expertise at prolonging the battle has led to the recovery of many relics, prisoners of war, and vital information, often with no benefit to the Masks themselves, aside from the political connections made.


1> Killing is the job of the SMs, how is toying with them not seen as shirking their duties?

2> How is giving the enemy time to hide relics, or worse yet escape with them better then killing them quickly and searching for relics?


This is furthered by the fact most captains do take time to inform and work with their allies, as opposed to flaunting their astartes status and operating independently. The Masks have been known to even station a few units and techmarines to aid a devastated but salvageable world for many years, and in return the worlds supply recruits and materiel for the Masks of Death.


SMs are the best, no need to have to flaunt it ... its just a given. :P Last part seems a waste of good combat assets.




Coming along nicely, still have a few questions that need answered though. :)

Time to have another look at this, I'll try not to be harsh. :)

That's always appreciated ;)


Originally stationed in the Eastern Fringe. Due to being more open to xenos and having a mindset and combat doctrine more fitting to fighting Chaos, they were moved to guard the Eye of Terror rather than being destroyed.


So ... you failed at fighting Xenos, and they moved you to fight Chaos? Also, how is their mindset and combat doctrine more fitting to fighting Chaos?


Their combat doctrine, while it applies to any engagement, is best used against human opponents, since their actions are easier to predict than xenos are. While this varies depending on the type of xenos (Orks are fairly predictable, while Eldar, not so much) this is true the majority of the times.


This even applies to the forces of Chaos - they are humans, selfish, twisted ones, but humans none-the-less.


Should I put that in the IA?


Eventually reclaimed their honor after a few centuries of having a lower than usual desertment rate (for chapters around the Eye). Continues this psychological resilence for the rest of their history, their biggest lost being an understength company that had been fighting without support for a questionable amount of time* on a daemon world. *Time flows strangely in the Warp, so exactly how long they were in there is unknown, but the chapter suspects that the captain had been planning to betray for over 3 years and it took less than a day for the company to decide to rebel.


If they'd lost their honor (not really explained how yet), why were they not sent on a penitence crusade rather then sent to fight Chaos?


I'm not entirely sure. I'll explain it when I explain how they lost their honor.


Psycho-indoctrination and training extremely unusual. Recruits are continually pitted against captured opponents and shown the weakness of those who follow Chaos. The chapter and chaplains emphasize strength of mind and will against the temptations and powers of Chaos.


I don't really see recruits fighting Chaos surviving in large enough numbers to keep the chapter alive.


I'll have to go into more detail about it (again), but basicly if it's too dangerous so that they don't have a chance the chapter will just kill it.


Xenos are typically treated as though they are lacking in that strength. However, there are some who haven proven themselves by fighting against Chaos, and the Masks are willing to fight alongside these xenos while Chaos is a threat. Said xenos are given honorable burials after being slain as well.


What Xenos have proven themselves against Chaos?


Eldar, who are willing to join forces with humans against Chaos, are an example of this. Basicly any xenos who puts the destruction of Chaos over the destruction of humans.


I'll go put that in the IA.


The Masks rely heavily on confusion and psychological tactics, focusing more on distracting and bewildering the enemy than out right destruction - at least until the destruction of the enemy is the only goal.


This has earned many allies for the Masks of Death, as the chapter's willingness to and expertise at prolonging the battle has led to the recovery of many relics, prisoners of war, and vital information, often with no benefit to the Masks themselves, aside from the political connections made.


1> Killing is the job of the SMs, how is toying with them not seen as shirking their duties?

2> How is giving the enemy time to hide relics, or worse yet escape with them better then killing them quickly and searching for relics?


1. Not exactly toying with them, that's why I put in "until the destruction of the enemy is the only goal".

2. I'll have to explain that better, what the Masks do is focus their effort on recovering the relic or whatever as opposed to destroying the enemy first. Relics may be fragile, or the forces of Chaos may be in the process of corrupting it, or whatever - the Masks would rather focus on the recovery of the relic to eliminate those "What ifs".



This is furthered by the fact most captains do take time to inform and work with their allies, as opposed to flaunting their astartes status and operating independently. The Masks have been known to even station a few units and techmarines to aid a devastated but salvageable world for many years, and in return the worlds supply recruits and materiel for the Masks of Death.


SMs are the best, no need to have to flaunt it ... its just a given. :P Last part seems a waste of good combat assets.


But... But... thats what the Ultramarines do :P Actually, that's what I was going for - while the Masks may not have a mini-empire, they do have a lot of worlds that are willing to support them for their aid and continued defence even after the threat has passed.


I also want to create a contrast in the Masks of Death's behaviour. They'll gladly help you out and are willing to sacrifice their men for their allies, but they don't form any connections beyond the political arena, and they keep everything important inside the chapter.


Coming along nicely, still have a few questions that need answered though. :)

Thanks :D

Write as if you're writing for someone with zero background in the fluff ... in other words yes you should put that stuff in the IA.

I'll keep that in mind :D


Thought of a warcry -



Throughout the entire chapter, when entering combat the commanding officer will shout "For Humanity!", and the squad will answer back with "For His Glory!"


The fact that the warcry is used by every squad in the chapter lends strength to the Masks's anonyminity and the appearance of lack of individual decisions.


- as well as a quick update to the History.



When the Masks's first started defending the Eye of Terror, the Legions were the dominant and most aggressive force, and the newer renegades had yet to become their own major force. The Legions launched many invasions that the Masks fought hard to repulse. One phrase was commonly used amongst all of those invaders, regardless of their respective Legions - that of fighting the Long War.


One chaplain had heard that phrase, many, many times when interrogating prisoners, and in one battle he shouted "We shall fight our own Long War to eradicate these filth!"


The term spread quickly throughout the chapter, and eventually became one of the tenets of the Masks's beliefs - that their duty was to fight the Long War to destroy all the forces of Chaos, and thus, bring the greatest glory to the Emperor and keep Humanity safe.

Alright, here's an addition to their history. This is directly after they were ordered to move.


The Masks then slowly uprooted from their heavily fortified homeworld in the Eastern Fringe, and began the journey to the Eye of Terror. As they moved deeper into the Imperium, they began encountering the xenos less and the forces of Chaos more. The Masks put down many rebellions and slowly gained experience on the forces and ways of Chaos, of their Dark Gods and how they twisted humanity into monsters and creatures incapable of any nobility or honor.


It was during this period that they Masks of Death's unique beliefs began to take form. Everywhere they battled, they saw humans who were willing to fight and die for the Emperor, even against former comrades. Every time they quelled a rebellion, they found it's roots in some selfish or twisted individual. The Masks realised that Chaos was not merely an afront to the Emperor, it took His noble and righteous servants and destroyed all that made them worthy.


However, the Masks also realised that it was a choice, to serve Chaos, but they had put down enough despots to realise that the choice to serve Chaos would only end in death.


Eventually, the Masks of Death reached the Eye of Terror. One of the nearby star systems was known as Morthra. It had a young star, Mora, and eight planets. Three of these were Hive Worlds, Thra primus, Secundus and Terteus. Four were simple mining worlds, run and protected by the Mechanicus and the last was an airless dead world. The Masks of Death decided on that system due to the Mechanicus's already extensive and powerful defenses, and settled on the dead world, naming it Silence.


And their Homeworld -


The dead world of Silence has been turned into a veritable fortress world, the Masks digging and situating most of their Fortress Monastery, Secret, near the core of the planet. The surface is covered with defensive structures, ranging from the many ground to orbit lasers to the thousands of heavy bolters and lascannon turrets that cover the entrances to the hidden Fortress Monastery.


It is inside the planet that the recruits from the many worlds the Masks have helped are trained and prepared for the Long War. It is also where many prisoners are kept and are also prepared for their fights against the recruits. However, some of these prisoners are considered too dangerous to pitch against the recruits and are either interrogated and executed.

Some Daemons also reside within Silence - these are amongst the most powerful that the Masks have fought, and have been reduced to their lowest form in the materiel universe. They are kept in reality by the same thing that imprisons them - a series of complex wards and protective runes restrains these daemons and keeps them from returning to the Warp, where they can regain their strength and come back to cause more destruction.

Eh, DAT...

Daemon-binding is quite esoteric discipline and not something anyone has knowledge of. It requires certain degree of research and I'm sure the Ordo Malleus will be veeery interested in such activity.


Second, keeping daemons in basement is not exactly smart idea.

Some Daemons also reside within Silence - these are amongst the most powerful that the Masks have fought, and have been reduced to their lowest form in the materiel universe. They are kept in reality by the same thing that imprisons them - a series of complex wards and protective runes restrains these daemons and keeps them from returning to the Warp, where they can regain their strength and come back to cause more destruction.

Eh, DAT...

Daemon-binding is quite esoteric discipline and not something anyone has knowledge of. It requires certain degree of research and I'm sure the Ordo Malleus will be veeery interested in such activity.


Second, keeping daemons in basement is not exactly smart idea.

Hmmmmm. Alright, then, it's not a good idea to get the Inquisition involved, especially when they've already been shamed once.


EDIT: After my removal of the section Nightrawen pointed out, the word count comes to 1,477. How many words until it's Librarium worthy? :D

None, and millions. Word count alone is meaningless - its what those words say thats important.

That's what I thought, thanks.


I'm assuming that by your lack of criticism that I may continue with the expansion of the IA?

You have my permission to proceed... Not that you need it.

Believe it or not, having you look over my IA/It is typically beneficial, even if you come up with some ridiculus stuff at times.


Anyways, here is an expansion on the homeworld.


Homeworld (cont.)

Since the Masks of Death recruit from a variety of worlds, the recruits and the Masks deal with a variety of other cultures. In this way, the Masks show the recruits that there is much more in the universe than the recruits have experienced. In the teaching chambers in the depths of Secret, the rcruits are also taught to handle these many varied people with the same pragmatism and caution that they will eventually need when dealing with other Imperials. They are also taught how to quickly understand and adapt a wide variety of Gothic dialects, which is supported by further teaching in the various languages of the more common xenos, such as Ork, T'au, and Eldar. This extensive training has made the Masks some of the best linguists and diplomats among the chapters of the Adeptus Astartes.


Which leads into another section I want to add -


Relations with other Imperial forces

Generally, the forces of the Imperium view the Masks with a mixture of respect and trust. The Adeptus Mechanicus has worked closely with the Masks in the past and they have shared many battles. However, the Mechanicus typically view the Masks of Death as lacking in proper respect of the machine displayed by other chapters, such as the Iron Hands or Sons of Medusa.


The Inquisition is divided by it's various members. Many Radicals of the Ordo Xenos are very pleased with the Masks and their unintentional support. Others, such as the members of the Ordo Malleus and Ordo Hereticus, are distrusting of the Masks for their unusual doctrine and belief system. The Deathwatch either makes use of their skills as diplomats or doesn't consider them at all for their original shame.


Like the Inquisition, the members of the Adeptus Astartes are heavily divided. Some of the more honor and glory focused chapters - most notably the chapters who come from the geneseed of Dorn - view the Masks with only contempt, seeing their sins as unforgivable. Others, such as the Salamanders, Raven Guard, Blood Angels and their successors, welcome the Masks of Death as a fellow chapter that has performed well in the face of Chaos. Most, however, are like the Ultramarines, and simply reserve their opinions beneath a mask of diplomacy.

dont forget that the imperial fists are one of the most diplomatic of chapters, and have good links and relations with just about everyone. Also, i'll have a fuller look in a couple of days, but make sure that this training to deal with other societies is relevant to war. Every hour your guys spend learning about politics is an hour they haven't spent learning how to kill things, which will result in them being worse marines than another chapter. Linguistics is common for marines- learning various battlespeak, learning basics of xenos language to hack their coms, etc. Again, dont try to make your marines rounded people, they are killers and too much time not learning war ends up with dead marines.
dont forget that the imperial fists are one of the most diplomatic of chapters, and have good links and relations with just about everyone. Also, i'll have a fuller look in a couple of days, but make sure that this training to deal with other societies is relevant to war. Every hour your guys spend learning about politics is an hour they haven't spent learning how to kill things, which will result in them being worse marines than another chapter. Linguistics is common for marines- learning various battlespeak, learning basics of xenos language to hack their coms, etc. Again, dont try to make your marines rounded people, they are killers and too much time not learning war ends up with dead marines.

The difference being they are well rounded marines, not people :P I am simply trying to build up their character as a chapter that is observant and politically capable. Whether or not that's working as actual character building?


I came across the thought as I was typing this that instead of praying/fasting, they would learn these things, to better glorify The Emperor?

The difference being they are well rounded marines, not people :D I am simply trying to build up their character as a chapter that is observant and politically capable. Whether or not that's working as actual character building?


I came across the thought as I was typing this that instead of praying/fasting, they would learn these things, to better glorify The Emperor?


But marines are not, in general, well-rounded. they are the most specialised of specialists. A few marines will be politically capable, as you put it, and these marines will be placed in liason roles for the chapter where it has to deal with outsiders. Marines dont have to give two figs for local politics, they usually dont have the time to care since they are called to fire-fight, then move on to the next fire as soon as the last one is dealt with. A big part of their ability to react and move so quickly is from their complete political independance form the rest of the Imperium.


Still, despite all this, the biggest reason I can think of to suggest that this isnt a great idea is that it will absolutely positively result in inferior combat abilites for your marines. Which erodes thier entire reason for existance.


I can see a place for a non-combat specialism for advanced training for those marines who show an aptitude for what essentially boils down to PR, where they are taught how best to be the public face of the chapter, how to understand and deal with lesser men who think in ways that can be utterly alien to marines sometimes, but as a general chapter-wide scheme, I just cant see any benefit.

Still, despite all this, the biggest reason I can think of to suggest that this isnt a great idea is that it will absolutely positively result in inferior combat abilites for your marines. Which erodes thier entire reason for existance.


I can see a place for a non-combat specialism for advanced training for those marines who show an aptitude for what essentially boils down to PR, where they are taught how best to be the public face of the chapter, how to understand and deal with lesser men who think in ways that can be utterly alien to marines sometimes, but as a general chapter-wide scheme, I just cant see any benefit.



Alright, then. I'm thinking a mixture between the two - all members of the First Company receive advanced training on languages and all the stuff I mentioned, because they have already proved their intense ability to fight, and they represent the chapter.


This could work very easily...


Rawen - Alright, I'll make them Ultramarine successors.

Here's a start on Organisation -


The Masks of Death follow the Codex, with two key exceptions.


The first and most obvious is the corp of diplomats raised by the chapter, with one accompanying every force sent by the Masks of Death. These diplomats are responsible for making sure that relations between the Masks and their allies is smooth and allows the either party to be called upon in the future, to further the unification of humanity and so better glorify the Emperor.


The second is that the captains and other ranking members of the Masks of Death bear very little to no personal heraldry. While given awards for exceptional service, these are kept as awards, stored in the Hall of Honor with the receiving marine's full name. This is a practice unique among the many chapters of the astartes, and reinforces the Mask's personal anonyminity.


- and fixed Homeworld -


In this way, the Masks show the recruits that there is much more in the universe than the recruits have experienced. In the teaching chambers in the depths of Secret, the recruits are also taught to handle these many varied people with the same pragmatism and caution that they will eventually need in fighting the Long War. They are also taught a variety of Gothic dialects and the basics of the more common xenos language, such as T'au and Eldar.

I'll give it another look when I get home from work ... so prepare yourself :P




Home now, lets have a look.


The Masks of Death were originally stationed in the Eastern Fringe. Due to being more open to xenos and having a mindset and combat doctrine more fitting to fighting Chaos, they were moved to guard the Eye of Terror rather than being destroyed. This was agreed on by the majority of Chapter Masters at the council, the same council which found them guilty of xeno tolerance. However, the Masks's own chapter master convinced them that due to the forces of Chaos once being human enemies, they were much more predictable than the hated xenos, and much more susceptible to the tactics and combat doctrine of the Masks of Death.


I still find this unrealistic. "You're not good at fighting our newer, minor, enemies ... so lets put you fighting the much more devious and dangerous forces of Chaos." I just don't see it happening ... ever.


Also, what council of Chapter Masters are you referring to?


However, the Masks also realised that it was a choice, to serve Chaos, but they had put down enough despots to realise that the choice to serve Chaos would only end in death.


One sentence paragraphs are a no-no.


Eventually, the Masks of Death reached the Eye of Terror. One of the nearby star systems was known as Morthra. It had a young star, Mora, and eight planets. Three of these were Hive Worlds, Thra primus, Secundus and Terteus. Four were simple mining worlds, run and protected by the Mechanicus and the last was an airless dead world. The Masks of Death decided on that system due to the Mechanicus's already extensive and powerful defenses, and settled on the dead world, naming it Silence.


Is planting them in the middle of a well defended area the best idea ... they are SMs after all?


The Masks eventually reclaimed their honor after a few centuries of having a lower than usual desertment rate (for chapters around the Eye). Continues this psychological resilence for the rest of their history, their biggest lost being an understength company that had been fighting without support for a questionable amount of time* on a daemon world. *Time flows strangely in the Warp, so exactly how long they were in there is unknown, but the chapter suspects that the captain had been planning to betray for over 3 years and it took less than a day for the company to decide to rebel.


Sentence seems oddly worded, try this.


"They Continued this psychological resilence for the rest of their history. Their biggest loss being that of an understrength company that had been fighting without support for a questionable amount of time."


When the Masks's first started defending the Eye of Terror, the Legions were the dominant and most aggressive force, and the newer renegades had yet to become their own major force. The Legions launched many invasions that the Masks fought hard to repulse. One phrase was commonly used amongst all of those invaders, regardless of their respective Legions - that of fighting the Long War.


You may want to add in that the Masks had support of other Chapters ... since 1000 SMs against the power of any Legion of Chaos Marines is certain death.


When the Masks's first started defending the Eye of Terror, the Legions were the dominant and most aggressive force, and the newer renegades had yet to become their own major force. The Legions launched many invasions that the Masks fought hard to repulse. One phrase was commonly used amongst all of those invaders, regardless of their respective Legions - that of fighting the Long War.


One chaplain had heard that phrase, many, many times when interrogating prisoners, and in one battle he shouted "We shall fight our own Long War to eradicate these filth!"


The term spread quickly throughout the chapter, and eventually became one of the tenets of the Masks's beliefs - that their duty was to fight the Long War to destroy all the forces of Chaos, and thus, bring the greatest glory to the Emperor and keep Humanity safe.


Two one sentence paragraphs ... combine into a single paragraph.


The psycho-indoctrination and training adopted by the Masks of Death is extremely unusual. The recruits of the chapter are continually pitted against captured enemies that were not deemed too dangerous. In this way, the recruits are shown the weakness of those who follow Chaos, and how Chaos is defeatable even before becoming a full battle-brother. Gradually, this builds up an iron will against the temptations of Chaos, as for the years of training the recruits feel nothing but contempt for those who have fallen to Chaos.


Teaching that Chaos is weak is a road to certain destruction.


Xenos are typically treated as though they are lacking in that strength and iron will. However, there are some who have proven themselves by fighting against Chaos as opposed to using it for their own benefit and by putting the destruction of Chaos above the destruction humans. The Masks will gladly fight alongside and even honor these xenos, but they are still xenos and are quickly exterminated after the threat of Chaos has passed.


I'm a T'au ... can I be your friend?


Dreadnoughts are even more highly revered, as they are regarded as having the strength to fight against death itself.


Another no-no one sentence paragraph.


They also believe in extreme self control. Whilst among brothers, this is relaxed, but nothing is told to outsiders that the Masks's command has ordered not to be told. This is true even to other astartes chapters. The Masks refuse to be emotionally compromised - righteous anger or even disgust is still emotion and is still rigidly controlled. However, the Masks are also polite and typically do not offend other military forces, despite any lack of control other chapters or Imperial Guard regiments might display.


I understand what you're going for here, but to me keeping secrets from outsiders is not really self-control, neither is being polite and inoffensive.


The Masks believe that the Emperor requires service that differs to each individual. This is due to the fact no individual has the same life - each one has different choices to make and paths to choose. However, what applies to all beings is that they must always seek to serve and glorify the Emperor with their choices and make decisions that do not necessarily better or benefit themselves but do better the future of mankind and grow the glory of the Emperor.


I hope this does not include the SMs ... as it goes against their training and conditioning.


The Masks rely heavily on confusion and psychological tactics, focusing more on distracting and bewildering the enemy than out right destruction - at least until the destruction of the enemy is the only goal.


The evil one sentence paragraph again.


Also, not sure why but I get an odd picture of SMs running around like idiots to confuse the enemy. Kinda like in Monty Python's Holy Grail when the Knight is attacking the castle but never seems to be getting any closer until he's right on top of the guards. :)


This has earned many allies for the Masks of Death, as the chapter's willingness to and expertise at prolonging the battle has led to the recovery of many relics, prisoners of war, and vital information, often with no benefit to the Masks themselves, aside from the political connections made.


Need I say it? :P


The Masks of Death follow the Codex, with two key exceptions.


And again.


Oh and should end in a ":" I believe.


Like the Inquisition, the members of the Adeptus Astartes are heavily divided. Some of the more honor and glory focused chapters - most notably the chapters who come from the geneseed of Dorn - view the Masks with only contempt, seeing their sins as unforgivable. Others, such as the Salamanders, Raven Guard, Blood Angels and their successors, welcome the Masks of Death as a fellow chapter that has performed well in the face of Chaos. Most, however, are like the Ultramarines, and simply reserve their opinions beneath a mask of diplomacy.


Just wondering exactly how other Chapters know of most of the Masks' past?




Hope that helps some. Looking forward to seeing this develop.

Ah, at long last 'rubs hands together' ;)


The Masks of Death were originally stationed in the Eastern Fringe. Due to being more open to xenos and having a mindset and combat doctrine more fitting to fighting Chaos, they were moved to guard the Eye of Terror rather than being destroyed. This was agreed on by the majority of Chapter Masters at the council, the same council which found them guilty of xeno tolerance. However, the Masks's own chapter master convinced them that due to the forces of Chaos once being human enemies, they were much more predictable than the hated xenos, and much more susceptible to the tactics and combat doctrine of the Masks of Death.


I still find this unrealistic. "You're not good at fighting our newer, minor, enemies ... so lets put you fighting the much more devious and dangerous forces of Chaos." I just don't see it happening ... ever.


Also, what council of Chapter Masters are you referring to?


Newer enemies? The only 'true' enemies being fought during the Great Crusade? I think you're underestimating xenos here - the two main 'defense lines of the Imperium are the Eastern Fringe and the guard around the Eye.


In Victories (I believe, may be Legends) it tells a short story of the trial of the Mantis Warriors, the trial being conducted and held mostly by Chapter Masters.


However, the Masks also realised that it was a choice, to serve Chaos, but they had put down enough despots to realise that the choice to serve Chaos would only end in death.


One sentence paragraphs are a no-no.


I'll fix that, and all the others.


Eventually, the Masks of Death reached the Eye of Terror. One of the nearby star systems was known as Morthra. It had a young star, Mora, and eight planets. Three of these were Hive Worlds, Thra primus, Secundus and Terteus. Four were simple mining worlds, run and protected by the Mechanicus and the last was an airless dead world. The Masks of Death decided on that system due to the Mechanicus's already extensive and powerful defenses, and settled on the dead world, naming it Silence.


Is planting them in the middle of a well defended area the best idea ... they are SMs after all?


The Masks chose it... I see what you mean. Hmmmmmm. I'm of two minds about that one, on one hand what you said is true, on the other, the Masks would try and choose a safe location from where they can repulse the forces of Chaos (with the aid of other chapters).


The Masks eventually reclaimed their honor after a few centuries of having a lower than usual desertment rate (for chapters around the Eye). Continues this psychological resilence for the rest of their history, their biggest lost being an understength company that had been fighting without support for a questionable amount of time* on a daemon world. *Time flows strangely in the Warp, so exactly how long they were in there is unknown, but the chapter suspects that the captain had been planning to betray for over 3 years and it took less than a day for the company to decide to rebel.


Sentence seems oddly worded, try this.


"They Continued this psychological resilence for the rest of their history. Their biggest loss being that of an understrength company that had been fighting without support for a questionable amount of time."


Oops. Thought I fixed that, thanks for pointing that out ^_^


When the Masks's first started defending the Eye of Terror, the Legions were the dominant and most aggressive force, and the newer renegades had yet to become their own major force. The Legions launched many invasions that the Masks fought hard to repulse. One phrase was commonly used amongst all of those invaders, regardless of their respective Legions - that of fighting the Long War.


You may want to add in that the Masks had support of other Chapters ... since 1000 SMs against the power of any Legion of Chaos Marines is certain death.


Of course. I didn't realise I portrayed them as doing it on their own, I'll fix that.


The psycho-indoctrination and training adopted by the Masks of Death is extremely unusual. The recruits of the chapter are continually pitted against captured enemies that were not deemed too dangerous. In this way, the recruits are shown the weakness of those who follow Chaos, and how Chaos is defeatable even before becoming a full battle-brother. Gradually, this builds up an iron will against the temptations of Chaos, as for the years of training the recruits feel nothing but contempt for those who have fallen to Chaos.


Teaching that Chaos is weak is a road to certain destruction.


What? How did you come up with this theory? No, seriously, I'm not questioning you (well, yet), I want to hear your reasoning for this.


Xenos are typically treated as though they are lacking in that strength and iron will. However, there are some who have proven themselves by fighting against Chaos as opposed to using it for their own benefit and by putting the destruction of Chaos above the destruction humans. The Masks will gladly fight alongside and even honor these xenos, but they are still xenos and are quickly exterminated after the threat of Chaos has passed.


I'm a T'au ... can I be your friend?


Sure, as long as your helping me kill the Chaos scum over here :D


They also believe in extreme self control. Whilst among brothers, this is relaxed, but nothing is told to outsiders that the Masks's command has ordered not to be told. This is true even to other astartes chapters. The Masks refuse to be emotionally compromised - righteous anger or even disgust is still emotion and is still rigidly controlled. However, the Masks are also polite and typically do not offend other military forces, despite any lack of control other chapters or Imperial Guard regiments might display.


I understand what you're going for here, but to me keeping secrets from outsiders is not really self-control, neither is being polite and inoffensive.


I would debate there is a slight misinterpretation here* but it'll save future explaining if I can find a better way to portray the rigid self control they exercise.


*Since there are no secrets the chapter keeps, no shame they have that isn't already public, they aren't really keeping anything from outsiders. Most chapters would then have some form of camadrie between their allies - but the Masks don't allow that in any way, shape or form. The only time the allies even deal with the Masks is either planning tactics with the cpatain or when the diplomat as attending the necessary victory parties or whatever, and even then there is no friendliness whatsoever.


The Masks believe that the Emperor requires service that differs to each individual. This is due to the fact no individual has the same life - each one has different choices to make and paths to choose. However, what applies to all beings is that they must always seek to serve and glorify the Emperor with their choices and make decisions that do not necessarily better or benefit themselves but do better the future of mankind and grow the glory of the Emperor.


I hope this does not include the SMs ... as it goes against their training and conditioning.


I would also like this to be explained, especially since all their training and conditioning is bent towards destroying the enemies of mankind. Their sole purpose is to live and die in the service of the Emperor. Whether that's seen as glorifying the Emperor or not.


The Masks rely heavily on confusion and psychological tactics, focusing more on distracting and bewildering the enemy than out right destruction - at least until the destruction of the enemy is the only goal.


Also, not sure why but I get an odd picture of SMs running around like idiots to confuse the enemy. Kinda like in Monty Python's Holy Grail when the Knight is attacking the castle but never seems to be getting any closer until he's right on top of the guards. :)


I'm not entirely sure of what confusing tactics would entail either :D It would certainly be amusing for the Masks to replicate that - they project an image of a Mask running at the enemy, and the enemy wonders why it's not coming any closer. After about a minute of this a real marine shows up, and finishes the rest of the scene ^_^


Like the Inquisition, the members of the Adeptus Astartes are heavily divided. Some of the more honor and glory focused chapters - most notably the chapters who come from the geneseed of Dorn - view the Masks with only contempt, seeing their sins as unforgivable. Others, such as the Salamanders, Raven Guard, Blood Angels and their successors, welcome the Masks of Death as a fellow chapter that has performed well in the face of Chaos. Most, however, are like the Ultramarines, and simply reserve their opinions beneath a mask of diplomacy.


Just wondering exactly how other Chapters know of most of the Masks' past?

It's not exactly hidden. While the Administritum may be incompetent, I imagine that most of the chapters would have this knowledge in their databanks and the two notable things (to the Chapters at least) would be the failure against xenos and the success against Chaos.

Teaching that Chaos is weak is a road to certain destruction.


What? How did you come up with this theory? No, seriously, I'm not questioning you (well, yet), I want to hear your reasoning for this.


Chaos may be morally weak, but they are the most dangerous foe the Imperium faces. I mean really, can an Ork Warband turn your marines into Orks?


Look at it like this. Say you're going on an African safari and your guide tells you that lions are weak and therefore no real threat. Is that going to keep said lion from having you for lunch when you look at it and say "ah its just a lion, no real threat there"?


Not to mention that your Chaplains would never go along with teaching that Chaos is weak. Without the very real threat of Chaos would you even have Chaplains?



I understand what you're going for here, but to me keeping secrets from outsiders is not really self-control, neither is being polite and inoffensive.


I would debate there is a slight misinterpretation here* but it'll save future explaining if I can find a better way to portray the rigid self control they exercise.


*Since there are no secrets the chapter keeps, no shame they have that isn't already public, they aren't really keeping anything from outsiders. Most chapters would then have some form of camadrie between their allies - but the Masks don't allow that in any way, shape or form. The only time the allies even deal with the Masks is either planning tactics with the cpatain or when the diplomat as attending the necessary victory parties or whatever, and even then there is no friendliness whatsoever.


So ... more then a chapter with self-control, they are a closed chapter that keeps to themselves. I don't think that's as odd for SMs as you think, just ask the next DA you see. :P


I hope this does not include the SMs ... as it goes against their training and conditioning.


I would also like this to be explained, especially since all their training and conditioning is bent towards destroying the enemies of mankind. Their sole purpose is to live and die in the service of the Emperor. Whether that's seen as glorifying the Emperor or not.


The conditioning doesn't work to make individual warriors, but a cohesive fighting unit. Individuals may add to the overall chapter perspective, but it the SM chapter that is most important. SMs live and die for their brothers, their chapter and the Emperor.


I'm not entirely sure of what confusing tactics would entail either :) It would certainly be amusing for the Masks to replicate that - they project an image of a Mask running at the enemy, and the enemy wonders why it's not coming any closer. After about a minute of this a real marine shows up, and finishes the rest of the scene ;)


How about changing it from "confusion" to "deception". Then add a sidebar relating just how that would work. For this you can use historical deceptions, for instance: The inflatable army built around General Patton in WWII, used to keep the Germans thinking that the invasion of France would come from someplace other then Normany; or what Napoleon did during one of his great battles. He had his best unit, French Guard, holding the high ground .. then ordered them to break and retreat. The allies immediately charged the ridge thinking they'd won ... only to find the French Guard recovered and waiting on the other side (not to mention that they were suddenly pounded by every French artillery piece on the field).


I think deceptive tactics would work better then confusing ones.


Just wondering exactly how other Chapters know of most of the Masks' past?

It's not exactly hidden. While the Administritum may be incompetent, I imagine that most of the chapters would have this knowledge in their databanks and the two notable things (to the Chapters at least) would be the failure against xenos and the success against Chaos.


It may not be hidden, but unless they're a Chapter of Legend or a Chapter of Great Disgrace .... I don't think most chapters would really be reading the papers daily to see what they were up to. :P

Chaos may be morally weak, but they are the most dangerous foe the Imperium faces. I mean really, can an Ork Warband turn your marines into Orks?


Look at it like this. Say you're going on an African safari and your guide tells you that lions are weak and therefore no real threat. Is that going to keep said lion from having you for lunch when you look at it and say "ah its just a lion, no real threat there"?


Not to mention that your Chaplains would never go along with teaching that Chaos is weak. Without the very real threat of Chaos would you even have Chaplains?


No, but an Ork horde might overwhelm you with sheer numbers.


I'm not saying Chaos is going to fall over and die, it's going to be a very difficult, and very long war, but the same can be said of xenos. It's just that they all have weaknesses to be exploited, and the belief that Chaos is weak is already a huge blow to what makes Chaos strong - it's temptations.


Besides, the recruits would be aware that it will take some fighting to eventually eradicate Chaos, otherwise there would be no point to guarding the Eye. But they will believe that Chaos is defeatable.


So ... more then a chapter with self-control, they are a closed chapter that keeps to themselves. I don't think that's as odd for SMs as you think, just ask the next DA you see. ;)


Good point. However, it does add to their character a bit, and I think I'll keep it, as well as find a different way to explain their rigid self-control.


The conditioning doesn't work to make individual warriors, but a cohesive fighting unit. Individuals may add to the overall chapter perspective, but it the SM chapter that is most important. SMs live and die for their brothers, their chapter and the Emperor.


Also a good point. I think I can incorporate what I'm saying and what you're saying together, too, and it could be done very easily. How about this -


The Masks believe that the Emperor requires service that differs to each individual. This is due to the fact no individual has the same life - each one has different choices to make and paths to choose. However, what applies to all beings is that they must always seek to serve and glorify the Emperor with their choices and make decisions that do not necessarily better or benefit themselves but do better the future of mankind and grow the glory of the Emperor. Virtually all Masks take this to mean that they do everything they can to support those in command and their battle-brothers, forming a tight brotherhood between all of the members of the Chapter.




How about changing it from "confusion" to "deception". Then add a sidebar relating just how that would work. For this you can use historical deceptions, for instance: The inflatable army built around General Patton in WWII, used to keep the Germans thinking that the invasion of France would come from someplace other then Normany; or what Napoleon did during one of his great battles. He had his best unit, French Guard, holding the high ground .. then ordered them to break and retreat. The allies immediately charged the ridge thinking they'd won ... only to find the French Guard recovered and waiting on the other side (not to mention that they were suddenly pounded by every French artillery piece on the field).


I think deceptive tactics would work better then confusing ones.


Not only that, that's much closer to my original intent anyways. Deceptive it is :P


It may not be hidden, but unless they're a Chapter of Legend or a Chapter of Great Disgrace .... I don't think most chapters would really be reading the papers daily to see what they were up to. :D

Not necessarily what the Masks were up to, just semi-major events in the Imperium in general. While the Masks being tried and sent to guard the Eye of Terror instead of the Eastern Fringe might only be a page two of this metaphorical newspaper while the invasion of Armaggedon is the main column, the chapters would still hear about it.


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