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Storm Raven Squads in DoA lists


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I wasn't sure if this belongs here or in the Army List section, so please forgive me if ended up posting it in the wrong forum.



Hello everyone!


Some of you may have read my other post in the Army List section, where I basically stated that I'm very new to Warhammer 40'000 and that I'm in the process of making a very competitive 1750pts list for an upcoming tournament.


I got a lot of good advice in that thread and after a few days of theorycrafting I headed down to the store and purchased the kits needed to complete the hybrid army.

As I started to assemble them I realized what I had previously only suspected from looking at pictures: I really don't like the look of tracked vehicles on the battlefield.


Now, I want a competitive army and will definately field an army I don't like the appearence of if it's the only viable choice - but I wouldn't mind taking a marginally less competitive list if I end up liking the look of it more, just as long as it's not too gimped.


... and that brings me to the actual question:


Since I've decided that I don't want tracked vehicles I basically leave myself with DoA as the only option. No problem there - if it wasn't for the fact that I had already opened the Terminator Assault Squad, Storm Raven and Dreadnought kits and now can't return them for store credit. I realize the Razordbacks will have to written off as a loss, but given my budget I will have to make the other kits work in a DoA list and preferably make it competitive.


How would you go about doing that?


The other kits I bought are still in plastic, so I can still change them for whatever works best with what I'm stuck with - and the opened kits aren't assembled yet... offering at least some flexibility (Librarian Dread, Furioso, DC Dread... etc.).


Naturally, I don't expect anyone to compose complete army lists, but if someone with experience could offer some advice to at least push me off in the right direction, it'd be very much appreciated.


Huge thanks go out to all who read this far !


Have a nice day!


Best regards,


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SR'S would work well in a DoA list, I guess you would just build the list like normal with jetpacks assault squads and sang priests, devastators etc and use the SR to transport your assault terminators and a librarian furioso and you'll be sorted.. Did you say you have a second furioso kit? Will simply drop pod a regular furioso too and that'll save point and money as you won't have to buy another SR!



on the other hand with you having only the SR as armour on TH table a second SR would take some of the heat so a second SR may be the way to go.. I would wait and get some more advice of some more competitive players on here but I think dual SR is a good choice but maybe not viable for your points!

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SR will add certain 'armored' flavor to pure DoA list, just as 1Drop said, one SR will be a firemagnet, so takin second one would be wise, althoug costly. I was considering taking two SR to my 1500 DoA list when expanding to 2k. Mount RAS in them, while VV will tie shooty units, that can hurt SRs.
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I run a Stormraven in every list, and i also rock a DoA army. I love the thing. Black Orange has a lot of great stuff on his blog about SR's and DoA in a competitive environment. I would definitely encourage you to check it out. Also, not too long ago i wrote an article on the Stormraven HERE.. Hope this helps, best of luck
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Stormravens shouldn't be scared of being the only vehicle "cause they'll be a fire magnet". Stormravens are a fire magnet if you have 10 vehicles on the table. The amount of armor doesn't change that people will try and smash your raven first. So on that regard don't worry about how much fire it will take. Also I feel like a stormravens an easily compliment your list, you're just going to go for different targets than other SR load outs. Throwing the terms in there, the dreadnought, and the SR itself is about 550-600 which for 3 units isn't all that bad. You can try and beef these 3 units but personally with a DoA army I'd probably distribute the wealth elsewhere. From the limited experience I have with DoA it seems like running deathstar units isn't a strength of the list.
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sternies combi & HFs

libby SoS, Urage combi

priest(s) lc combi



awesome DoA list reserve roll. It's shoot phase has worked so well for me I feel like an idiot when I think of how I originally thought it's total cost was prohibitive. It's destroyed over 1000 points worth on the turn it landed more than once. The sketch of it above can target 7 different targets on the turn it lands and it's templates can cause overlap on multiples.

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How are you managing to shoot 7 targets before overlapping templates with that unit? Or am I reading it improperly?

I asked myself the same question, but if he disembarks properly he can get the priest and libby seperated so they target separate units in shooting, the sterngaurd targets 1, the dread targets 1, the raven targets 2. That's 6, 7 if he has 2 priests in there.

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