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cities of death


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So it is just that. What do you think our codex brings that works for cities of death? Massed troops, more icons, lesser demons? What types of combos did you find, what strategems are worth it?
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Cities of Death doesn't really work anymore with True LOS and all the new rules on shooting. You can still play 40k with the Cities of Death Scenarios, lots of buildings and the stratagems, but a lot of the things in the book don't really apply anymore.


As for what works, there's so much cover on the table we can take an absolute tonne of assault units in rhinos and not worry about them getting shot up too much. Daemon Princes don't take as much incoming fire, so can really hit hard. Oblits just use PC's as normal, although Cities of Death does give a bit of leeway to Vindicators, making them a more enticing choice than normal. Plague Marines are great, so much cover means they rarely take more than one/two casualties a turn.

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People may disagree with me but I still hold that Eldar are the kings of CoD (No not Call of Duty!)... so I would warn you to watch out if you play them ;)


Now you can pick stratagems to fit your army or you can build your army around the stratagems... if you know what you will have and how many...


Now some stratagems can be pretty situational while others can be good all the time :D


Now do you have any idea how packed the board will be? If it really packed it is often best avoiding bigger vehicles (such as land raiders) while smaller ones should find it easier to be obscure! With so much terrain (if the board is packed) the utility offered by short range special weapons is increased while that offered by long range heavy weapons is decreased... Also it makes it easier for units to survive and make it into combat... This benefits the ork player with 300 boys more than the the guy with 30 marines.


Also do you take core rule book to take overule the outdated text in CoD or the CoD text to overide the rulebook? This would have a big impact on the game.


Also do you know what you are playing against?

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old nid dex . take barricades and tank traps[to get extra move you set them up then charge them] . spam flesh hooked armed 6 man stealer squad and fexs +tyrants ... superior cover . good times


now it is more or less dead because of true LoS .

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So it is just that. What do you think our codex brings that works for cities of death? Massed troops, more icons, lesser demons? What types of combos did you find, what strategems are worth it?


What I found worked well, was havoc squads with 4 flamers and icons either in a rhino/landraiders with dozerblades. Popping out, flaming who ever and massed bolter fire, and using the icons to summon Lesser Demons to finish off the rest.. good times :P

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Well, I don't have any real clue as to what will be going on. All I really know is that I will be playing Chaos Marines, the points are 1500 to 2000 depending on who can muster what, and it is going to be Cities of death/Cityfight with 1 strategem per player.


Its an even being held at my LGS, so I really can't say who or what will show up, nor do I have any real ideas as to what the terrain setup will be, as the staff will be setting the tables up.


It has been awhile since I have played on a table that has alot of terrain building-wise, and I never really got much experience with these expansions. I was thinking of taking 2-3 oblits, just to send them out and maybe Flame some stuff since they should be afforded cover saves. A 5-8 sized squad of termies also seems good, but their load out I don't know. I have always wanted to try a unit of Khorne termies all champs and all with Paired Lightning Claws, thats 6 Power weapon attacks with rerollable wounds per model! But Common sense says a balanced approach with a H. Flamer...and crazy Dreadnoughts running around may be good as well...


But as far as anything else, the idea that Lash could work wonders possibly denying cover saves is very tempting, not too mention that I could hide a sorc rather easily, and that as Shas'o R'Vre said, Princes shouldn't have too hard a time hiding either. I wasn't really leaning in for a land raider, looking at a rhino or two. I had forgot about Vinidcators, as I was thinking of a dakka pred, small and can throw a fair amount of shots around.


Hmm, food for thought Brothers. am going to look over what I have and begin planning.


Any more thoughts or Ideas? The Dark Gods feel like they are smiling...

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