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EC Lord conversion


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This is my EC Lord(counts as Abaddon). I'm going for a sort of Hellraiser look to him. Still have a lil more work to done before painting tho. What do you guys think?






And a close up.


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Went back to the drawing board today. My Steamborg Executioner arrived today, and I liked his torso better than the one I was using.


Well, heres the "new" version. Still gotta tighten up a few things, but I like this one better.







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Love the concept but I agree with Drudge,


Sculpting a drape going from his waist, across his torso, might help bulk it up a bit - while keeping his lean look and emaciated frame visible?

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Thanks for the input guys. I actually think that his torso is pretty proportionate to the legs, if you think about how much Terminator armour bulks up Space Marines. Oh, I may not have made that clear, he's basically started stripping away his Terminator armour, in an effort to experience the "full" sensations of combat as well as any other extremes he can take his body to. So the legs are supposed to look bulky, since he's wearing Terminator "pants".


I still need to tighten up the sculpting on the hip cape and tie the front small loincloth(which will be someone's flayed face, that he's decided to keep) into the look. Then I gotta get some chins to run from his back piercings to each of his LCs.


Edit: I'd never heard of the Oro, noctus cornix. But I believe you may have just given him a name.

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I absolutely love this! The pose is epic and I totally see where your coming from with the double loin cloth and the Hellraiser vibe. Always have this in mind when I model my ECs but never land it. My only critisism would be his face. Might just be the photo, or maybe my eyes, but his face seems to have an almost wulfen look to it! Cant wait to see this model painted. Nice work.
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Now with "Flesh Tassels". Still got more work to do. He looks much better irl.


And my homage to Hellraiser


Now to fix his skin.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 3 weeks later...
Its a nice conversion but it really does not scream Abby counts as or even Termilord Sure the Legs are there so its a possibility but then the 2 Lightning claws says Lord at best Sure one could be a daemon weapon and then there is nothing screaming Talon of horus IMO.
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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...
Its a nice conversion but it really does not scream Abby counts as or even Termilord Sure the Legs are there so its a possibility but then the 2 Lightning claws says Lord at best Sure one could be a daemon weapon and then there is nothing screaming Talon of horus IMO.


it's called "counts as". 2 lightning claws which are ornately decorated could surely count as Drach ny'en and the Talon in my book ;)


He's like hellraiser, so he is DEFINATELY a terminator :P

also, pleaaaase could you make use of interpunction? :P

it's pretty annoying to read right now, i'm afraid.

this is not a personal attack or something

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