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get offa ma back!


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this was my first ever conversion of 28mm scale that is, the Terminator has been jumped on by a Genstealer and forced to the ground, he has then been forced to drop the storm bolter to rip off the stealer's arm



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So very, very many jokes....


I'll just have to bite my tongue though, seeing as the Mods seem to be out in force tonight (they're everywhere!)


Anywho, fun conversion, and well painted (though the scrunched pics kinda kill things).


Place yer bets! 2 to 1 on the nid!

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Emperor's bowels, I need this as my desktop. Now I know where to look after (trying to) painting those BattleForMacragge 'stealers.


But very, very nice. Painting as well as modeling. It's not hard to imagine this as an action scene. :)

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i like it, good work!


but i gotta agree with BassWave

I think it needs a little gore seeing as the stealer's arm was just torn off by a power fist, but other than that very nice :tu:


some gore spurting from the arm stump would be even cooler...

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