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Sevrin Loth as Mephiston?


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I picked up the Loth model a while back with the intention of using him as a regular librarian. However, my army is predominantly pre-heresy in it's look (Almost everything is Forgeworld armour variants rather than 'regular' power armour) and I started thinking that perhaps I should use such a model as something more important. So I was thinking of using him as a Mephiston counts-as, adding a set of Sanguinary Guard jump pack wings to make him stand out a little more. So he'd look like this:




I haven't actually glued the wings in place as of yet in case I change my mind, but what do you think? Good enough to pass? I must admit I'm not overly keen on the old Mephiston model either.

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Brilliant way to go; the Loth model is one of the best that FW has put out recently.


Mephiston does pack a plasma pistol though, so that sould be represented on the model. I would think that having one on his belt or hip should suffice.

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He does already have a pistol holstered on his right hip, so that would cover the plasma pistol issue. Technically I suppose he is supposed to be wielding a sword, but seeing as all force weapons work the same anyway I don't think that would be an issue.


I have to say, the Loth model is possibly one of my all-time favourite models. As soon as I saw it, I knew I had to have it, even though I didn't really have any use for the Honour Guard models you get with him. (Although I'm sure I'll find something to do with them at some point)

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Ah, I could not see that the pistol was there.


That model is so great, I especially like the 'what I am pointing at is about to die' vibe it gives. The Honor Guard guys are nice as well, definitely loaded with bits for other projects. The sheathed swords they have are handy.

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Wow! I was looking for a conversion for Meph since I don't like the original model. I even started a thread here with some great ideas. I don't want him with a bare face as I like the models with helmets way more and this is just perfect!!! I love it! I will definitely use one for Mephiston in the future. Now to convert a GW Librarian (all have bare faces) to have a helmet....


Thanks for sharing!!!

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Haha, you're the same as I am then regarding helmeted models - I'll either make a counts-as or in some cases I'll take the heads and swap for a helmet instead. In fact, Seth and Corbulo are due to be decapitated tomorrow at some point. ^_^


As for converting a librarian, here's my own effort:




The base isn't quite finished yet, but he's mostly done.

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Haha, you're the same as I am then regarding helmeted models - I'll either make a counts-as or in some cases I'll take the heads and swap for a helmet instead. In fact, Seth and Corbulo are due to be decapitated tomorrow at some point. :P


As for converting a librarian, here's my own effort:




The base isn't quite finished yet, but he's mostly done.


What did you get the BA symbol on the chest of this model off? I am also using DA vet models to convert but I'm using them for my HG and I was planning on using green stuff to fashion a blood drop but whatever you have used looks so good!


Ps.. I also hate un-helmeted marine models, dodgy haircuts galore, ha,ha. Atleast we're not as bad as spacewolves though, they have some serious bad hair do's.

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I've done a similar thing, bought just the Loth body and backback from a well known bits retailer ;) saves on having to convert all those honour guard pieces, then am using a chaos termie cloak and a rather large sword to signify his weaponry - He's very cool.



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Depends on how much you spend, IIRC it's something like 12% of the order total.


Yeah, I'll be spending around 25/30 pound I think, do they not do a think like on GW where if you spend a certain amount ts free or atleast discounted? I hate p&p but FW is ik based right? If so then it's not so bad really.

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I use the same model for my jump pack Librarian and love it. Best model I've seen in the WH40K range. I really want to be able to use the chain-claw fists from the Terminator model in the same release on a model as well.


As for Mephiston, yes, he'd work perfectly.

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I really want to be able to use the chain-claw fists from the Terminator model in the same release on a model as well.


I've been trying to find a way to get that model into my army too, alas there doesn't seem to be anything particularly suitable. I am tempted to buy 5 copies of the model and use them to make a whole terminator squad, though. The pre-heresy terminator armour would fit nicely with the rest of my army. Bit expensive, though!

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