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Renegade Librarian

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Ok a while ago I decided on theming my army as Knights of Blood and while kit-bashing up a librarian it occurred to me, fluff wise because he is part of an excommunicated chapter is he technically a rogue psycher? and if so does that mean the inquisition would have an issue fighting along side him? (either way it would make for an interesting back story for him)
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I don't think he would be a rogue due to him being trained by a space marines chapter... rogues generally refer to, from what I've seen refer to untrained psykers. I would find it more unlikely that an inquisitor would be fighting along side a renegade chapter...
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Yeah, he's still a sanctioned psyker. And the Knights are renegades, not traitors, so some of the more radical inquisitors would work with them. I doubt they would fight on the same battlefield as rabid crazed-out space marines, but they would probably use them if they could.
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I agree with the responses. He would have been sanctioned. Renegade is not the same thing as excommunicated. As far as I'm concerned KoB are over zealous and it is probably just the nature of their geneseed. They are very natural to me.


G :huh:

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the inquisition would not fight aloneside any knight of blood. they have been excommunicated. if inquisition fought with them they would also be excommunicated.

Just because the lords of Terra has declared them renegade doesn't mean that they are shunned by everyone. Download the rulebook to the game "Inquisitor" from GW's homepage and read about the different inquisitors. Some of them would even work with chaos. It's a crazy world.


BTW, have you guys heard that the Grey Knights work with xenos? Purge them I say!

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Since GW have a strong tendency to leave questions unanswered to leave players freedom of interpretation. Therefore, unless there is a source that directly states the opposite you are free to use your imagination.

I started my Knights of Blood army just recently and I use them as a fully renegade chapter. I used the reference from Chaos codex together with the other info (http://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Knights_of_Blood_(Warband)) and decided that the Knights of Blood mentioned in Blood Angels codex is simply an outdated version of what they are now, just like the other renegades who had different appearance before they turned to Chaos.

My point is - decide for yourself how YOU would like to see it, and go with it! Do not contradict the facts and use common sense, and make up a story you like.

PS - I bet Inquisition can find an issue with absolutely anyone, thats their job! =)

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Since GW have a strong tendency to leave questions unanswered to leave players freedom of interpretation. Therefore, unless there is a source that directly states the opposite you are free to use your imagination.

I started my Knights of Blood army just recently and I use them as a fully renegade chapter. I used the reference from Chaos codex together with the other info (http://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Knights_of_Blood_(Warband)) and decided that the Knights of Blood mentioned in Blood Angels codex is simply an outdated version of what they are now, just like the other renegades who had different appearance before they turned to Chaos.

My point is - decide for yourself how YOU would like to see it, and go with it! Do not contradict the facts and use common sense, and make up a story you like.

PS - I bet Inquisition can find an issue with absolutely anyone, thats their job! =)


QFT :)

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The Inquisition can be pretty shady at times, I think that a fairly radical Inquisitor might stoop to using the Knights of Blood to accomplish some sort of mission. So long as no one else really found out about it.
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Who's that inquisitor with that big walking cathedral/dreadnought type thing that's in the GK WD magazine? I think that model is amazing and I really want it!
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Given that the "still loyal" version of the Knights of Blood took part in the defense of Baal in 999.M41, I'd say they're not outdated.


However- I could see the chapter having split up into several companies after being declared renegade.


Some might have gone all the way into becoming the "Knights of Blood Chaos Space Marines" mentioned in Codex Imperial Guard.


Others might have retained their loyalty to the Imperium and its citizens- and done things like help fight for Baal.


Plus- these "still fighting to protect the imperium" Knights of Blood are mentioned in Deathwatch: Rites of Battle.

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cheers for the replies and clearing up that matter :P


would it be safe to assume they have their own characters to bear the responsibilities that otherwise belong to the other Blood angel chapters


for example. their own chaplain who takes on astoraths duty who kills their own who are beyond help from the Rage (was also thinking he personally hunts down those who turn to chaos and associate them selves with the war band version)

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