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Death Company Vs Daemons


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So I probably just finished possibly the most fun game of 40k I have ever had. A friend of mine who plays Daemons and I decided to have a bit of fun neither of us ever play above 2000 points really in friendly games but this was the exception. He was used to fighting my Angels Sanguine and has some fairly effective counters when they work, so to through a wrench in his plans I went with a list of 2500 points, 3 Kill points, 50 Models, and the bare minimum to fill the FOC. My list:






24 DC:

Jump Packs

6 Power Weapons

3 Power Fists

2 Thunder Hammers

Astrorath goes here


24 DC:

Jump Packs

6 Power Weapons

3 Power Fists

2 Thunder Hammers



His Nurgle/Khorne list



Great Unclean One

Breath of Chaos

Unholy Might








8 Blood Crushers

Skulltaker goes here



20 Plague Bearers

Epidemus goes here


14 Plague Bearers

14 Plague Bearers


14 Bloodletters

14 Bloodletters


Heavy Support

Daemon Prince

Mark of Nurgle

Iron Hide

Noxious Touch


Daemon Prince

Mark of Nurgle

Iron Hide

Noxious Touch


Daemon Prince

Mark of Khorne

Daemonic Flight

Iron Hide

Unholy Might

Blessing of the Blood God


I believe he was just under the point limit. So get all setup roll for deployment/Mission, we end up with Spear Head and Annihilation. I couldn't be happier at this point we exchange lists to see what we are up against mine being written on a sticky note, the only response I get is a loud sigh and a head shake :cuss , off to a good start indeed. He wins the roll to go first and choses to go first, rolls and gets the army half he wants to arrive which was the GUO, Epidemus and squad, both squads of Plague bearers, and both Nurgle Daemon Princes. He was thinking to use his Khorne units as a count assault unit (This pretty much dictated how the game would turn out). As his deployment is non existent I deploy the two massive DC squads in my corner (SW Corner) having Difficult terrain near the northern flank and a building near the easter flank while not much of anything could fit between the two squads.


Turn 1:

Daemons - He goes to deploy everything comes in where he wants except the GUO who lands in a building and gets placed in the far North east corner from the mishap. Both the Daemon Princes land in the Difficult terrain just North of the DC squad led by Astorath, while the Plague Bearers come in behind them and Epidemus his in the NW corner so he can tally away without fear of assault (a serious misconception). Shortly after deploying my friend really wishes he took the S5 AP3 shooting attack for his princes, I forget the name sorry.


Death Company - The Astorath led DC squad moves over the Difficult terrain and arranges them selves so they maintain coherency but multi assault both the Daemon Princes and 1 of the Plague Bearer squads, with Astrorath, 3 Powerfists and 2 Thunder Hammers in the center so they can split attacks up and still get attacks on the Plague Bearers. The Lemartes DC Blob with nothing in assault range moves closer to the Daemon Princes and spreads out making Deepstriking near them very difficult. On to assaulting! I skipped the shooting phase completely, Death Company do not use petty handguns to shoot people they use them to pistol whip foul Daemons back into the warp! Needless to say the assault was absolutely brutal with all but 3 DC being in assault range due to clever movement the filthy chaos spawn where shown the true meaning of rage when roughly 70 out of the 90ish attacks landed home, out of those roughly 25 wounds landed on the Daemon Princes killing one out right and the other once making enough FnP saves to keep him with one wound till 2 Power fists and thunder hammer banished it back into the warp. The Daemon princes in return took a wound off Astorath and killed 3 DC before there violent and messy end. In turn the Plague Bearer squad only ended up loosing 4 models and killing another member of the DC. At this point my friend went to start his turn before I reminded him of the No Retreat! rule, where once again I was met with a heavy sigh having his PB squad loose another 4 models but they stayed for round 2!



DC - 2

Daemons - 0


Turn 2:

Daemons - the GUO trudged an excellent 3 inches closer to combat before becoming tired and needing a siesta, only another 68 inches to go! Epidemus on the hand was enjoying a well deserved nap aboard his palanquin he was enjoying it so much he decided there was no point in moving and he was going to keep napping for another turn. :) my friend then realized he moved before he rolled for reserved and was beginning to turn red, I told him to roll anyway and bring his warp spawn in so they could be dispatched just as quickly. With some less then good rolls all that managed to make it in was the Skulltaker and his Blood Crushers and a squad of Bloodletters both of which came down near to the DC tied up with the last 6 Plague Bearers. Combat with them continued for about 8 seconds before my friend who didn't want to see another bucket of dice get rolled declared them dead and told me to consolidate.


DC - The Astorath led DC formed up in a new group with the High Chaplain leading the way into the the newest Daemon threat, they moved up and into assault range while the DC led by Lemartes was tired of standing around and shouting at one another to vent their Black Rage so they moved up and then ran closer to the Blood Crushers but sadly would be out of assault range this turn, back to the infighting for them I guess.

At this point I seriously over stretched what one squad albeit an amazing(ly expensive as well) could do. Leading a multi-assault in against the Blood Crushers, Blood Letters, and Plague Bearers all at once.

It was a bloody Battle on all sides and I don't remember how many wounds were caused by who but in the end all that was remaining was Astorath (still at 2 wounds), 2 Thunder Hammers, 2 Power Fists, and 4 normal DC, total losses for me were 11 marines. While the Daemons lost the Skulltaker to Astorath and his might forced reroll invul saves, 4 Blood Crushers, 12 Blood letters, 9 Plague Bearers. No Retreat! saw another Blood Crusher, the last 2 Bloodletters and all but one Plague Bearer die. Acceptable losses I would say.



DC - 4

Daemons - 0


Turn 3:

Daemons: By this point my buddy was getting pretty disheartened by seeing over half his army demolished by 1 squad and in 2 turns. He wasn't too keen on continuing so we had a break and a beer and came back to finish it. Another bunch of sour rolls on his end for his reserves having once again no Daemon Prince came in but the final squad of Bloodletters made it and placed them self between my DC and Epidemus to hold up any possible assaults in the next turn. Epidemus awoke from his nap and moved an entire 5 inches behind a building, while the tuckered out GUO decided that 1 inch was far enough for him this turn. That was the end of the movement and shooting phases. Onto assaulting, the last 3 Blood Crushers and remaining Plague bearer pile in slightly. Astorath striking first killed the lowly Plague Bearer while the few remaining DC with PW and Chain swords attacked with the Crushers. Without the benefit of FC the advantage was to the crushers who dealt an impressive 7 wounds while only taking 3 one on each.

leaving me with Astorath and 1 thunder hammer left. After No Retreat! was finished all that remained was the High Chaplain who passed all his saves.



DC - 5

Daemons - 1


DC - Enraged more so(Can DC become even angrier?) by seeing the fall of there once battle brothers the DC led by lemartes charged the remaining Blood Crushers and throughly slaughtered them before they could even strike back. Astorath thanked his would be saviors and joined them in the Hunt for the rest of the Daemons.



DC - 6

Daemons - 1


At this point my friend was no longer interested in playing as we both knew he didn't really stand much of a chance so we called it had a another beer and a laugh at how ridiculous large units of DC and then talked how something like that would fare in a tournament of 1750+ it could be possible. We noted afew mistakes we made like how he would reduce the size of Epidemus's squad and give his Nurgle daemon princes cloud of flies and that shooting attack. Or how we would remember that thunder hammers reduce you to I1 which would have saved my DC squad. Good game all in all we had fun well I did at least haha.


Perhaps people's thoughts on using DC might have been changed after seeing 24 of them mow through 2 MCs, 28 Plague bearers, 28 Bloodletters and 6 Blood Crushers and the Skulltaker.


Anyways hope it wasn't a terrible read, anything above terrible and it passes for a batrep in my books. :D

- Riken

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DC are truly invincible, I hadn't realised till recently how good they were as when I had first used them during the tyranid invasion (2nd edition) I was not familiar with them and I was footslogging with them, a Chaplin and Dante across the board and was destroyed by barbed stranglers and such, I didn't get to charge anything but I was only ten years old then and didn't even have a codex, lol. Anyway that sounds like such a fun game, I only have ten DC, Lemartes and Astorath but I'd love to try something like that some time, maybe SR assaults of 10 DC in each, a DC dread and one with lemartes, one with astorath, now that would be savage!!
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DC are truly invincible, I hadn't realised till recently how good they were as when I had first used them during the tyranid invasion (2nd edition) I was not familiar with them and I was footslogging with them, a Chaplin and Dante across the board and was destroyed by barbed stranglers and such, I didn't get to charge anything but I was only ten years old then and didn't even have a codex, lol. Anyway that sounds like such a fun game, I only have ten DC, Lemartes and Astorath but I'd love to try something like that some time, maybe SR assaults of 10 DC in each, a DC dread and one with lemartes, one with astorath, now that would be savage!!


That would be savage! If I had Storm Ravens I would try it out. To be honest I only have 15 JP DC the rest were proxied Assault Marines, Sanguinary Guard, and Vanguard Veterans. Sadly after alot of thought this is a build that would really only excel in very few conditions, heaven forbid you went to fight an Mech IG army as you would be tabled turn 1. I do have a friend who plays Tyranids who wants a game though perhaps that will be the DC's next test.

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Yeah well my brother is building a tyranid army that is monstrous creature heavy, he has a hive tyrant and a swarm lord (the swarm lord is like a harder version of the hive tyrant with 4 bone swords) so since he decided to go more monster heavy rathet than horde I kinda started to worry a bit but I think 20 DC, 2 DC dreads, lemartes and astorath in a couple of SR'S could handle it, haha and if I have any points left I'll pack in as many vindicators as I can't too.
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Not to sound too nitpicky but is this list even legal? maybe i missed someting as I am still reading over the codex but you can only take one unit of DC in your entire army, mind you it can number up to a total of 30 models... Anyway just curious becuase im working on a DOA list and having a huge death company like that sounds like something really fun to play.
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Not to sound too nitpicky but is this list even legal? maybe i missed someting as I am still reading over the codex but you can only take one unit of DC in your entire army, mind you it can number up to a total of 30 models... Anyway just curious becuase im working on a DOA list and having a huge death company like that sounds like something really fun to play.


If you include Astorath in your army you can take as many units of DC as the force organisation chart allows!

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Yeah well my brother is building a tyranid army that is monstrous creature heavy, he has a hive tyrant and a swarm lord (the swarm lord is like a harder version of the hive tyrant with 4 bone swords) so since he decided to go more monster heavy rathet than horde I kinda started to worry a bit but I think 20 DC, 2 DC dreads, lemartes and astorath in a couple of SR'S could handle it, haha and if I have any points left I'll pack in as many vindicators as I can't too.


The Swarm Lord is definitely a tough nut to crack High I and amazing in CC though a blob of DC could do it. If I remember correctly he has 6 attacks so you will loose models but if your packing 15 S8 attacks that reroll hits and wounds he will fail his 4++ enough times to die.



Not to sound too nitpicky but is this list even legal? maybe i missed someting as I am still reading over the codex but you can only take one unit of DC in your entire army, mind you it can number up to a total of 30 models... Anyway just curious becuase im working on a DOA list and having a huge death company like that sounds like something really fun to play.


Astorath removes the 0-1 Limit on death company so really you could take 6 squads of 30 if you really felt so inclined. Even with DOA deepstriking a squad larger then 15 or so is risky business its a pretty large squad and the models physically take up a lot of room. It is very fun to play though remember to multi assault as much as possible you really don't want a squad like taking a full turn of fire as there wont be much left of your expensive DC unit.

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That's one of the reasons I chose to give my DC a SR, deepstriking large units would be difficult but their jp's are Soooo expensive plus fluff-wise I don't think that DC would be able to pilot jp's very well due to the fact they are frothing, homicidal lunatics but they do think they are sanguinius and he was gifted with wings so maybe you could argue that they become very skilled at piloting jp's.
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Righto then sorry bout that, didn't see that on astoraths profile. Thanks for clearing that up and looking forward to running some DOA death company.


If you're running DoA DC then lemartes is perfect, he doesn't even use up a place on the force organisation chart and counts as a member of your unit of DC (so you could only have 29 DC and lemartes) and if you allocate the first wound to him he kicks off royaly, haha, check out his special rules it's called 'fury unbound' I think! (lemartes is my favourite BA character, he's so good and his model is amazing too)

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Maybe you're correct but I was lead to believe that he counts to the numbers of the unit as he is himself a DC marine! Maybe he just joins the unit and doesn't add to the numbers... To the dex, lol.
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My reasoning is that the unit composition for Lemartes is different to the DC entry so he doesn't follow the DC codex entry, he follows his own. He also doesn't count towards the 5:1 ratio of DC marines to DC dreads either.


My take on it is that Lemartes is a non IC character that is restricted to only being in DC units but has his own rule set.

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Someone mentioned Stormravens and DC... I recently played in a 1500pt tournament where my two primary hard-hitters were 2 squads of DC with Astorath accompanying one. Each Stormraven also had a dread (Astorath's had a libby furioso, the other DC had a DC Dread). There was some confusion on one rule which would have changed the game entirely, but after getting hammered by a mech list in the first game, I won three straight. It's a really fun list and if you amp up the points, taking DC + character (even without JPs so you can increase numbers) + Stormraven + dread is brutal.
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