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Khorne Chaos Lord w Jugg and Demon Weapon

Metal Slime

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Saw this model in the fantasy section and couldn't not have one. A little bit angry about the whole 'counts as cavalry but isn't' thing but the model is so awesome I'd play it even if it was that doomrider guy.








18 Potential Attacks on a charge! That is how you build a skull throne, or whatever. The main helmet from the stock kit is replaced with a space marine berzerker helmet, and the sheild is replaced with another axe from a 40k chaos lord model (demon weapons are two handed, don't you know). Other than that, I put a backpack on him, glued a grenade to his belt and said, 'welcome to the future, buddy'.

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I love that model myself! His pose looks a little funny, looks like he's standing on the jugger instead of sitting on it but not much you can do about that. Other than that, the painting looks great and I like the different reds on the jugg compared to the champ. Thumbs up!
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