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Erasmus Tycho


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Hi guys,


I'm all at sea with my HQ choices so last night decided to give Captain Erasmus Tycho a try-out (in his Gold incarnation as opposed to his Black one).


I have to say he was absolutely fantastic. He assisted in killing 2 squads of 6 Noise Marines, 10 Chaos Space Marines and 2 Rhinos. He missed with his Melta shot though :/


He turned the tide of the game for me massively and for 175 points he more than made his points back. 1 re-roll wound dice per assault phase, 2d6 armor pen from his str4 attacks and special issue ammo (which I even forgot to use!) has made me fall in love with this chap.




So, Anyone else use him and love him? Anyone else used him and hated him? Please posty below!

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Tycho has the enormous benefit of actually doing something, this is rare for B.A captains.


He does what he does, it isn't fantastic, but he's not really expensive either. The biggest problem for me though, is "why would I take him over a librararian and pay 50 points more?". The main advantage of B.A HQ selection is the libby, as he is cheap as dirt, and quite good to boot. Tycho is also good, but not "woo-hooo cheap", nor does he bring anything unique to the table. Seth atleast has 4 wounds.

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If you've got sternguard in a raven, tycho is pretty much on par with a libby for how (well) they work overall. While there's no Shield' and Urage, you get better global leadership and he's a very versatile addition to a shoot and assault type veteran unit that gets placed on the board well from a DS transport. His weapons are not to be sneezed at.
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Haven't use him, but will efinitely run him alongside sternguards in 2k list. I was thinking of droppodding him so he was able to add to the squad's CC prowess.
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I'm in the process of modelling a couple of C.A. Tychos for my Angels Sanguine, and if you really want to use a captain then this is a better option than the standard issue profile. Other than that I'd say he doesn't really have any advantage over a Librarian, but for variety's sake he's a nice option.
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I am planning on making the 3rd company from the Armaggeddon Campaign. I hate proxying units so I havent played with Tycho at all but I have a plans to scratch build to of my own (one captain and one DC). Once I do that I plan on using him quite a bit.
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I've used Tycho a few of times with an HG mounted in a Razorback in my mech list and he has performed ok for me. Armywide LD10 is a nice boost and his weapon loadout is not to be sniffed at as Shatter pointed out. I would love to use the DC version if only he was actually allowed to join the DC (stupid "one man unit" rules B) )
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