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Malal Chaos space marines, updated with better pictures!

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I will be starting a chaos warband dedicated to the renegade god Malal, these are not Sons of Malice, but another chapter turned to Malals cause. So far i only have one model i made up from spare bits.


Sorry about the bad photos!



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I would like to try and keep the spiked mohekan look going across most of the models, i want the marines to be spikey, but only small and subtle spikes, not as in massive horns shooting out all over the place.

They are followers of Malal so i want them to appear cannibalistic and brutal.


I havent thought of a name for them yet, i was going to call them the Sons of Destruction, but i think that might have already been taken. I know their symbol is going to be a screaming or angry face.


I would like some feedback for any conversions you think might look cool, or any helpful info on Malal that could give me ideas, i am also eager to hear some sugegstions on how i should paint their vehicles. Thanks!

Pics are a bit dark but i love the theme. Malal is one god i cant wait to represent in my CSM warband.


As far as names go, given what Malal represents i'd go for a pure, short name like Hate, or Rage....something like that. Uncomplicated and to the point, just like the devotee's of Malal who hate everything :)

Thanks for your replies!

i want them to be called Sons of something, however i like your ideas for names, i'll save the simple to the point names for individual squads, as i have some cool ideas for that.


I will definantley be improving my pictures, your right about the light source that makes things yellow, thts my crappy lamp lol. I have made another marine since and would like to post some more pictures but my mum has the camera atm.


Also i am still not sure how im going to paint the vehicles, i dont think the bronze and silver will look right on a tank, as i would find it difficult to make it look worn down and batterd on the wide open spaces on the tanks armour.

Thanks for your replies!

i want them to be called Sons of something, however i like your ideas for names, i'll save the simple to the point names for individual squads, as i have some cool ideas for that.


Sons of Malal? Simple, straightforward, saying everything?<_<

Alright lads, back with some slightly better pictures and another marine to show off!


These pictures were taken outside with natural light, theyre not perfect but they show of the details on the models better, however the pictures make the marines look a bit rough by showing up all the dust particles on them, lol




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The marine is missing one of his arms because i dropped him and it fell off lol, but no worries coz i got the arm and just need some superglue to get the bastard back on.


The other marine is made from spare bits also, i think he came out quite well, although he still needs his base doing, and both marines still need backpacks which i dont have any atm. im still not sure about the vehicles.


i like it Cpt.Salvatore but it sounds to similar to the sons of malice lol, i think im gonna call my warband the sons of carnage? tell me if you think that sounds terrible, haha.


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