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Anti Monsterous Creature DOA Tactics


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I have been playing in several tournaments with guys playing a Chaos Space Marines, Demon Armies, and Tyrnid's And need to come up with a way of taking out Monstrous creatures in a DOA army. One idea I had was an HG with 4 plasmas guns. I have used this squad a few times dropping them in and taking out a creature on the way in however shortly after she see how effective they are the they draw a lot of attention preventing me from effectively using them to perform other tasks. The pros to this is they serve two roles, they are good at supporting my list with FNP and they will usually ether kill or severely harm a monstrous creature on the way in. Further more at 225 points and a 24 inch rapid fire range they are cheap and can keep up with the rest of my army. The cons, they are drawing a lot of attention so if I am not careful I will loose them before they do their job and some do get lost to rolling ones. A few alternatives are HG with storm shields, Stern Guard, Scouts, and Predators. HG with storm shields are relatively effective at talking on monstrous creature in CC and enduring however they are also very expensive and tend to get stuck in combat for two rounds. Stern guard would be great if they had jump packs as an option but the don't, so the only way to make this foreseeable is with a storm raven. I have been thinking about going this route since a 2+ wound at 20 shots is going to do a lot of damage. The down side to this is they have a 200 point delivery system to make them effective with my DOA army. Scouts on the other hand have a 36" range with a 4+ wound, rending, but only 10 shots. If I were to use this rout I would hang them back to keep them safe, pay for camo and use them to support my army as much as I can and hold my own objectives. The cons to this rout are they are not very accurate, and drop like flies. Finally my current configuration is to put 3 preds in the back picking off targets while my army assaults the rest of his forces in CC. This one has worked alright the preds usually stay alive the hole game however even with 12 shots being pumped int to monstrous creatures it takes a turn or two to take one out. Since most of the guys I play with bring 2 or more monstrous creatures in their lists I need to have a much more effective way of dealing with this threat. Do any of you have any ideas on how to deal with this while keeping my army effective at being a DOA assault army.



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When you drop concentrate as much melta as possible on one creature preferably the hive tyrant if he doesn't have a huge bodyguard.


A squad I have had success with is a Vanguard Vet squad with 2x power fists SS and a PW that costs 215 points (keep the sergeants PW) and if you have a squad or two fire the melta guns at the same creature you will kill if in one turn. Make sure there is a sang priest around for FC.

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When you drop concentrate as much melta as possible on one creature preferably the hive tyrant if he doesn't have a huge bodyguard.


A squad I have had success with is a Vanguard Vet squad with 2x power fists SS and a PW that costs 215 points (keep the sergeants PW) and if you have a squad or two fire the melta guns at the same creature you will kill if in one turn. Make sure there is a sang priest around for FC.


What squad are you talking about with melta, HG? I'm curious as my brother is building a MC nid army and I'm gonna have to deal with tons of the blighters! I run mech lists but I do have melta HG!

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When you drop concentrate as much melta as possible on one creature preferably the hive tyrant if he doesn't have a huge bodyguard.


A squad I have had success with is a Vanguard Vet squad with 2x power fists SS and a PW that costs 215 points (keep the sergeants PW) and if you have a squad or two fire the melta guns at the same creature you will kill if in one turn. Make sure there is a sang priest around for FC.


What squad are you talking about with melta, HG? I'm curious as my brother is building a MC nid army and I'm gonna have to deal with tons of the blighters! I run mech lists but I do have melta HG!


Could be a RAS as well. Melta + Melta + Inferno pistol, 3 str 8 shots. Nom-nom.

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When you drop concentrate as much melta as possible on one creature preferably the hive tyrant if he doesn't have a huge bodyguard.


A squad I have had success with is a Vanguard Vet squad with 2x power fists SS and a PW that costs 215 points (keep the sergeants PW) and if you have a squad or two fire the melta guns at the same creature you will kill if in one turn. Make sure there is a sang priest around for FC.



I could swap out my preds for a VV with 2 x (SS/TH), 2 x LC and 4 regular for wounds. This would give me another big hitter that can strike on first turn. Right now my army sits as follows.



Librarian (JP, Sword, Shield)

HG (Blood Champ, SS/TH, 2 Flamers)

HG (4 x Plasma Guns)


1 x Priest (JP)


3 x RAS (2 Meltas, PF)


1 x VV (2 x TH/SS, 2 x LC, 4 x vanilla, 8 x JP)

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That is probably fine but I would take the second lightning claw off and give a Power weapon the the priest. If you feel comfortable I would personally go without the priest as you already have two and that is all I ever need. Make your first HG a melta honor guard with a claw or two.


When you drop concentrate as much melta as possible on one creature preferably the hive tyrant if he doesn't have a huge bodyguard.


A squad I have had success with is a Vanguard Vet squad with 2x power fists SS and a PW that costs 215 points (keep the sergeants PW) and if you have a squad or two fire the melta guns at the same creature you will kill if in one turn. Make sure there is a sang priest around for FC.


What squad are you talking about with melta, HG? I'm curious as my brother is building a MC nid army and I'm gonna have to deal with tons of the blighters! I run mech lists but I do have melta HG!


Could be a RAS as well. Melta + Melta + Inferno pistol, 3 str 8 shots. Nom-nom.


Yes the regular assault squads and a melta HG do it quite well.


Here is a great resource for dealing with monstorous creatures by our very own Black Orange here on B&C.


How to take down a Tyranid Deathstar Tyranid Deathstar


You should really read his blog it has a lot of great stuff in it

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I like the updated list, and I really like Glendor's advice.


From personal experience. I use plasma HG with 2xSS, and I keep a squad of VV with TH nearby, so after my HG unload plasma at MC, hammer boys assault it. In order to make HG less attractive, I use a squad of SG, which also provides additonal fire support with angelus boltguns.

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That is probably fine but I would take the second lightning claw off and give a Power weapon the the priest. If you feel comfortable I would personally go without the priest as you already have two and that is all I ever need. Make your first HG a melta honor guard with a claw or two.


Yes the regular assault squads and a melta HG do it quite well.


Here is a great resource for dealing with monstorous creatures by our very own Black Orange here on B&C.


How to take down a Tyranid Deathstar Tyranid Deathstar


You should really read his blog it has a lot of great stuff in it


The RAS are working well for me especially with mech. The tended to do more damage then my preds did this the 2d6 penetration roles. For monstrous creatures they get a couple wounds however its nothing like my plasma squad, that squad averages 3 or 4 wounds a turn. Between the plasma squad and Dante they have been able to usually take out one monstrous creature in turn one. The problem I am having is when I am facing more then one. Another thing that has been helping me out is Dante's hit and run ability, I break combat with his squad quite often to get them strength 5 again and hit harder. However even with all this once I start to get swamped I loose men fast and it kills my momentum. The last game I played was against a Demon player, his monstrous creatures tied me up until his regular Demons came in to finish me off, I was lucky enough to pull off a tie int hat game because it was victory points. Anyway I like the idea of getting more shields in the squad however losing my extra priest may hurt me. The leagues i play in most ppl know I get my survivability from my priests and thus they attract a lot of attention. This is why I don't pack them with power weapons, if they stay low key people will just ignore them and go for things like my power fists and thunder hammers. Anyway the suggestions are helpful so please keep them coming, I want to see what all is out there and then maybe tweak my army to suit my playing style.

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I agree on the plasma but since I generally try and take all comers lists I would rather be able to kill tanks a little easier as most armies have them.


When you drop in try and isolate the monstrous creatures. Have Dante's Plasma squad kill a monstrous creature and an assault squad and VV squad take out another one. Try and drop so most of his creatures cant assault you during their turn if possible.

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I took Dante off my melta HG after I was advised it was a waste of his abilities and the points as it was a shooty unit.. Do you guys think that I should put dange back with my shooty HG units?
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I agree on the plasma but since I generally try and take all comers lists I would rather be able to kill tanks a little easier as most armies have them.


When you drop in try and isolate the monstrous creatures. Have Dante's Plasma squad kill a monstrous creature and an assault squad and VV squad take out another one. Try and drop so most of his creatures cant assault you during their turn if possible.



Dante is not in the plasma squad, those guys never CC. He is in the the other HG squad with the hammer and librarian and blood champion.


Drop, some people think hes a waste of points however I totally disagree with that. He has such a high initiative and high WS so on the charge he can do a lot of damage with I 7, 7 attacks with the banner and Strength 5, especially since he will most likely go first. Then I use his surgical strike to make sure that my most expensive squad goes exactly where I want it, also hit and run helps him to to break combat on there turn and reengage on mine to make sure they finish units by the second turn. Further more the has a 4+ invuln save, a death mask to bring their WS down to 1, and 4 wounds. All i can say is he is a beast, the only thing i wish he had was eternal worrier because someone who is as old as he is does not die in combat from one hit at this point.

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That is probably fine but I would take the second lightning claw off and give a Power weapon the the priest. If you feel comfortable I would personally go without the priest as you already have two and that is all I ever need. Make your first HG a melta honor guard with a claw or two.


Yes the regular assault squads and a melta HG do it quite well.


Here is a great resource for dealing with monstorous creatures by our very own Black Orange here on B&C.


How to take down a Tyranid Deathstar Tyranid Deathstar


You should really read his blog it has a lot of great stuff in it


The RAS are working well for me especially with mech. The tended to do more damage then my preds did this the 2d6 penetration roles. For monstrous creatures they get a couple wounds however its nothing like my plasma squad, that squad averages 3 or 4 wounds a turn. Between the plasma squad and Dante they have been able to usually take out one monstrous creature in turn one. The problem I am having is when I am facing more then one. Another thing that has been helping me out is Dante's hit and run ability, I break combat with his squad quite often to get them strength 5 again and hit harder. However even with all this once I start to get swamped I loose men fast and it kills my momentum. The last game I played was against a Demon player, his monstrous creatures tied me up until his regular Demons came in to finish me off, I was lucky enough to pull off a tie int hat game because it was victory points. Anyway I like the idea of getting more shields in the squad however losing my extra priest may hurt me. The leagues i play in most ppl know I get my survivability from my priests and thus they attract a lot of attention. This is why I don't pack them with power weapons, if they stay low key people will just ignore them and go for things like my power fists and thunder hammers. Anyway the suggestions are helpful so please keep them coming, I want to see what all is out there and then maybe tweak my army to suit my playing style.


You do realize that your 2 Sanguinary Novitiates are "priests" right? Technically, your list has 3 "priests" which is usually more than most people need, plus as the SNs aren't ICs, they can't get singled out in CC.


I would give both HGs 2xSS/TH and 2xPGs making them equally shooty and CC capable. This way you have 2 thorns for your enemies to go after.

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You do realize that your 2 Sanguinary Novitiates are "priests" right? Technically, your list has 3 "priests" which is usually more than most people need, plus as the SNs aren't ICs, they can't get singled out in CC.


I would give both HGs 2xSS/TH and 2xPGs making them equally shooty and CC capable. This way you have 2 thorns for your enemies to go after.


Yes i know this, however in the people I play with target my priests. I have to spend a lot of my time keeping them out of combat in order to keep them alive. This is why i run 3 in a list this size, it is also why I keep them base so hopefully people forget they are there once they do make it in combat. As for the SN's if you pump enough firepower into that squad it will go down, this is why I have some redundancy. Well see about pulling that last one out. I may try it on some friendly matches and see if i can get people to forget about them. Also I have a league coming up where I can have more then one list if needed. I did end up taking a guy with a LC and putting two storm shields on the two guys with flamers from my HG, and adding a melta bomb to my sarge in the VV.

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