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Need help looking for a certain story...

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Hey everyone,


i have been searching across the Ultima Segmentum (well ok, the internet really plus the codex and various WD issues) for a particular short story, and irritatingly i cant find it anywhere, so i was wandering if you guys could help me out.


Unfortunately i can only vaguely remember the story (well if you can call it a story, i think it might have been just a few paragraphs) so im gonna make myself sound like a complete fool here but it goes something like this:-

Some space marine chapter is being ambushed by 2 forces of chaos space marines. One of the CSM forces is one of the actual legions whilst the other was a small chaos warband. The ambushed space marine chapter makes the decision to attack the warband as they feel they are the weaker foe thus easier to break and escape from, but this proved to be a criticle mistake. The warband were far from easy to defeat and they were resistant to pain (or something like that anyway).


So there it is, the short story im looking for. I initially thought the story was in the Chaos codex but having a quick scan through it i have been found to be wrong apparently. I also think that the chaos warband was either the death shadows or some faction with Brotherhood in their name!??


Again im sorry for sounding like a complete idiot that knows nothing but ive been searching for this little story and its bugging me now lol.

Cheers in advance.

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The basics of the story doesn't ring any bells for me but it might be a story from one of the multiple books that had 40k short stories in it I can't say for sure though since I haven't had a copy of each short story book.
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Sounds like a story from the Index Astares articles about the cursed founding. I think it was the Sons of Antaeus where they performed the move with another loyal chapter to annihilate some eldar.


You may have been confused by the cursed founding aspect, but I believe both legions are still loyal. (Though I think that the Son's background hinted at a Deathguard connection)


That could be the story if I had the chapter approved 2004 book I could check to be sure also I fixed your link when I quoted you since I'm not a mod or admin so couldn't fix it in your post to link to the page with a click.


Edit: Sentence fixing.

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