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Icons for Terminators


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One of the hardest choices I have for a Chaos Army list is figuring out what Icon to give my Terminators. Now granted, I am not locked in on a certain type or method of transport (DS or LR), but the Terminators are the one unit where I just can't see one power being better than any other. Of the two types of Terminators (Assault or Tactical) I can see some favor over another. Oh... and I am a total sucker for upgrading my Assault Terminators to all Champions for +10 each... I /love/ that perk over other codex terminators.




Khorn Assault Terminators with Lightining Claws just make me giddy on the thought of 3-5 Champions getting 6 attacks each on a charge. On the Tactical side I can see it being far less useful to have +1 A, but if you survive a round and get assaulted or assault after firing your Combi, it can help out.


Tzeentch and Nurgle I can see working with both, because who can be hurt by +1 T or a +4 Invuln save? I suddenily feel the Reaper Cannon is now worth taking....


Slannesh Assault Terminators I can see working out, but the Init does nothing for a Tactical squad really. Probably the weakest Icon of the 5... which makes me wonder why they didn't give Slannesh a +2 Init instead of +1. If it was a +2 (6 Init base) would people respect them alittle more?


Chaos Undivided for surviving casualities and staying in the fight with the Ld re-roll. I can really see that being useful for a 3-5 man squad of either type. But this appears to be just barily ahead of Slannesh in my eyes.


Anything I am missing here? To me, it looks like Tzeentch, Khorn, and Nurgle are a toss-up for the best and just depends on your personal tastes or flavor.


I would love to hear experienced players opinions... as sometimes what appears good on paper doesn't translate to how they actually play.

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If you're putting your termies with an IC then IoCG is a good, safe bet. It isn't fool proof (as with most in the current Dex) but it gives you a stronger chance of having them stay on the board as they aren't fearless.


But yes, I agree with your statements on the other icons. Khorne with LCs and even a combi or heavy flamer (keeping fluffy and also making a mess) in a larger squad is a good bet. Tzeench and Nurgle make for good options, especially in termicide (in my limited experience trying it). They stay around longer and they can become a tar pit in following turns, if nothing else which gives you twice as much use and justifying the cost of the banner to go with the 3 man termicde squad (105pts without banner if memory serves). For the extra 30ish points for the banner, it's like getting a second squad.


I just wonder why any traitor/renegade warband would give termie suits, given their rarity and personal expense, to their men if they aren't fearless... just a personal gripe.

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Icons are kinda disappointing for Termies at all really. Slaanesh is lost because of Cover (you have no Frags or Frag Assault launchers), Tzeench is really quite expensive for +1 on your Invuln, Nurgle is often ignored by or makes no difference to Terminator-Killing Weapons (Str 7+ AP2 Weapons). This leaves Undivided to keep you in the fight (Terminators that aren't fearless? Fail GW, Fail) or Khorne to hit harder. I personally don't take any, as my Termies rarely see Assault, and are just flexible Special Weapon platforms.
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No icon is the best icon.

Unless you play for fluff and fun, then it is whatever you want/that fits your theme. :D


Overall however, IoCG is the best bang for the buck.



My 2 Kraks

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Termi's all upgraded to champs with an expensive icon ?? You're paying way to much for termi's, ours just aren't that good to warrent that kind of pts spent. If you're doing it for fluff reasons and know it's not competitive then that's kool.
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IoCG or IoKhorne, and neither are really great for the cost. IoSlaanesh can be a nasty surprise if you blunder into h2h with a dedicated combat unit, but without grenades it's a very limited surprise. IoNurg is worthless except as nuisances for the increasingly-rare S3 attack. IoTzeentch is only good for Apocalypse games, so you can annoy high S low AP weaponry.
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Yeah, that is annoying not having Fearless. I also do wish Nurgle and Khorn Terminators would get FNP and FC. I still think it would be fun to try out Tzeentch and Nurgle Terminators, but the unit is looking more and more like a larger unit to be viable, thus a deep strike unit if it is a Tactical squad. But the anti-Terminator weapontry is a good point for ignoring that extra Toughness, as Str 6 is only a 3+ and everything else is still a 2+. Though, I have had 6 man Ogryn squad wipe out a 5 man Assault Terminator Squad based on nothing but Toughness and Wounds and surviving long enough to allow them to roll ones. So having an Invuln save and forcing everything Str 4 down to roll 5+ while having 3-4 Attacks with LCs (4-5 on a charge) could be worth it if you really wanted to invest the points. Luck is luck, I know...


That leads me to believe that Tzeentch and Khorn still come out on top, specially in Assault. Tzeentch having a 4+ Invuln save on LC terminators is just pretty damn awesome. As for points for a 5 man squad, paying 150pts to 290pts compaired to 250pts... I don't mind that as much if you consider the Icon a equal trade for Tactics.


I would still rather have the Termis, Jeske... though technically you could have both.

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5 chaos termis in a LR [or footslogging but I dont think that version needs comments]=countered the same any other termi unit in a LR . .....only . our LR is bad . our termis dont get frag . we cant attach an hq to the unit without gimping it size .


when can we use termis ? when we run more then 1500 anything else . At more then 1500 a lot of loyalist armies run LR with either a termi or simiular unit . So most players should know that they are there and at least technicly should know how to counter such a unit [or at least know what could counter such a unit] .


bikers on the other hand arent widly used unless it is khan or RW . both those builds would have used their bikes in a different way we use our bikers . the days of nob biker lists are long gone , so a lot of new players will not remember how to counter a list that uses aggresive bikes[as in hth ones] .




As Icons go 50% inv is still worse then +3 loyalist have [on top of their termis >our termis] . IoN is pure crap , termis die from melta/plama/fists etc not dieing from las guns or str 4 ccw doesnt help much here . IoK is ok but again low I is its bane , IoS gives termis nothing too few attacks [or too overcosted if champs are used] . etc etc.

no icon is best icon for termis .


Ah on the squad set up . never full LC , it costs too much , just like the champ upgrades and not runing a fist in a 400+ squad is pure suicide[what do they do if they run in to a counter unit ? higher I on HQ +hidden fist kills 5 termis realy fast and even if they somehow win what will be left of the squad 1-2 dudes ?].

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