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Loyalist World Eater fluff


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Hey, just wonderin if anyone can give me any information on if there are any loyalist world eaters that are still fighting in the emperors name. Im trying find information because me and a friend are trying to make a joint force between two factions of battle brothers whose chapters are traitors but these re loyal. Him Iron Warriors me World eaters if any one could help itwould be much appreciated.
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Wrong section of the forum.


And the answer is no as of M41.


However- during the Horus Heresy, there were some loyalist World Eaters that were destroyed on Istvaan III by their primarch.


Given that the founding 8 members of the Grey Knights included members of legions that went traitor- it is not beyond the bounds of possibility that one of those could have been a World Eater.


But he would not have survived to the current era.


I'm not sure if there were any Iron Warriors that remained loyal, and escaped their legions, though.

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Hey, just wonderin if anyone can give me any information on if there are any loyalist world eaters that are still fighting in the emperors name. Im trying find information because me and a friend are trying to make a joint force between two factions of battle brothers whose chapters are traitors but these re loyal. Him Iron Warriors me World eaters if any one could help itwould be much appreciated.



Right sorry only just joined so tryin to find my way round and get the hang of stuff and thanks for the information ill have to give the Galaxy in flames book a read thanks again

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well theres always the many loopholes for armys in the 40k fluff. its possible that some preherasy loyalists were lost in the warp or stranded somewhere. particualrly with ironwarriors who were spread out accross the galaxy. i have fluff for my ironwarriors warband that never willingly turned loyal but were attacked after the heresy not knowig what was happening as they were cut off from everything else. and with all the stuff that happened during the herasy its possible. only thing is if they are loyalist, then they probably will now hate their legion and will chnage their coours and insignia and names. likely returning to the names their legions had before they changed their names...


though it raises an interesting thought about blood angels who are preherasy that were lost in the warp etc and not discovered til aftr.would they know of sanguiniuses death and the rage/thirstt etc...

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Arent the world eaters just khorne bezerkers now? I know the world eater models were exactly the same as bezerkers with the same rules I'm sure back in the first and second addition.
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There's a degree of overlap. You can be a berserker without being a World Eater.


Can you be a world eater without being a berserker- being, say "ordinary" Chaos Space Marines? Tricky. There were World Eater models with boltguns, way back in the day (according to the 3.5 FAQ for the Chaos Codex) so it might not be that unfluffy.

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Yeah I had the world eater models from the first addition and then they became khorne bezerkers in the second but they were exactly the same models and then in third (eye of terror campaign) they brought out a box of 12 which was one of the first multi plastic kits that came out! (well certainly one of the first I owned as a collected chaos for most of my 40k life)
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surely terra must still have world eater and all the traitor legion gene seeds? a lot of second onwards chapters dont know who there primarch is so it wouldnt be to far fetched to say a chapter has some of angrons gene sedds.
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surely terra must still have world eater and all the traitor legion gene seeds? a lot of second onwards chapters dont know who there primarch is so it wouldnt be to far fetched to say a chapter has some of angrons gene sedds.


The Geneseed of all the Traitor Legions were locked away for ever, so that even the slightest hint of Heresy would be avoided ever again. Even if the Geneseed itself was above reproach, I doubt the High Lords of Terra would consider using it.....

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well theres always the many loopholes for armys in the 40k fluff. its possible that some preherasy loyalists were lost in the warp or stranded somewhere. particualrly with ironwarriors who were spread out accross the galaxy. i have fluff for my ironwarriors warband that never willingly turned loyal but were attacked after the heresy not knowig what was happening as they were cut off from everything else. and with all the stuff that happened during the herasy its possible. only thing is if they are loyalist, then they probably will now hate their legion and will chnage their coours and insignia and names. likely returning to the names their legions had before they changed their names...


though it raises an interesting thought about blood angels who are preherasy that were lost in the warp etc and not discovered til aftr.would they know of sanguiniuses death and the rage/thirstt etc...

that last bit is actually quite interesting ill have to give that some more thought thanks

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surely terra must still have world eater and all the traitor legion gene seeds? a lot of second onwards chapters dont know who there primarch is so it wouldnt be to far fetched to say a chapter has some of angrons gene sedds.


The Geneseed of all the Traitor Legions were locked away for ever, so that even the slightest hint of Heresy would be avoided ever again. Even if the Geneseed itself was above reproach, I doubt the High Lords of Terra would consider using it.....

Right ill have to think over it all again as there are a lot of contradicting theories but thanks for all the replies its all very interesting and ill take it all into consideration thanks everyone

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While the odds of there being actual remaining World Eaters on the Loyal side left by M41 is extremely slim, there is the suspicion that some of the World Eaters geneseed may have been used to found at least one successor Chapter. My personal theory is that the Carcharodons Chapter may very well be of the same genestock as the World Eaters Legion, though I admit I have nothing but speculation to go on for this.
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One of the founding members of the Inquisition/ Grey Knights is a World Eater by the name of Varren, Angron sent his personal bodyguard to kill him and he still managed to escape. So pretty hardcore. (ref: garro: legion of one)


Also some might have escaped Istavaan.


~Gil :huh:

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surely terra must still have world eater and all the traitor legion gene seeds? a lot of second onwards chapters dont know who there primarch is so it wouldnt be to far fetched to say a chapter has some of angrons gene sedds.


The Geneseed of all the Traitor Legions were locked away for ever, so that even the slightest hint of Heresy would be avoided ever again. Even if the Geneseed itself was above reproach, I doubt the High Lords of Terra would consider using it.....


Noy quite, there are rumors that either the 13th or 21st Foundings included Traitor geneseed (I can't remember which) which is why they had problems.

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One of the founding members of the Inquisition/ Grey Knights is a World Eater by the name of Varren, Angron sent his personal bodyguard to kill him and he still managed to escape. So pretty hardcore. (ref: garro: legion of one)


Looks like my guess:


Given that the founding 8 members of the Grey Knights included members of legions that went traitor- it is not beyond the bounds of possibility that one of those could have been a World Eater.


was right. Nice to know that Legion of One says that.

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One of the founding members of the Inquisition/ Grey Knights is a World Eater by the name of Varren, Angron sent his personal bodyguard to kill him and he still managed to escape. So pretty hardcore. (ref: garro: legion of one)


Looks like my guess:


Given that the founding 8 members of the Grey Knights included members of legions that went traitor- it is not beyond the bounds of possibility that one of those could have been a World Eater.


was right. Nice to know that Legion of One says that.


Not only where you right but i think the Idea of a Loyalist force of Iron Warriors and World Eaters together might be supper fluffy. In addition to Varren there will be Loyal Iron Warriors in the short story Iron Within. I think one of them is also one of the 8. Zygmund Tarrasch.

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While the odds of there being actual remaining World Eaters on the Loyal side left by M41 is extremely slim, there is the suspicion that some of the World Eaters geneseed may have been used to found at least one successor Chapter. My personal theory is that the Carcharodons Chapter may very well be of the same genestock as the World Eaters Legion, though I admit I have nothing but speculation to go on for this.

Ive never heard of the Carcharadons before. Perhaps you could give me an insight into them Khestra?

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While the odds of there being actual remaining World Eaters on the Loyal side left by M41 is extremely slim, there is the suspicion that some of the World Eaters geneseed may have been used to found at least one successor Chapter. My personal theory is that the Carcharodons Chapter may very well be of the same genestock as the World Eaters Legion, though I admit I have nothing but speculation to go on for this.

Ive never heard of the Carcharadons before. Perhaps you could give me an insight into them Khestra?


The new name for the Space Sharks.


Blame the recent Imperial Armor. turned them into Jaws in power armor.



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It suggests that the pale skin and black eyes are due to them being a Raven Guard successor. Not sure what the explanation for the "rows of teeth" is though.


Deathwatch: Rites of Battle also mentions their grey skin colour (and the "volcanic rock" skin colour of the Salamanders) as due to mutations in the oolitic kidney.

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While the odds of there being actual remaining World Eaters on the Loyal side left by M41 is extremely slim, there is the suspicion that some of the World Eaters geneseed may have been used to found at least one successor Chapter. My personal theory is that the Carcharodons Chapter may very well be of the same genestock as the World Eaters Legion, though I admit I have nothing but speculation to go on for this.

Ive never heard of the Carcharadons before. Perhaps you could give me an insight into them Khestra?


The new name for the Space Sharks.


Blame the recent Imperial Armor. turned them into Jaws in power armor.



Looks like I'll have to check those out.

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I shrug off the Raven Guard red herring. Hiding their geneseed origin implies avoiding a level of scrutiny even above and beyond being one of Corax's experiments. Their TACSOP, imposed exile from the Imperium except in extreme cases, and rigid devotion to personal rituals and discipline on a level rarely seen in Space Marine Chapters drop huge hints to me that they're hiding from even themselves. . .that there's something in their nature that they so despise that they struggle against their own instinctual behavior, which is already noted to be merciless to even noncombatants, brutal in the extreme, and rely heavily on shock tactics. If that doesn't scream "World Eaters", I really don't know what does.
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I shrug off the Raven Guard red herring. Hiding their geneseed origin implies avoiding a level of scrutiny even above and beyond being one of Corax's experiments.


That's the thing- they don't hide their origin. In Badab War II, it's stated that Tyberos submitted to mind probing and gene-testing- and gene markers pointed to the Raven Guard.

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