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Loyalist World Eater fluff


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While the odds of there being actual remaining World Eaters on the Loyal side left by M41 is extremely slim, there is the suspicion that some of the World Eaters geneseed may have been used to found at least one successor Chapter. My personal theory is that the Carcharodons Chapter may very well be of the same genestock as the World Eaters Legion, though I admit I have nothing but speculation to go on for this.


For what it;s worth, I think you're right, and the article here seems to support that, especially this part...


"However, sealed and secured records within the Inquisition may shed some light as to the true origins of this Chapter. The oldest of these ancient treatises on the wars of the Imperium of Man may be found within the pages of the Mythos Angelica Mortis written by the savant-scribes of the Secretariat Militum of Terra late in the 35th Millennium. References are made in this oft vague and incomplete work to a Space Marine Chapter identified as the Carcharodon Astra. They were dispatched into the "...outer darkness...upon an endless voyage...to ravage the foes of Mankind." This text stems from a far older work, now lost, dating back to the unknown era that surrounds the Astropath Wars of the late 32nd and the early 33rd Millennia. This is a time now shrouded in myth and allegory, and its true nature has been purged from Imperial history so thoroughly that less is known of it than of the Horus Heresy or the Great Crusade. Other records give this Chapter variations in name or title, such as the Space Sharks, but all the accounts are consistent on certain similarities of iconography and operation, and in their description of the Carcharodons' bestial but calculated savagery in combat. To this Chapter was afforded the sacred and unending duty to travel the interstellar night beyond the Imperium's borders to locate and destroy the enemies of Mankind before they could penetrate Imperial space."


and this part...

"Even the Blood Angels' own Assault troops could not dislodge the frenzied warband and recapture the bodies of their comrades. But there is an obscure reference to the Blood Angels being saved by an unidentified Space Marine Chapter of mysterious origin. Written within the The Canticle of Cassandria Lev - Vol. CVI is the eponymous Sainted Sisters' highly mythologized and oblique account of the wars of the 7th Black Crusade is found mention of a "grey-clad" Space Marines Chapter who came from "The outer night" to aid the Imperium, and whose "Jagged maw did swallow the stars ... " and whose " ... black gaze did mirror the void of oblivion". In the course of the canticle this Chapter's ships set upon Abaddon's forces following the disastrous defeat and routing of the Blood Angels at Midian and attacked the pursuing forces as Saint Lev writes: "...fell upon the servants of the skulled-one with great fury from the darkness, unseen as the beast that lurks beneath the black waters, death for death, blood for blood...thus were the Sons of Sanguinius bought respite, and did turn back upon their pursuers and so were the damned traitors of the false gods driven unto their ruin." Images of these events can be found upon the walls of the crypt-world of Hypasitis created to house the honoured dead of that war, depicted in repeated fresco and bar relief, but cuniously the faces of the intervening Space Marines there depicted are obscured with featureless disks of black obsidian. Given the largely unknown history of the star-faring Carcharodons Chapter, accounts of their activities can only be constructed from recorded historical incidents and fragmentary records that are believed to have involved the Carcharodons on balance of evidence. This notable engagement is listed by Imperial savants as a '[special] Probable Encounter/Recorded Sighting' of this notorious Chapter."


If you were going to make a new chapter from World Eaters geneseed, what would you do with them? You'd put them out on the edge of nowhere, where they could destroy what they wished on the frontier and not use them on a main Hive world where they might get carried away. :) Also the picture given is older armor, but I don't know if that comes from Badab or whatever, I haven't bought those yet.


If they're not created from World Eater seed, someone sure is going out of their way to make it seem like they might be.


EDIT: Just finished reading the rest of the thread. If it was stated that there are markers to Raven Guard, that could be pointing to a mixture of gene-seed in an attempt to temper the World-Eaters stock. After all, since Angron is still roaming around, you might not want his progeny to be corrupted by him. However, would the people who were testing know what a World Eater mark looked like? Corax/Angron = approach in stealth, strike without warning, destroy your target with extreme force and unimaginable brutality and disappear as quickly as you came. I like it. :lol:

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  • 2 weeks later...
The Geneseed of all the Traitor Legions were locked away for ever, so that even the slightest hint of Heresy would be avoided ever again. Even if the Geneseed itself was above reproach, I doubt the High Lords of Terra would consider using it

I never thought which primarchs fell had much to do with their geneseed. If events had been tweaked slightly, I could easily see Traitors stayng loyal and Loyalists going traitor. I do admit that some primarchs are more goodie two shoes and some primarchs are more psychotic, but I think most of the primarchs are swing-voters so to speak

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But don't the World Eaters get their savageness from Angrons influence and the anger implants in their brains? Any secret successors wouldnt have either of these so I doubt would be much like the WE, unless their berserker nature is from the geneseed, but then why write fluff that says they are implanted with those anger brain things if they are like it anyway? Imo (possibly influenced by the Dornian Heresy?) the World Eaters/War Hounds pre-Angron were more like a mix between the SW and IF.
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The Geneseed of all the Traitor Legions were locked away for ever, so that even the slightest hint of Heresy would be avoided ever again. Even if the Geneseed itself was above reproach, I doubt the High Lords of Terra would consider using it


Ever hear of the Blood Ravens? Yup I brought it up, that's right.


I love the idea that Carcharadons are World Eater successors. I think I might just play them one day because of that....


But don't the World Eaters get their savageness from Angrons influence and the anger implants in their brains? Any secret successors wouldnt have either of these so I doubt would be much like the WE, unless their berserker nature is from the geneseed, but then why write fluff that says they are implanted with those anger brain things if they are like it anyway? Imo (possibly influenced by the Dornian Heresy?) the World Eaters/War Hounds pre-Angron were more like a mix between the SW and IF.


No this isn't right. They are angry and savage naturally from the geneseed but become even more so when they get the brain implants. Not all World Eaters were implanted with them, according to The Outcast Dead. It also shows the stark contrast between a World Eater with the implants and one without. The one with implants is constantly on edge, fighting to keep calm.


At the same time though, they do share quite a few similarities to another legion similar to the Raven Guard. Black eyes, pale skin, brutal/savage killers who prey on the weak....ringing any bells there?

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Corax/Angron = approach in stealth, strike without warning, destroy your target with extreme force and unimaginable brutality and disappear as quickly as you came.


Really? Angron is about stealth and disappearing? I mean, I agree on the force and brutality. But not the stealth and disappearing. Space Sharks are closer to Night Lords than World Eaters...


Minotaurs, on the other hand, are much more like World Eaters. They're even described as berserkers! And their helmets are rather similar to World Eaters?

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imposed exile from the Imperium except in extreme cases, and rigid devotion to personal rituals and discipline on a level rarely seen in Space Marine Chapters drop huge hints to me that they're hiding from even themselves. . .that there's something in their nature that they so despise that they struggle against their own instinctual behavior, which is already noted to be merciless to even noncombatants, brutal in the extreme, and rely heavily on shock tactics.

May I introduce you to the Flesh Tearers???

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  • 3 weeks later...
Corax/Angron = approach in stealth, strike without warning, destroy your target with extreme force and unimaginable brutality and disappear as quickly as you came.


Really? Angron is about stealth and disappearing? I mean, I agree on the force and brutality. But not the stealth and disappearing. Space Sharks are closer to Night Lords than World Eaters...


Minotaurs, on the other hand, are much more like World Eaters. They're even described as berserkers! And their helmets are rather similar to World Eaters?


Angron doesn't care about stealth, but Corax sure does. The savage violence and brutality is very World Eater-y, while the stealth aspects are a lot like how the Raven Guard operates.

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Corax/Angron = approach in stealth, strike without warning, destroy your target with extreme force and unimaginable brutality and disappear as quickly as you came.


Really? Angron is about stealth and disappearing? I mean, I agree on the force and brutality. But not the stealth and disappearing. Space Sharks are closer to Night Lords than World Eaters...


Minotaurs, on the other hand, are much more like World Eaters. They're even described as berserkers! And their helmets are rather similar to World Eaters?


Angron doesn't care about stealth, but Corax sure does. The savage violence and brutality is very World Eater-y, while the stealth aspects are a lot like how the Raven Guard operates.


You combine those two and what do you get....Night lords anyone?

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Going a bit off topis here but there were some loyalist iron warriors that survived the heresy but only about 4. In fact they were saved to help reinforce the emperor's palace against the best the traitors could throw against it. Their story is told in 'Iron Within' in 'Age of Darkness'.
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I think you have the wrong Badab war Chapter...


Space sharks are more heavily hinted at having ties to the the Weregeld and Corax's experiments on the Ravenguard Gene-seed. Their "bestial savagery" and gene-seed showing signs of degrading and suspected mutation resulting in their unique traits. They also have a lot of equipment a ships that date to the "heresy" and "early days of the great crusade" also hints that their founding may be in that era.


The Minotaurs however... Fit the bill much more neatly...they are stated as a force whose "ferocity and fury on the battlefield are all but unmatched" they were widely known as an "unpredictable", "unreliable", "almost berserker force". To top this off their Geneseed is labled as "Crimeric" meaning it is either from several sources or from one "prohibited" (suspected World Eater) source.

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Hey, just wonderin if anyone can give me any information on if there are any loyalist world eaters that are still fighting in the emperors name. Im trying find information because me and a friend are trying to make a joint force between two factions of battle brothers whose chapters are traitors but these re loyal. Him Iron Warriors me World eaters if any one could help itwould be much appreciated.



But, seriously, I'm inclined to believe that the Minotaurs, and probably Space Sharks too, are WE successors.

On an :woot: note,



:P From FW open day, 'parently

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Raven Guard weren't the only chapter with pale skin and dark eyes, the Death Guard were another.


Back in RT the Death Guards pre-heresy chapter badge was 6 lightning bolts radiating from a skull.


The IA article stylised this into a 6-pronged halo surrounding.


Bearing this in mind take a look at the seemingly inconsequential adornment on the chestplate of the Carcharadons supposed chapter master..

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