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What kind of terrain are hills?


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I played a game yesterday against a guy i had never played before and while i assumed he was like most people and counted hills as being only difficult terrain on steep parts (like ledges and sucks) and only give cover when you are behind the crest. he treated the entire hill as 4+ difficult area terrain. i did not bring it up as it was a friendly game and i did not want to get in a fight, however what is the actaully ruling for hills?
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Pg. 13 solves alot of your questions-


-clear terrain includes gentle hills.




- sometimes a peice of terrain has clearly defined edges..... You should discuss such terrain with your opponent before the game and agree exactly what everything counts as.....


So, in all likelyhood he was doing it wrong. At the very least he probly should have talked to you about it.

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Yeah discuss with people before you play :huh: A lot of people I've played with like to count hills as no cover (unless you are behind the crest) and only difficult if you are running up it... you know the whole I have the high ground thing :P


I'm not saying that is standard but however you play it (as it is in the BBB or homebrew) if you check with the person you are playing with to make sure you are all on the same page before you deploy... AKA is that building a normal 4+ cover save or is that building fortified and so a 3+?

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Pg. 13 solves alot of your questions-


-clear terrain includes gentle hills.




- sometimes a peice of terrain has clearly defined edges..... You should discuss such terrain with your opponent before the game and agree exactly what everything counts as.....


So, in all likelyhood he was doing it wrong. At the very least he probly should have talked to you about it.



Yep. Always discuss terrain before a game.


Generally I run hills as no cover, difficult only for the steep edges. If I want hills to be cover, I put trees on them and call them forests.

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I treat hills as open terrain for movement with no cover (unless you are BEHIND the crest, not ON the crest).

If I want hills with cover on them, then I have hills with shrubberies - but they count as difficult ground for crossing them.

I have another hill with steep sides (difficult ground) on the main approach and a path that zig-zags up the side (clear terrain) with a top composed of rockpiles which is always chosen for a firebase for a shooty unit for some reason. They have a choice to go-around to the easy access (and be shot at for another turn) or risk the climb.

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Yep. Always discuss terrain before a game.


Generally I run hills as no cover, difficult only for the steep edges. If I want hills to be cover, I put trees on them and call them forests.


We do the same. If the hill blocks line of site, then so be it. Otherwise, It's just a hill.


Slap a tree on it, it's now a thicket or something similar.


But ALWAYS discuss every single piece of terrain with your opponent.


1. Difficult terrain or clear?

2. Is this a building or a ruin?

3. Where are the firepoints/entry to this building?

4. How many models fit inside this building?

5. What is the boundary for this terrain?

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