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Shooty HG


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Ok so just a quick discussion regarding Dante and shooty units of HG (plasma or melta) right so basically I originally decided to get Dante and build a melta HG so I could use dantes pin point ability to get in and damage something major but after posting my list I was advised that Dante would be a waste of points and just a waste in general putting him with a shooty HG just to use his pin point DS but I know alot of people use him for this purpose... Ok so what else can Dante bring to the unit and is it worth the points to attach him to a shooty unit or is he best suited to a more choppy one instead? Any experiences using Dante in either shooty or choppy HG or any other unit I'd like to hear about as I really like the character and I want to use him but want to make sure I'm getting the most out of him but atthe same time I would prefer to blasting rather than chopping with him if possible as I already have my assault units sorted for the moment.
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Dante is worth every point. He is Precision Incarnate! Shooty HG or CC HG makes no difference. He allows you to put firepower or CC exactly where you need it. Hit & Run is invaluable. I run my Dante + HG like this:


(All have Jump Packs)


Chaplain w Infernus Pistol

2 HG w Infernus Pistols and PW's

2 HG with Meltaguns

Sang Novitiate

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I would have to agree, Dante is worth it. Mainly tactical strike and DOA will allow you to get him in where you want him, when you want him. Hit and run will let you brake combat when they get assaulted. and he has BS of 2+ meaning he will hit on a 2+ with a meta weapon. Also lets not mention his ability to nerf any independent character of your choosing. No matter weather you are ranged or CC he can be useful.
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Yeah I really wanna use him but that's why I am in two minds about using him in a melta HG squad because he is more of a cc character.
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Yeah I really wanna use him but that's why I am in two minds about using him in a melta HG squad because he is more of a cc character.


I dont think anyone here would disagree with you using him he is a good all around character. Just don't be afraid to pull him out and send him in solo if it means you will save your guys from CC for a round or two.

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So I can use hit and runt get the melta squad out then run back in with Dante to chop them up? And if this is the case can the melta guys pick another target too? Cos I thought they all had to attack the same target!
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Only if they stick with Dante. As an IC, he can go where he chooses when he chooses to do so. If he leaves the HG squad, they no longer benefit from Hit & Run and he'll no longer get the benefit of the Sang Novitiate, unless you keep him within 6" of Dante.
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In a DoA army, Dante is priceless. Don't forget you don't have to chose his squad until deployment, so you can attach him to RAS, VV, SG and HG squads, or even the death company as you see fit. I'm planning to run melta Honour Guard, jump Death Company and Sanguinary Guard in my army, so if I'm going against armour, I'll stick him in the honour guard and drop them behind something nice and valuable like a land raider. If you're facing something that isn't tank heavy, then you can drop him in with the sanguinary guard or death company and lay some serious hurt on without exposing these guys to too much shooting. One of the best combinations is with MC hunting Vanguard. Not only will the precision strike allow you to guarantee you'll be in assault range with heroic intervention, but his ability to nerf ICs will make Hive Tyrants and the like easy pickings.
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In a DoA army, Dante is priceless. Don't forget you don't have to chose his squad until deployment, so you can attach him to RAS, VV, SG and HG squads, or even the death company as you see fit. I'm planning to run melta Honour Guard, jump Death Company and Sanguinary Guard in my army, so if I'm going against armour, I'll stick him in the honour guard and drop them behind something nice and valuable like a land raider. If you're facing something that isn't tank heavy, then you can drop him in with the sanguinary guard or death company and lay some serious hurt on without exposing these guys to too much shooting. One of the best combinations is with MC hunting Vanguard. Not only will the precision strike allow you to guarantee you'll be in assault range with heroic intervention, but his ability to nerf ICs will make Hive Tyrants and the like easy pickings.


Sounds good... I run mech lists at the moment though, Dante and the melta HG would be the only units without transport!

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In a DoA army, Dante is priceless. Don't forget you don't have to chose his squad until deployment, so you can attach him to RAS, VV, SG and HG squads, or even the death company as you see fit. I'm planning to run melta Honour Guard, jump Death Company and Sanguinary Guard in my army, so if I'm going against armour, I'll stick him in the honour guard and drop them behind something nice and valuable like a land raider. If you're facing something that isn't tank heavy, then you can drop him in with the sanguinary guard or death company and lay some serious hurt on without exposing these guys to too much shooting. One of the best combinations is with MC hunting Vanguard. Not only will the precision strike allow you to guarantee you'll be in assault range with heroic intervention, but his ability to nerf ICs will make Hive Tyrants and the like easy pickings.

Heroic intervention doesn't work if an IC is attached, so no Dante/VV deep strike and charge.

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You can also use hit and run as a defensive tactic when pie plates are abound, charge them into a squad they can't kill in one turn to deny your opponent vindicator plates or nasty plasma weapons, then at the end of his cc phase, disengage from them and shoot something else on your turn.

Alternatively, (or in combination with the previous example), you'll be able to use hit and run as a slingshot when you wouldn't otherwise be able to get into melta range of the target you want. Here's what I'm thinking, say there's a tasty armored target just outside of your 18 inch charge arc (and therefore out of melta range as well) but there's a squad of somewhat squishy things nearby that IS in your charge arc. Charge them on your turn, on your opponents turn, use hit and run to disengage from the squishies and move (i think 2 or 3 d6) in any direction you want (again, on his turn) next turn your tasty target will very likely be within 18 inches of where ever you've positioned yourself, and you've probably put yourself in a position to either fist your way through the armor if it managed to survive your salvo or maybe gobble up whatever candies spill out of their transport-pinata.


Assuming I understand the rules for hit and run correctly, Dante will make your shooty honorgaurd more effective than the one-two punch of being recently bathed and well groomed. The ladies (or in your case enemy vehicles) love it.

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You can also use hit and run as a defensive tactic when pie plates are abound, charge them into a squad they can't kill in one turn to deny your opponent vindicator plates or nasty plasma weapons, then at the end of his cc phase, disengage from them and shoot something else on your turn.

Alternatively, (or in combination with the previous example), you'll be able to use hit and run as a slingshot when you wouldn't otherwise be able to get into melta range of the target you want. Here's what I'm thinking, say there's a tasty armored target just outside of your 18 inch charge arc (and therefore out of melta range as well) but there's a squad of somewhat squishy things nearby that IS in your charge arc. Charge them on your turn, on your opponents turn, use hit and run to disengage from the squishies and move (i think 2 or 3 d6) in any direction you want (again, on his turn) next turn your tasty target will very likely be within 18 inches of where ever you've positioned yourself, and you've probably put yourself in a position to either fist your way through the armor if it managed to survive your salvo or maybe gobble up whatever candies spill out of their transport-pinata.


Assuming I understand the rules for hit and run correctly, Dante will make your shooty honorgaurd more effective than the one-two punch of being recently bathed and well groomed. The ladies (or in your case enemy vehicles) love it.


This tactic will work very well in a shooting based army. Further more you can put the unit into combat with something week to avoid being shot at and and disengage before your about to shoot.


I thought Hit and Run was useable on the same turn I assaulted.


Hit and Run can be used on yours or his assault phase, however in most cases you do not want to leave assault on your phase because then he will most likely get the charge on you.

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Well they are a jump pack unit so with a good roll the unit could use Hit and Run to place themselves behind cover; ie a building or some such.

If the enemy wishes to consolidate then charge on their turn they would need to go around that cover. (Unless of course that unit is also a jump pack type)


Now I have a question regarding Dante and his weapon loadout.

He has the Axe Mortalis, a single handed master crafted power axe.

He also has an Infernus Pistol.

In his description it says that Dante has 4 attacks. But with him wielding to Close Combat Weapons does this mean he actually gets 5 attacks or still only 4?

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Well they are a jump pack unit so with a good roll the unit could use Hit and Run to place themselves behind cover; ie a building or some such.

If the enemy wishes to consolidate then charge on their turn they would need to go around that cover. (Unless of course that unit is also a jump pack type)


Now I have a question regarding Dante and his weapon loadout.

He has the Axe Mortalis, a single handed master crafted power axe.

He also has an Infernus Pistol.

In his description it says that Dante has 4 attacks. But with him wielding to Close Combat Weapons does this mean he actually gets 5 attacks or still only 4?


Yes, and if your like me you put him in your HG or SG with a banner giving him a total of 7 attacks on the charge. I don't know how many times I have had him put two wounds on a monstrous creature finishing him off before the thing even gets to hit. All I have to say 7 attacks + one re-role, + initiative 7 and strength 5 rocks demons boats, and i mean really rocks their boats. Further more hes rolling twos on the inferus pistol, I am usually causing an additional wound in the shooting phase or taking out a tank on the way in. I personally am convinced that he is a must have in any DOA army list. Oh and lets not forget that he does have a change ant turning the squad being assaulted into a bunch of wusses that can't hit. Now Astorath on the other hand has a two handed axe so you do not get to count the additional CC weapon for another attack.

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Would it be worth usin him with a choppy HG with a banner in a more mech orientated list? I love the idea of the 7 attacks generated on the charge!
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Would it be worth usin him with a choppy HG with a banner in a more mech orientated list? I love the idea of the 7 attacks generated on the charge!



It may not hurt, its a bad idea to think that you will never make it into CC. Personally however I would not bring sang Guard, People just get fixated on those gold things on the board and forget about everything else. If you do put them on the board don't expect to keep them long. A good idea might be to put HG with two meltas in it 1 PF or TH with a banner and one camp. Then if you have some extra points give them some SS so you can ie up monstrous creatures etc. This way you pop a tank on the want in with 3 x melta and you have a unit with high survivability and that is hard hitting at the same time.

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Yeah I've been thinking of a mixed unit with a couple of meltas and a couple of cc weapons like PF's of PW's.. I'm planning on making three different HG units anyway 4 x melta 4 x plasma 2 x cc weapon + banner + champ so I will be able to mix it up alot! See I'm planning on building up units within the army so I will have a large HG, a large DC and a big scout unit etc so I can pick my units from within a larger company within my overall army... It's all just dreams at the minute though as it'll take me a long time to build everything I want but I plan on not only building army lists but building a huge army that I can compile army lists from.
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Yeah I've been thinking of a mixed unit with a couple of meltas and a couple of cc weapons like PF's of PW's.. I'm planning on making three different HG units anyway 4 x melta 4 x plasma 2 x cc weapon + banner + champ so I will be able to mix it up alot! See I'm planning on building up units within the army so I will have a large HG, a large DC and a big scout unit etc so I can pick my units from within a larger company within my overall army... It's all just dreams at the minute though as it'll take me a long time to build everything I want but I plan on not only building army lists but building a huge army that I can compile army lists from.


It looks like you have a good start here, the only sugestion I have is that you put the PF/TH on the banner since it will already be one of the last peices you pull off the board.

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Yeah I've been thinking of a mixed unit with a couple of meltas and a couple of cc weapons like PF's of PW's.. I'm planning on making three different HG units anyway 4 x melta 4 x plasma 2 x cc weapon + banner + champ so I will be able to mix it up alot! See I'm planning on building up units within the army so I will have a large HG, a large DC and a big scout unit etc so I can pick my units from within a larger company within my overall army... It's all just dreams at the minute though as it'll take me a long time to build everything I want but I plan on not only building army lists but building a huge army that I can compile army lists from.


It looks like you have a good start here, the only sugestion I have is that you put the PF/TH on the banner since it will already be one of the last peices you pull off the board.


Yeah I will do... I have a vision of an honour guard section to my army so I'll have 10 HG, 3 novitate's, 1 banner bearer and a blood champion as well as another group which will be my own character's retinue which will be a counts as Seth with a counts as choppy HG! So technically I'll have 20 HG in my army. So, alot of possible variations.

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I've been thinking would it be good to have just two meltas and then have a fist and a hammer in there too and maybe the banner too (not sure if you can have the banner and say a fist) would this be any good? I'd like to have just enough melta to pop things then have the ability to assault too.
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I've been thinking would it be good to have just two meltas and then have a fist and a hammer in there too and maybe the banner too (not sure if you can have the banner and say a fist) would this be any good? I'd like to have just enough melta to pop things then have the ability to assault too.


Sure, that can work too. If you feel a bit frisky, put the hammer and fists on the guys with the melta guns and get some bodies to absorb krak and lascannons out of that. Or lose out horribly to being torrented by bolters (which shouldn't be that much of a problem with the built in FNP).

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