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Shooty HG


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Yeah I was thinking about doubling up and have both meltas and fists etc on all of them which led to the idea of making 'power bayonets' having a power sword bayonet on the end of my meltas! Would this be legal as long as I enclosed the price of both weapons into the points cost for the unit?
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Yeah I was thinking about doubling up and have both meltas and fists etc on all of them which led to the idea of making 'power bayonets' having a power sword bayonet on the end of my meltas! Would this be legal as long as I enclosed the price of both weapons into the points cost for the unit?


If I can see it and you spent the points, I call it legal. Just make them big enough to see clearly and point at them an extra time when they enter play. The obvious problem to your otherwise good idea, is that you game-wise would rather have a lightning claw than a p.w. That is a bit harder to represent as a bayonet.

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My favorite unit to run with Dante is as follows:


Sanguinary Priest: jump pack & power sword

Chaplain: jump pack & power fist

Sanguinary Guard: chapter banner, 2x infernus pistol & power fist


It's a lot of points but it hits just like a ton of bricks. You are rerolling all your attacks so they'll vaporize just about anything they charge. You've got three melter pistols so statistically they'll wreck/destroy any vehicle they target on the drop. I like to drop them some place safe then multi charge the next turn. It's just disgusting!


G :P

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My favorite unit to run with Dante is as follows:


Sanguinary Priest: jump pack & power sword

Chaplain: jump pack & power fist

Sanguinary Guard: chapter banner, 2x infernus pistol & power fist


It's a lot of points but it hits just like a ton of bricks. You are rerolling all your attacks so they'll vaporize just about anything they charge. You've got three melter pistols so statistically they'll wreck/destroy any vehicle they target on the drop. I like to drop them some place safe then multi charge the next turn. It's just disgusting!


G :)


I may have to try this some time, although i would probably run them with an HG instead to reduce some points. A chaplain would work well in my my anti monstrous creature unit that I have been working on.

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I was thinking about building a unit of SG as I'm buying the box for the angelus boltgun arms but I was thinking of using the winged jp's for my robed HG so I don't know yet.


I think they bayonet idea is a good way to get both weapons into the HG but like you said I'd rather have a fist or a claw, I'll squeeze atleast one of those in anyway, I really wanna increase their survivability and the chance to assault with Dante too.

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I've got a question regarding the the blood champion, does he have to keep his wargear or can it be changed? Also why have a blood champ, what does he bring?
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I've got a question regarding the the blood champion, does he have to keep his wargear or can it be changed? Also why have a blood champ, what does he bring?


He has fixed gear, and he brings WS5. Totally worth it for C.C honour guard, meh for ranged. But if you're taking an honour guard with a power weapon, might as well have him.

He also has an useless 6++ save.



thought I might add that I have no idea as to why he costs more points than in C:SM. Thanks Matt.

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Well my honour guard will be melta and cc so I'm gonna have 3 melta (4 if I don't take the champ) plus they will all have fists and stuff and I'm gonna have a banner so do you think I should have a blood champ? Does the novitiate have fixed gear too?
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Well my honour guard will be melta and cc so I'm gonna have 3 melta (4 if I don't take the champ) plus they will all have fists and stuff and I'm gonna have a banner so do you think I should have a blood champ? Does the novitiate have fixed gear too?

Yes, the Novitiate has fixed gear.

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I don't think the Blood Champion is worth his points for WS5. I'd rather use those points for a stormshield and lightning claw.


Here is my choppy build for HG:


jump packs & chapter banner


Honor Guard #1 - lightning claw & stormshield

Honor Guard #2 - lightning claw & stormshield

Honor Guard #3 - pair of lightning claws

Honor Guard #4 - thunderhammer & stormshield



I run them with an Epistolary - jump pack, hand flamer, Sanguine Sword and Unleash Rage. They all ride in a Stormraven with a Furioso (pair of Bloodfists and a heavy flamer). Again another combined unit that can vaporize just about anything they hit in close combat plus the stormshields help to protect them against Grey Knights with Nemesis force halberds.


G :devil:

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Well my honour guard will be melta and cc so I'm gonna have 3 melta (4 if I don't take the champ) plus they will all have fists and stuff and I'm gonna have a banner so do you think I should have a blood champ? Does the novitiate have fixed gear too?


My two current HG setups are HG(4 Plasma) and HG(Banner/TH/SS/JP, Champ JP, Priest JP, 2 x Flamer/SS/JP) if you wanted to use a similar list you could change the flamers for meltas for 10 points more. The goal of this list is to take down and tie up death star units. I put the flamers in because we have a lot of guys in my club that play Tyrnid's with genestealers. Just remember with this list you want to keep your furious charge up and if you can you want to multi assault to force your opponent to fail saving wounds.

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I don't think the Blood Champion is worth his points for WS5. I'd rather use those points for a stormshield and lightning claw.


Here is my choppy build for HG:


jump packs & chapter banner


Honor Guard #1 - lightning claw & stormshield

Honor Guard #2 - lightning claw & stormshield

Honor Guard #3 - pair of lightning claws

Honor Guard #4 - thunderhammer & stormshield



I run them with an Epistolary - jump pack, hand flamer, Sanguine Sword and Unleash Rage. They all ride in a Stormraven with a Furioso (pair of Bloodfists and a heavy flamer). Again another combined unit that can vaporize just about anything they hit in close combat plus the stormshields help to protect them against Grey Knights with Nemesis force halberds.


G :huh:


By that, you mean that you'd rather pay 20 points more. I assume you never use power weapons on V.V or Sargents as well, as if 20 points isn't worth it for a WS5 power weapon, it seems rather hard to justify 15 fpr a vs 4.



to 1Drop, I tihink you're spending a bit much on the squad as it looks now. Meltas banners and power weapons will end up at 250-300 points (with or without J.P), that's a bit rich for a squad with 3+ saves.


I'd like to point out that you WILL lose the novitate against halberds, and then you won't get furious charge for the rest of the squad.

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So if anyone would like to suggest a loadout to have both melta guns plus a banner and a cc punch which is more cost effective than my all out carnage loadout it would be appreciated.
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So if anyone would like to suggest a loadout to have both melta guns plus a banner and a cc punch which is more cost effective than my all out carnage loadout it would be appreciated.


I don't think there is a cost efficient version of such a unit. You don't really want meltaguns and banners, as those will remove an attack, unless using a lightning claw or fist. But then you don't wont a 45 point model with a 3+ save and no jump pack or transport included. I'd say you better go shopping for SG with inferno pistols.

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They will have jetpacks and I was initially building a melta HG to go with Dante but then I decided that to add some cc weapons into the mix would get more out of Dante! So do you think I should go with either melta or cc? If so I think I'll just build two separate HG units.. And by the way I will be running them in a mech list, this will be the only unit with jp's and they are basically there to drop in and annihilate the biggest threat to my SR's!
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If you want to make the HG a swiss army knife type unit then why not just magnet their arms? That way you can mix and match as you see fit. As far as mixing CC and Melta it might not be the best idea but you could try something like



Honor Guard - Melta gun / Storm Shield

Honor Guard - Melta gun / Storm Shield

Honor Guard - 2x Lightning Claws

Honor Guard - 2x Lightning Claws

Jump Packs

Chapter Banner


This squad is super expensive (315 points if my math is right), but is equal parts shooting and assault. You'd have 3 bolt pistol and 2 melta shots followed up by 13 normal attacks and 10 Lightning Claw attacks all at S/I5 on the charge. Not sure if this is exactly what you were looking for 1D, but I think despite it's prohibitive cost it strikes a decent balance. Plus as an added bonus you get to model two dual lightning claw veterans which are easily one of the coolest looking weapon combos available (in my book anyway). B)

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If you want to make the HG a swiss army knife type unit then why not just magnet their arms? That way you can mix and match as you see fit. As far as mixing CC and Melta it might not be the best idea but you could try something like



Honor Guard - Melta gun / Storm Shield

Honor Guard - Melta gun / Storm Shield

Honor Guard - 2x Lightning Claws

Honor Guard - 2x Lightning Claws

Jump Packs

Chapter Banner


This squad is super expensive (315 points if my math is right), but is equal parts shooting and assault. You'd have 3 bolt pistol and 2 melta shots followed up by 13 normal attacks and 10 Lightning Claw attacks all at S/I5 on the charge. Not sure if this is exactly what you were looking for 1D, but I think despite it's prohibitive cost it strikes a decent balance. Plus as an added bonus you get to model two dual lightning claw veterans which are easily one of the coolest looking weapon combos available (in my book anyway). ;)


I like it, I like it alot but I have a question regarding the claws.. I am yet to get one for a power armoured model and I'm not sure where to get them! :( although I do have terminator ones so I'm thinking a conversion might be possible!?


Ps.. Who would have the banner?

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If you want to make the HG a swiss army knife type unit then why not just magnet their arms? That way you can mix and match as you see fit. As far as mixing CC and Melta it might not be the best idea but you could try something like



Honor Guard - Melta gun / Storm Shield

Honor Guard - Melta gun / Storm Shield

Honor Guard - 2x Lightning Claws

Honor Guard - 2x Lightning Claws

Jump Packs

Chapter Banner


This squad is super expensive (315 points if my math is right), but is equal parts shooting and assault. You'd have 3 bolt pistol and 2 melta shots followed up by 13 normal attacks and 10 Lightning Claw attacks all at S/I5 on the charge. Not sure if this is exactly what you were looking for 1D, but I think despite it's prohibitive cost it strikes a decent balance. Plus as an added bonus you get to model two dual lightning claw veterans which are easily one of the coolest looking weapon combos available (in my book anyway). ;)


Better to go melta and L.C x2 and L.C and S.S x 2. More attacks, same points.

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Yeah but the model still has to actually hold it although they can still have two weapons, what I'm saying is how would I model both weapon and shield and have the banner also?
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Yeah but the model still has to actually hold it although they can still have two weapons, what I'm saying is how would I model both weapon and shield and have the banner also?


Have the meltagun attached to his person rather than to an arm, using for example the bolter-strap from the death company box. Or gluing it to that area above his ass. Seriously.

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Cool, thanks for that.. Also the only way I'm gonna get all these claws is to convert some terminator ones, you got any advice on doing that, like what arms to use to connect the claw to etc?
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Cool, thanks for that.. Also the only way I'm gonna get all these claws is to convert some terminator ones, you got any advice on doing that, like what arms to use to connect the claw to etc?


This sort of depends on what model you're using. The new S.G and D.C don't feel that much off just having a terminator arm attached to them, as lightning claws were always huge for power armored marines anyway. There are also space wolf claws and commander sprue claws up on eBay. 4 would cost 4-6 quid.

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