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Shooty HG


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The banner could also be represented as a back banner, nothing says it has to be the full length banner. Alternately you could model the banner on a seperate base and just move it along with the model who's holding it.


Captain Blood is right above that giving each member of the HG a single Lightning Claw is actually better because you get more PW attacks, but you miss out on the cool dual claw model. It boils down to preference I guess.


I've had some moderate success with modifying assault termy lightning claws into PA lightning claws. Basically what I do is cut the lightning claw glove right above where the arm would go into the glove and cut the hose away from the shoulder part of the terminator arm. This should leave you with a piece that is the claw and the hose only. From there I take a spare arm (usually a bolter arm that I have piles of from DC boxes) and cut the arm just below the lower part of the elbow armor. From there it's just a matter of gluing/greenstuffing the claw onto the arm in a pose you like. If you accidental cut the power cable for the claw be sure and save both halves so you can reattach it later. Fairly easy to do even for a greenstuff novice like myself and once painted the reults are actually pretty decent. I've only finished one so far but I have a few more planned.

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Yeah but the model still has to actually hold it although they can still have two weapons, what I'm saying is how would I model both weapon and shield and have the banner also?


I built my banner holder with a plasma gun slung over his shoulder on a strap made of green stuff.

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Ok thanks for the help bro's, I'm pretty confident I can pull of the lightning claw conversions. I don't have any green stuff yet but I have been meaning to buy some for ages now but it probably would be good to have for this job to fill in gaps and stuff although if I'm careful I could probably do it with just glue.


As far as the banner goes I'm gonna use the sang guard banner and put a strap onto one of the meltas and have it over the banner dudes shoulder!


I also like the idea of having 2 claws on one of the models, I'll decide what I'm going to do when I have got the rest of the bits for this project... The end result will be the robed DA vets painted up with golden power armour and scab red robes with the winged jump packs from the sang guard kit and melta guns, powerclaws, shields and the banner... I'm really looking forward to making these and what they will look like in the end.... Another thing I was thinking was using the DA vets shield that has a winged figure in a robe as this is exactly what the unit will look like, I k ow it's DA iconography but I think it'll be fine... What do you think?

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