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Vanguard Veterans


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So my question Is are there only the metal vanguard vets? becuase buying them static is going to be expensive as opposed to buying the box of 5. And when you get the box of 5 they all have things on them i don't want. Any advice on either how to convert another model for it or something i can kitbash onto then to make then not so bad? Thanks in advance.
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As far as official models go the boxed set (or individual versions of those from the boxed set) are pretty much it. There's a mail order only Blood Angel one but that's about it.

The good news is they're easy conversions/kit-bashes. Remember they're basically assault marines with a few extra spangly bits to show they've been arond for a while. It's up to you what you use. My Angel Sanguine VV use Sanguinary Guard bodies with regular heads, arms and weapons, painted normally but with extra gold and/or white trim. You can apply a lot of that to most chapters, just go through all those spare little bits, purity seals, grenades etc that you might have lying about and make them look a bit more kitted out than a regular marine.



These are the templar swordbrethren, some templar iconography but also excellent for vanguard marines.


If you want your own loadouts you are better off pimping up plastics.


All the metal models are one solid piece for the most part, the sword brethren above, are 1 chainsword marine with bolt pistol glued on, one power sword marine with bolt pistol glued on, 2 boltpistol marines with chainswords glued on, lc marine is one solid piece. The spearate weapons are separated at the wrist(so hand and weapon is glued to the wrist). Not sure how many pieces the other models listed above are, answer might be in the sprue collection picture thread.

Like RebG said, the only official VV models are all metal, but the weapons options for each can all be found in plastic, and you'll be able to create a much more customizable force if you use the plastics. I recently made my own VV out of assault marines, and used weapons from various kits - mostly bits from the Death Company box that didn't have too much Blood Angels iconography, but there's some Sanguinary Guard shoulders, Black Templar helmets, and some other pieces. The only metal part I used was the right lightning claw, which is from a metal veteran model. It was a separate piece too, so no cutting was required. Check 'em out here if you're interested. The poses aren't as dramatic as the metal VV, which are really nice models, but with a little GS, they can be as ornate, and these will be a lot more flexible tactically.


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