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Why do Forgeworld sell this?


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Hi guys, sorry if this isn't the place for this...


Forgeworld sell http://www.forgeworld.co.uk/Warhammer-4000...MPLETE-KIT.html. A Multi-Melta Razorback.


WHY??? Such a thing doesn't exist right? Not in our codex nor the vanilla codex.


More to the point, why is there not a Heavy Flamer razorback around when we can take them??



I'm severely confuddled by it all :-/

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1. Forgeworld make whatever models they feel like, they're a private company that simply has the right to make minis based on warhammer and warhammer 40k.


2. Because Games Workshop doesn't bother making models for every option. Try getting assault cannon turrets ;)

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Oh, so ForgeWorld != Games Workshop ? I didn't realise that. Apologies to ForgeWorld :-).


I only noticed this thing because I was looking for Assault Cannon turrets. The cannons from the LR:Redeemer are bigger than the Baal's own cannons.

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Forge World rules allow them


Forgeworld rules allow a twinlinked multimelta. :D


Pretty sure that multimeltas were a choice for 'nillas in 4th.


Checked up on this and I was wrong. It was 3rd that allowed them.

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Because logic and rationality has no place in any Games Workshop owned company's release policies.


See 'Thunderwolf Cavalry', 'TL Assault Cannon turrets'....


Flamer, Las/Plas turrets want to say hello too. ;) Also half the new Tyranid units.

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Because logic and rationality has no place in any Games Workshop owned company's release policies.


See 'Thunderwolf Cavalry', 'TL Assault Cannon turrets'....


Flamer, Las/Plas turrets want to say hello too. ;) Also half the new Tyranid units.


The las/plas was the original razorback, avaliable before the birth of many ( ok, a few) posters on this forum... ;) I for one think it's great of GW to still support models now decades old.

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Forge World rules allow them


Forgeworld rules allow a twinlinked multimelta. :D


Presumably a typo in the update PDF (the first version forgot the multimelta completely) - the actual book had just a single one.

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More to the point, why is there not a Heavy Flamer razorback around when we can take them??


Such is the way of GW. At least we aren't missing wholesale units like Thunderwolf Cavalry or Fenrisian Wolves. I have some tutorials on my blog if you just want to convert your own. Here's some links:


Twin-linked Assault Cannon: http://dedard.blogspot.com/2010/04/blood-a...ons-part-3.html

Twin-linked Heavy Flamer: http://dedard.blogspot.com/2011/01/liber-s...converting.html

Lascannon and Twin-linked Plasmagun: http://dedard.blogspot.com/2011/01/convert...win-linked.html

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Forge World rules allow them


Forgeworld rules allow a twinlinked multimelta. :P


Presumably a typo in the update PDF (the first version forgot the multimelta completely) - the actual book had just a single one.


I don't think it's a typo. A lot of FW's stuff got more powerful with the update.

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As others have said the las/plas is simply supporting a model that isn't available anymore for nostalgia's sake.


Forgeworld are a sister company to GW, they're owned by the same guys and there's a lot of crossover, but they don't co-ordinate their releases with the studio. Forgeworld have always been very clear that they're not just going to do 'gap fillers' for codex entries without official models yet. They exist to do the cool stuff that GW doesn't have time for, like new vehicle variants, titans, conversion packs and (until lately) flyers and super-heavies. Many forge world items have been so popular they've made a crossover for instance Baneblades, Drop Pods and those two man Tau skimmers I can't recall the name of.


The last time Forge World did 'gap fillers' was when they released the conversion sets just after the release of the new rhino, to allow people to make rhino-chasis tanks with the new model, despite the Vindicator, Razorback and Whirlwind being many years away. The razorback variants were part of this, and were kept available after the plastic model was released. At the time there was no heavy flamer option, but the multi-melta was available.

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The fact GW do not make available in any way the Las/Plas turret or the TL AC turret is just daft though. Same as the ThunderWolf Cav. Just makes people spend money elsewhere or not at all.
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