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New Blood Angels Player - Nipple Men or Angry Men


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So I want to make a themed army but I want it to be competitive. I want to know how good a sanguinary blob army is, or a death company army. When I first started off, I was looking for an elite army, the sanguinary guard are pretty elite cost wise. Would an army supplemented by dante with honor guard and the sanguinor in the middle of 5 squads of 5 sanguinary guard with chapter banners (5 attacks on the charge each!) be advisable. It would seem like a really fun army to play, the only downside I see is that they dont have invulnerables and are still just T4 with 1W.



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So I want to make a themed army but I want it to be competitive... the sanguinary guard are pretty elite cost wise. Would an army supplemented by dante with honor guard and the sanguinor in the middle of 5 squads of 5 sanguinary guard with chapter banners (5 attacks on the charge each!) be advisable. It would seem like a really fun army to play, the only downside I see is that they dont have invulnerables and are still just T4 with 1W.




First off, Only 1 unit can have a chapter banner.

Second - dont take an honour guard, Vanguard veterans work better for you here, since they have Heroic Intervention and this will save your Sang Guard from some hits if/when they deep strike in.


If you want to do an army of Sang Gurad, you're probably looking at something along the lines of a majority of Jump Troops, often refered to as a Descent of Angels (DoA) list.


I'd suggest something along these lines -


Sanguinor (not neccessary, but the extra attack bubble and Sanguinors Blessing can come in handy)


2 or 3 Sang Priests (attach 1 to the unit of Sang Guard Dante is with, the other 2 try and put them with units where they can cover most of your army with their Blood Chalice effect)


2+ Sang Guard Squads - give them 1 or 2 meltapistols, maybe a single powerfist in each squad (as a minimum I'd suggest 1 in every other squad). the squad with Dante gets the Chapter Banner.


1 or 2 Vanguard Veteran squads (these guys must not have any Sang Priests attached to them, you want a power weapon or 2 in them, a Power Fist/Thunderhammer for dealing with vehicles/MC's/Dreadnoughts, they need to have jump packs and possible a couple of storm shields if points allow)


Use DoA rules to try and get as much of your army to come in on the same turn as possible, you will want those Vang Vets to use HI to attack the most deadly threats to your Sanguinary Guard who are deep-striking in and thus cant charge and are vulnerable to shooting and being swamped in assault. Pin units in place who might attempt to swamp your SG, use your VVs to take out units liek Crisis/Broadside Suits, Long Fangs, SM devastators or Vindicators, that sort of thing. Then , next turn, look to be charging with every unit you got ion the board. Importatnly, if there are any hiddne power weapons/fists in the squads you charge, you need to wipe out that squad since you cant afford to let them hit you (you have too few models to risk it).

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So I want to make a themed army but I want it to be competitive. I want to know how good a sanguinary blob army is, or a death company army. When I first started off, I was looking for an elite army, the sanguinary guard are pretty elite cost wise. Would an army supplemented by dante with honor guard and the sanguinor in the middle of 5 squads of 5 sanguinary guard with chapter banners (5 attacks on the charge each!) be advisable. It would seem like a really fun army to play, the only downside I see is that they dont have invulnerables and are still just T4 with 1W.





Dante and a sanguinary guard army are a pretty cool army. You'll need quite a few priests however (aim for 3 or 4) , as your Sanguinary guard will need the furiois charge and feel no pain as correctly pointed out by you , you're only T4 with one wound. You'll also need dedicated anti-tank for when you do deepstrike in. Honor guard are a great choice for this , as well as getting more feel no pain and furious charge bubbles onto the table. (Thanks to the sanguinary novitate) Taking 3 melta guns in an honor guard is a great way for killing tanks.


As for a good anti-tank set-up with good combat abilities on a sanguinary guard squad I'd recommend , 1 powerfist and 2 infernous pistol. It lets you shoot some tanks and it lets you engage vehicles and monstrous creatures if needs be.

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sry, have not much time. Short answer:

Play the angry men. Death Company is great and fun. The difference lays in the way you go into a battle. Sanguinary Guard are elite troops, they need to success to feel right, DC on the other hand are mad guys bringing the pain, not the victory. So even if you lose, you didnt expect anything. Win win situation.

DC is pure fun.

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sry, have not much time. Short answer:

Play the angry men. Death Company is great and fun. The difference lays in the way you go into a battle. Sanguinary Guard are elite troops, they need to success to feel right, DC on the other hand are mad guys bringing the pain, not the victory. So even if you lose, you didnt expect anything. Win win situation.

DC is pure fun.


Yah they would seem like fun, the only problem is death company only come 5 to a box and are pretty expensive if I want to make an entire army of them!!

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I think a flying DC force is an amazing idea, 10 DC to a stormraven plus a DC dreadnought and a chaplain in each too (astorath and lemartes in two and a regular chappy in the other) so thats 30 DC (without jp's) astorath, lemartes, a chaplain, 3 DC dreadnoughts and three stormravens... Sounds like a pretty awesome army to me, three black SR'S full of black power armoured mad men. This would work extremely well against against daemons and nids and such but not so well against say mech guard! I think though you would ravage most army's, even if they gun one raven down before it hits them the other two will make it and I bet it won't be long till the occupants of the crashed vessel reach something squishy.


I'm gonna do this myself but with 20 DC and 2 ravens, might even upgrade to 3 if it works really well for me!

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true. though rember that in 2 of the missions unless you table an opponent the best you can do is draw as death copany dont score... saying that both kits are awsome. personally id vote go golden wing first. or buy one of each kit and play with them. and try a small game uising both. if you like dc more use the sanguard to make characters, if you like the sanguard more use the death co to make vanguard. win win. and youll have bits for customisation etc tooas if you have lots of either kit youll want a bit of extra differentation somewhere in the models...
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You could run a SG and DC army, so SG for the core and for scoring and DC to just hammer and annihilate your opponent so really you will have a SG army but still have a death company and if you build up your DC more and more you could have full blown DC battles with opponents for fun with no objectives, just try and table each other! Me myself I have a mech BA army but I'm building a DC army as part of my 4th company mech but will play with my DC section for fun and just annihilation probably just with my bro or anyone else that just wants to play fun game and try and table each other.
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You could run a SG and DC army, so SG for the core and for scoring and DC to just hammer and annihilate your opponent so really you will have a SG army but still have a death company and if you build up your DC more and more you could have full blown DC battles with opponents for fun with no objectives, just try and table each other! Me myself I have a mech BA army but I'm building a DC army as part of my 4th company mech but will play with my DC section for fun and just annihilation probably just with my bro or anyone else that just wants to play fun game and try and table each other.


DC / SG army? Now that would look epic (though not much reddish)...Black and gold, awesome!

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