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Angels Sanguine theories


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Well, as an Angels Sanguine player, I have my theories. There's no definite answer but these are my favourites:


1. The Rage shows physical symptoms as well as psychological for the chapter, something they wish to keep hidden


2. It's a religious thing, marines are wierd like that.


3. Faceless warriors are more intimidating


4. The C.S. Goto short story from Inferno tells of how the population of their homeworld Baal Trine suffers from high instances of mutation. Maybe the chapter themselves show signs of this and wish to conceal it.


5. They're the only chapter sensible enough to all wear the highly advanced armour they've been given without all their senior officers leaving their heads exposed.


6. Rule of Cool

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Some nice theories AGPO I myself thought that its possible for them to have vampiric like features or mutations and another possible one which I was told was that they all might have identical features to that of Sanguinius himself therefore want to keep it hidden but this theory is perhaps a little too far fetched but then again we all have our opinions so thanks for the help and about puttin it on the wrong side ive been told that before but since ive not long joined im not quite sure what you mean or how to put it on the right side. Thanks again for all the help.
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Cheers, I'll be putting some more stuff up tonight/tomorrow. Keep an eye on it and post some comments there if you like. Can always do with more plugging :HQ:
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Just my take on it, but maybe they are hiding/protecting themselves from the sun? Wouldn't be the first time that GW has played up to the BA's and successors vampiric nature...........
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