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Looking for parts...

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I regularly post here on the B&C and yet I haven't read the rules on selling and trading.

Therefore my post has been edited by those wicked mods.


Apologies for openning a post and asking for assistance on parts and asking for trades etc, I had forgotten that that was against the rules on here.

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I honestly hope your joking about calling the mods wicked and that they treat the members on this board like children because there not wicked and I've never seen them treat anyone on this board like a child in the five years I've been a member here.
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Apologies for the foul mood, just found out i've broken my toe... that would explain my bad mood for most of the day.


Do you have a link to bits&kits? I'm looking for parts that look like the Bloodcrusher collar or something similar. I don't know if there is some sort of plastic tubing with the same diametre or such... Does anyone have any other ideas?

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I'd be in a foul mood too if I had a broken my toe though I'm surprised you didn't notice it sooner broken bones aren't pleasant feeling.


Also here is the bits and kits link you wanted: Bits and Kits


You might be able to just make a collar out of part of a tank cupola from one of the vehicle kits with a little work then possibly glue spikes to it not sure how well it would work since they might not be big enough unless you glued two of these together end to end:Spiked Half Cupola


Edit: Adding idea that just struck me.

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