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The Grey Knights of eBay


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Hi. I haven't really posted much of the interwebs, but thought you guys would want to check out some GK I've painted. Comments are welcome, and suggestions for the future are appreciated. Don't have these models anymore as they've all been shipped. Thanks!






















There's a million more, but i'm getting to lazy to copy pasta anymore. will post more later.

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You're freehand is brilliant dude! Great job.


However, the silver it's on lets it down a little. I think this could use some more depth to it, maybe some shading and a light blue wash would really make them pop.

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That free hand is BRUTAL! I love it!


I think Koran is right though, the silver needs a little something more. However, I'm not so great at giving metallics depth either and it's particularly hard on big surfaces like on vehicles. Best solution I've got my self is really heavy badab black washes, but that may or may not be a way of doing it you like. It might not be so suited such a clean scheme, so take it for what it's worth.

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As everyone above has said, amazing freehand work. Great reproductions of the banner art in the codex as well.

Also, the armor does seem to lack some definition which, judging by your free hand skill, isn't beyond your skill in the slightest. ;)


A little black wash just in the joints and a lighter silver along edges would make them pop, and details like the holes in bolters and bored out barrels would bring it all together.


Truly inspiring work, I'm trying to decide between GK and SW termies as a side project atm, you've just shifted the decision in the Paladins direction. :tu:

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man i need to check this site more often. thanks for the replies. The boltgun color is really terrible in the photos. Since i've painted these I built myself a lightbox, but now the models themselves are all gone.

for the boltgun color I:



50-50 Black/brown and pledge supershine wash


50-50 boltgun and Alclad II

Alclad II


These were aweful to paint, usually i like to airbrush, but i'm wary of putting metallics in there, afraid i'll break my stuff.


Thanks for the comments on the freehand, it's really enjoyable to paint. If you're interested in a tutorial I could try to throw something together, but it mostly comes down to a couple years of art school (don't do this), and a ton of patience

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