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Sternguard heavy flamers


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Hi all,


I want to try making a veteran with a heavy flamer togo in my sternguard squad. I'm pretty sure i saw an awesome version of this somewhere on the forum but my search-fu has failed me. Does anyone have any ideas/links they could help me out with.


Many thanks,


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you can always add flamer bits onto other heavy weapons, i've seen other people find success cutting off the barrels of heavy bolters and multimeltas with varying degrees of success, but if you go the heavy bolter rout you'll need to convert the ammo feed into something else. I tried using the plasma cannons... they'll need a lot more work than the other two, unfortunately.
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I used the Dev squad Multi-Melta, cut it off at the melta barrel and replaced it with the nozzle from the IG Sentinel Heavy Flamer (as that's what i had to hand) although the Land speeder one would work too.


I like the overly large barrel on the backpack and think the hoses work really well.

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How about the Flamer looking thing (??Incinerator??) from the grey knights PA box? As an added bonus, if you buy the box you get a pile of force hoods and weapons and the other heavy weapons. I am planning to use the two psycannons as heavy bolters and take the end off the psylencer and replace it with a multimelta barrel to have an underslung multi-melta.



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How about the Flamer looking thing (??Incinerator??) from the grey knights PA box? As an added bonus, if you buy the box you get a pile of force hoods and weapons and the other heavy weapons. I am planning to use the two psycannons as heavy bolters and take the end off the psylencer and replace it with a multimelta barrel to have an underslung multi-melta.




Now that's a top idea! I'm doing two plastic librarians, so the GK bitz would go down very well. Thanks for the thought brother.

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I bought a Power Armor GK box over the weekend for some plastic Librarians I'm working on and the Incinerator would indeed work very well for a heavy flamer, just green stuff in some of the inquisition looking bits and add in some BA stuff and you're in business.
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I have a question in regards to Sternguard but not about heavy flamers.


In the codex it says Any model can replace their boltgun with a combi melta for 5 points.

Is that 5 points per model or 5 points for all upgrades to combi melta?

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I have a question in regards to Sternguard but not about heavy flamers.


In the codex it says Any model can replace their boltgun with a combi melta for 5 points.

Is that 5 points per model or 5 points for all upgrades to combi melta?

per model.

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I was thinking per model otherwise yes, it would be plain awesome.

There is an entry for 2 models to change out their boltguns to a multi-melta and other various weapons options that says X ammounts of points -per model-, that's what made it confusing for me. Thanks for clearing it up for me JamesI

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Hi all,


I want to try making a veteran with a heavy flamer togo in my sternguard squad. I'm pretty sure i saw an awesome version of this somewhere on the forum but my search-fu has failed me. Does anyone have any ideas/links they could help me out with.


Many thanks,



Here is the pair that I made. I used the lascannon figure, cut off the barrel, and added the heavy flamer bit from my baneblade (since I made my baneblade with heavy bolters). I hope that helps.



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AngryJohnny's method:

My Sternguard were pretty easy. They're all plastic bits from various SM kits. They were a little pricey though, I had to bits order all of the torsos & banners and various other bits. I think in all this squad cost me over $125.00, but I think it was worth it.

1. The torsos for all of them are from the SM Company Champion.

2. The heads are from various boxes, I chose the heads because of the targeting device, the Sergeants head is from the Devastator box I believe.

3. The combat blades are from the Tactical Squad boxes, I had a lot of chain sword arms that I hadn't used so I just chopped off the chain swords an attached the combat blades

4. The backpack decorations are the banner topper removed from several of the banners the Sergeant is wearing.

5. The Bolters are all standard Bolters with a scope attached to them. I would have used the Umbra-Ferrox pattern Bolters had they been available at the time I made this squad. I still might use them...

6. The rest of the marines are standard Tactical Marine bits with a few purity seals added here & there.

7. Their shoulders are from the IF/CF Tactical Pack (Not pictured as they hadn't arrived at the time of the pictures.)

8. The Heavy Flamers are Multi-Melta's from the Devastators with the melta nozzle removed and replaced by the Terminator Heavy Flamer nozzle.




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That's an awesome idea for the heavy flamer, now all I need is some terminator heavy flamers and it's all systems go.
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