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Death company movemment


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Ok so the Rage rule in the book states that in the movement phase a unit with Rage must move as fast as possible towards the closest enemy in line of site.


dose the mean DIRECTLY at the enemy or can the unit tac sideways?

I.E move towards the enemy unit but at an angle as to seek cover or embark onto a transport


Dose every model in the unit have to move at the enemy or dose the unit just have to move its full distance towards the enemy unit.

I.E. if one member (the closest) moves 6" at the enemy unit then the enraged unit has in fact moved full distance towards the closest enemy but the rest of the models may move however they want as long at they remain in coheasion with the model that moved that the model that moved was the closest model to the target unit.


Note that un the fall back rules it states that EACH MODEL un the unit falls back DIRECTLY to the table edge. There is no mention of each model or directly in the rage rule phrasing which lead me to think that possibly these two loop holes exist in the rage rules and allow some minor flexability. For instance you could still move the unit directly 6" toward the closest enemy but as long as you maintained coheasion other members could shift in another direction to get within charge range of a differant unit or perhaps make a differant unit the closest to when you ran in the shooting phase you could run in a differant direction. It would be a somewhat accurate representation of a blob of Madmen lashing out in differant directions and I beleave the wording in the rage rules dose not prohibit this.


As for the question about moving Directly towards the enemy that is debateable as well since the unit could move at full speed toward the enemy while sidestepping to take advantage of partial cover or to embark onto an available transport to speed them to battle ever the quicker. It dose not say Directly towards the enemy it just says full speed towards so as long as the unit ends its movement closer to that unit and has moved its full movement I feel they have fullfilled their obligation.



Perhaps I am mad and am just seeing what I want to in the rules but the loopholes do exist. These questions came up in a game this weekend and neither me nor my opponent could see a problem with sidestepping to embark on a transport as long as it was closer to the nearest enemy than the squad was when the squad moved. as for the other issue I read that somewhere but wasn't sure that it was true so I thought I would make the case for it here and see what people thought. Mostly I am interested in the embarking in a transport without a couple dudes no being able to make it because they are running directly towards an enemy and don't notice the other 80% of the squad that are jumping back into the storm raven to get there quicker.


I tried to search around for the answer but couldn't find solid info

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You can try to find loopholes, but I always move the unit the full 6" in a straight line towards the nearest enemy. I'll usually sidestep a little if it means they don't have to run through dangerous terrain. If they roll a '1', it ain't the fastest way, so I always try to get as close as possible to the enemy without risking being stuck. Sometimes it might be better to get stuck in the terrain, but I still run around it.


If you want to embark on a transport, move it to the position the DC will end up after the movement phase, and then get onboard. Or get the transport in the way of the DC, if they can't see the enemy when they are to move, they don't have to run towards them.


Because there ain't no rule that declares that they have to move first of all units is there?


Playing with DC in an effective way takes some planning and some luck. But it a crazy load of fun to play DC! :HQ:

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