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Green Blood angel successor


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I would really like to have green marines as it is my favorite color and I really hate painting red. I was thinking about playing salamanders and using the blood angels codex but many people here on the board don't like that idea. If you guys don;t think that is a terrible idea than I might go with that.


Please do not tell me to move to a new codex or something similar I started warhammer about a month before this codex came out and was my first purchase and love it.


Any name ideas would be greatly appreciated!

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Hey mate, there's nothing wrong with you making up your own chapter and doing them up any colour you like!



I myself don't really like the "red marine" look and am also thinking of making up my own chapter.



If you make a bit of a back story up for the chapter then a name coud well be forthcoming... Think about what you want from your Green Marines, are they noble warriors or perhaps blood crazed mentalists. Why are they in existence? Do they have a homeworld? Stuff like that :-)

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Well the Lamenters are yellow so why not a green successor.


I personally wouldn't have an issue with you using any codex you like to represent your army, just make sure it's clear to your opponent and you stay consistent. E.g. don't use two identically painted and modelled squads, and call one death company and the other sanguinary guard.

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You are always able to play with your army how you like, that's the beauty of our hobby. To be honest, you should try playing with both codices before settling on one, but when it comes to painting you're free to color them as you please.
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Ok to fit into the background of Warhammer 40k, they can not be a 2nd founding Chapter.


But other than that you can be very free with what you do. They can be a recent Chapter founded using the BA gene seed. They can be close to the BA or have no contact at all. They can be a descendent of another chapter entirely but follow the combat doctrine of the BA. Perhaps they were 'gifted' one or 2 of the BA special vehicles after a particularly valiant and noble supporting role alongside the BA in a recent campaign.


There's room to explain away many things in the 40k background.


What colour you paint their armour is generally very easy to cover. Just no 2nd founding Chapters, they'd have to be new. You can make any name you like.


To be honest, if you start your own entirely new Chapter with new name and scheme and history, you can feasibly use ANY space marine codex to represent the different fighting forces of your new Green Marines if you get bored of using the Blood Angels codex down the line in a few years.

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Green is also my favourite colour but I love the colour of my BA recipe! It's like in real life really green in my favourite colour but I suite the colour red more (like red tshirts) but yeah BA have green eyes so I get a little bit of green and I love it.. Would be cool if we had a unit type with green helmets too, maybe tacticals with green helmets although I don't really use tac marines ;) I want some green something, hmmmm.
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I want some green something, hmmmm.


If you use grenades on your marines' belts you could paint those green. With the eyes, grenades and your 4th coy markings in the natural contrast to red then you'd have a strong presence whilst still being instantly recognisable as BA.


To OP - The Salamanders wouldn't be an ideal choice to use the BA dex in my opinion. They are portrayed with a much different combat style. I'd recommend that creating your own green chapter may be a better option. DIY chapters are great!

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I want some green something, hmmmm.


If you use grenades on your marines' belts you could paint those green. With the eyes, grenades and your 4th coy markings in the natural contrast to red then you'd have a strong presence whilst still being instantly recognisable as BA.


To OP - The Salamanders wouldn't be an ideal choice to use the BA dex in my opinion. They are portrayed with a much different combat style. I'd recommend that creating your own green chapter may be a better option. DIY chapters are great!


Yeah I could add some grenades.. Another think I was thinking was green glowing weapons of some description, I like to do my force weapons necron abyss, enchanted blue and ice blue with a bit of White so what weapons could I do green, maybe power weapons?

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Personally I am not a fan of portraying a Salamanders army with Codex BA and whilst the idea of a Green successors army to the BA does not appeal to me it is your choice and it certainly could work. Even the fluff supports it. As many have said the Lamenters are yellow and there are the Blood Knights who are steel and red.

Anyway it is an open hobby and of course you can do it!

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A dark green and red scheme would look awesome!!! One of my old chapters was a made up one, I miss my boys :)


Dark angel green and scab red with some black would look really good I think.. Personally I'd like a DA green and some dark purple, that would look sweet!

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you can do a green BA army. however if you say they are salamanders, you need to remember some people will think you are using the genaric space marine dex so just let your opponent know you are using BA dex. or you can just make a successor that happens to have green armor. like......Angels of (insert planet name here) or Blood Lizards or something to that effect.
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You could say that they are a BA sucsesor that was born from the 4th company as they have a green blood drop on their right shoulder... 'Adamantite Angels'
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Green sucessor? Well, entirely green is a bit too much i think but...


Green/Red sucessor?




I say go for it. And fluffwise? Well, Baal System is a barren nuclear wasteland. But is it WHOLE like that? Imagine a single last little green and growing moon or planet near Baal, only oasis of life in the red destruction of the system. And also a great excuse to make the sucessor green/red...Awesome in my eyes, Angels from last place of unchained life in the system, wearing green to honour their homeworld...Yum.

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I plan on having the models green and black but will definitely have some kind of red there as well. I am glad the members of the blood angel section don't seem to mind as much as other places. I might just go with Salamanders as they are almost the exact thing I want. I understand that they are more of a close range firefight type of army but if their symbol is a dragon wouldn't they like to strap on a jump pack every now and then?


I dont really care about fluff for the most part. I love reading it and all but I am mainly in the hobby for painting and battling and when painting red makes me angry it destroys half the hobby nearly for me. I played around on sm painter for a couple of hours but though I know red and green are complimentary colors or whatever they just look weird together. Does anyone know why?


I have used the other dex but I just am not as comfortable with it and dont know it nearly as well. Also I feel that the Vulcan drop lists are way to common and I dont like to be viewed as a band wagoner. Though people might think that I am because the ba dex is commonly considered better than the vanilla dex.


Thanks for all of the help

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I have been reading a lot of the fluff of salamanders and cannot see why so many people think that they wouldn't work with our dex. The ONLY thing I can find is that they don't use many bikes or speeders but everything else is very similar to ba. I assume that since they are used to close quarter fire fights they would be pretty good at assault and the Promethean cult tells the salamanders to never fall back (fearless and feel no pain). Love of Land raiders, and large amounts of artificer armor.
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Its more that they dont have the red thirst, black rage or lucifer pattern engines for Rhino variants. I just made up a successor chapter called the Dragon Knights and painted them green with dragon symbols... when I say they play as the Dragon Knights and use the BA codex they do. When I say they play as the Salamanders and use the SM codex, they do. Anybody who disagrees get a conk to the head. My army, everything is WYSIWYG and completely legal, just gotta swap out units which aren't fluffy.
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Yea dude, my Night Angels have just switched over to the Blood Angels Codex (I don't know why I didn't switch over earlier considering the rules are closer to my fluff). Anyway, can you say Blue Blood Angels? *Cough* I mean, Night Angels (really the name is coincidence, but that's another story). It's your army do what you like.


As for a name... Emerald Seraphs?

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You could say that they are a BA sucsesor that was born from the 4th company as they have a green blood drop on their right shoulder... 'Adamantite Angels'


That was exactly what I was thinking, well excpet for the name. :huh:. The chapter master of your chapter could have originated from the fourth company leading to the chapter colors being heavily influenced by green.


I don't see anything wrong with your decision. Green marines look sweet and the Salamanders combat doctrine fits in very closely with the Blood Angels. They love using Meltas and LC Terminators.


Good luck man and welcome to the Sons of Sanguinius.


Sun Reaver

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I wouldn't even worry about the color discrepancy. As someone else said, the Lamenters are yellow. My own successor chapter is boltgun and bronze/gold with white shoulder pauldrons. Just make sure that there is some reason for them to use gold which you seem to have already thought of with the 4th Company association or whatnot. I disagree with making them Salamanders as fluff portrays the Blood Angels and Salamanders extremely differently in terms of demeanor and tactics, but it really is up to you. Just have fun with it.
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Red should not have to be a constant. (Especially when you look at the Heraldry of the Knights of Blood)


The Jaded bloods

The Emeralds of Sanginius




Death company units


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Thanks a lot I really like the idea of painting them up as salamanders and just calling them the dragon knights when I use the ba codex. Ironically I thought of the dragon knights name today as well it is an excellent idea. If i do call them that would you mind?


THe next problem and I hope you guys arent getting bored with this topic is that I have a death company squad that I have dispersed the super awesome bits around so many of my guys have wings and such. Do you think they will look bad?

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You could do the Sang Guard in a coppery color with green patina. I think that would look really cool.


Also in Star Trek Vulcan blood is said to be copper based and they have green blood instead of iron based like humans with red blood.


So using copper instead of gold would be a great idea.

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