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Warning! Incoming Land Raider!


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Pretty much as it sounds really - it might not make the best use of points, might even get lost due to the DS error table, yet the mental image of a Crusader suddenly landing in the other guy's back field and Hurricane'ing everything before disgorging either a tooled-up Death Co. or a bunch of TH/SS Termies has me grinning like a nutter.


Has anyone tried DS'ing a Raider and what were the results? Good or bad?

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I really wanna try this too, I want to have two regular LR's and one redeemer and DS the redeemer and set the twin flamestorms on loads of bugs or something else flammable before unloading a squad of TH/SS termies and priest and Chaplin (could go with the LRC and have the priest and chappy in TDA too) while the other two are full of RAS doing their thing on objectives! A land raider list is pure 40k sex to me!!!
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Don't know, but I'm dead set on DS'ing all 700pts of my future crusader with 16 DC boltering the puke out of X target.
Except that they can't get out.

My mini-rulebook says that they can move far enough to disembark the vehicle, can shoot (all bar heavy weapons) or run. Can't assault the same turn as still too shaken up.

So an alternative is either to add what firepower they have to the 'Raider's own (which will be lessened as well due to the vehicle's speed) or hunker down inside an AV14 bunker for a turn and then charge as usual in the following one.


With the rest of the army getting in their face from straight infront of them at the same time - a multitude of targets for them.

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They can indeed get out and unleash bolter fury - check page 95 of the rulebook :)


They would get hit by a demolisher cannon shell in all of 0.1 seconds if you did that.

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Tried it for the first time in a planet-strike this weekend. Never again! It is simply too big a thing to land on a board with any amount of impassable terrain or other units. And as a dedicated transport it's going to be carrying some 500 or so points. I was playing 2500 points and had more than 20% of my points wrapped up in it. I had Corbulo (in fact he was on board attached to the assault squad) and used his far seeing eye to reroll when I was about to have a catastrophic mishap. If it hadn't been planetstrike, I would always have a Landraider on the board from the start to maximise its firepover, I would never have it in reserve. As I was sending most of my units crashing from the sky I thought it would be fun to do the Landraider, but I reallt cannot see a useful point to so risky a tactic.
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... might even get lost due to the DS error table...


If you deepstrike within 6" of a locater beacon it won't scatter. I have done this with my LR Redeemer full of DC into enemy lines and fired the Flamestorm cannon using PoTMS to toast a Long Fangs pack in cover. Next turn all bloody hell broke loose :wub:


Points effective? Probably not.


Did I feel dirty doing this? Yes :P


Rule of cool always wins B)

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Tried it for the first time in a planet-strike this weekend. Never again! It is simply too big a thing to land on a board with any amount of impassable terrain or other units. And as a dedicated transport it's going to be carrying some 500 or so points. I was playing 2500 points and had more than 20% of my points wrapped up in it. I had Corbulo (in fact he was on board attached to the assault squad) and used his far seeing eye to reroll when I was about to have a catastrophic mishap. If it hadn't been planetstrike, I would always have a Landraider on the board from the start to maximise its firepover, I would never have it in reserve. As I was sending most of my units crashing from the sky I thought it would be fun to do the Landraider, but I reallt cannot see a useful point to so risky a tactic.

I wouldn't say that it's a tactically sound option. There is supposed to be risk involved in parachuting land raiders, otherwise everybody would do it! However, orks aren't tactically sound without a lot of careful list building, and they are my #1 army, so I think I'm gonna give this a shot.

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I deepstriked a LRC full of DC with chaplain in TDA into ork lines. After surviving all the rockets, the DC jumped out and the raider almost wasted a group of boyz with the DCs help and then they finished them off in combat. I also used the same tactic against tau to similar effect, tthe DC going after some battle suits and the LRC lighting up and wiping out a unit of fire warriors.
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Done it. Well worth it to see a guard platoon plasma heavy try and run far enough away. Would recommend using it as a 1 turn bunker - my death company are all melee so I run with a LRC with 15 death company inside. Drop it, smoke launcher, wait a turn, move, disembark and anything that offended me within 18 inches of my ds shall die.


One thing I'd recommend is almost mandatory is a locator beacon so you don't scatter. Use in conjunction with a storm raven/scout squad on bikes and you have some nasty combination.


Wouldn't recommend for planet strike through - you don't know whether you'll get a LB in place before you have to deploy it.

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Tried it in a game vs. necrons (why not). The only place reasonable enough to place was still a bad choice. I ended up not getting to to come on till turn 3, then mishapped it 3 times. It never saw action in the game and I won anyways. Utterly pointless to deep strike a land raider in my opinion. The thing is so huge if you scatter at all you've probably mishapped on 3 different things. Until they put in the rule where a landraider crushes whatever non-vehicle it lands on instantly I just don't see a use for it, might as well just drive it across the board.
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If you use a locator beacon will this not make deep striking a LR fool proof?


SO long as the locator beacon is working.


I've deep struck about 30 Raiders in total. Never taken a mishap. About 10 of those have been off a raven locator beacon. Most of the remainder are against Lascannon heavy guard where not too many meltas to worry about and an extra turns movement with out getting str 9 spammed actually helps. But for the most part I find they arent generally worth it. Even aganst necrons where you dont really have to worry about anything harming you.

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If you use a locator beacon will this not make deep striking a LR fool proof?


SO long as the locator beacon is working.


I've deep struck about 30 Raiders in total. Never taken a mishap. About 10 of those have been off a raven locator beacon. Most of the remainder are against Lascannon heavy guard where not too many meltas to worry about and an extra turns movement with out getting str 9 spammed actually helps. But for the most part I find they arent generally worth it. Even aganst necrons where you dont really have to worry about anything harming you.


Are necrons rubbish like? They are a new race to me.. Necrons, tau, dark eldar... All totally new to me, I'd heard of tau and seen them when they came out same as necrons really but I don't know anything about them other than rail guns hurt (tau) but yeah, I was under the impression that necrons were really hard with those big flying pyramid things that won't die I think they're called monoliths, lol.

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Are necrons rubbish like? They are a new race to me.. Necrons, tau, dark eldar... All totally new to me, I'd heard of tau and seen them when they came out same as necrons really but I don't know anything about them other than rail guns hurt (tau) but yeah, I was under the impression that necrons were really hard with those big flying pyramid things that won't die I think they're called monoliths, lol.



necrons ha ve some trouble with tanks and close combat both of which my army has in spades. Which makes them simple relitively to deal with.

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No I don't feel like necrons are a major threat, especially against a fast assault force. Against a mech spam they might do well just glancing you to death because you can't shoot back. You have to be a pretty good player to beat BA with necrons. Phase outs are just too easy. Bring Mephiston, win the game. I was just deep striking the raider for the hell of it since I'd never done it. Turned out to be a points flop.
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Tried it in a game vs. necrons (why not). The only place reasonable enough to place was still a bad choice. I ended up not getting to to come on till turn 3, then mishapped it 3 times. It never saw action in the game and I won anyways. Utterly pointless to deep strike a land raider in my opinion. The thing is so huge if you scatter at all you've probably mishapped on 3 different things. Until they put in the rule where a landraider crushes whatever non-vehicle it lands on instantly I just don't see a use for it, might as well just drive it across the board.


See below.


If you use a locator beacon will this not make deep striking a LR fool proof?





If you use a locator beacon will this not make deep striking a LR fool proof?


SO long as the locator beacon is working.


I've deep struck about 30 Raiders in total. Never taken a mishap. About 10 of those have been off a raven locator beacon. Most of the remainder are against Lascannon heavy guard where not too many meltas to worry about and an extra turns movement with out getting str 9 spammed actually helps. But for the most part I find they arent generally worth it. Even aganst necrons where you dont really have to worry about anything harming you.


I've DSd about as many times and always off of my DC Dread's Drop-Pod. Only once did someone blow my pod to smithereens, only to get smashed by the Dread. The other 29+ times, they tried to deal with the Dread first, so my LRR with 10DC and Chaplain came down easy-peasy-nice-and-cheesy!!! :lol: I now have my DC aboard an SR, which I'll start on the board, allowing me to DS in an LRC full of Termies from now on. :P If the SR proves to be too weak, I'll switch back to the LRR and DS it amongst 2 Drop Pods w/LBs.


As far as anyone else considering this tactic, I would STRONGLY encourage you do it a few times if not just to see the look on the other guy's face. PRICELESS!!! I would also suggest that everyone write in the following next to the 3 or 4 "Locator Beacon" entries in their copy of C:BA... "ALLOWS LAND RAIDERS (ALL VARIANTS) TO DEEP-STRIKE 100% WITHOUT MISHAP WITHIN 6-INCHES; POP SMOKE; MOVE 6" NEXT TURN; DISEMBARK PASSENGERS; FIRE ALL LR WEAPONS; RUN OR SHOOT* WITH PASSENGERS; ASSAULT!!!"


*If DC, Relentless allows them to shoot anything and everything and still Assault. If not, type of weapon may hinder movement/assault capability.

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As far as anyone else considering this tactic, I would STRONGLY encourage you do it a few times if not just to see the look on the other guy's face. PRICELESS!!! I would also suggest that everyone write in the following next to the 3 or 4 "Locator Beacon" entries in their copy of C:BA... "ALLOWS LAND RAIDERS (ALL VARIANTS) TO DEEP-STRIKE 100% WITHOUT MISHAP WITHIN 6-INCHES; POP SMOKE; MOVE 6" NEXT TURN; DISEMBARK PASSENGERS; FIRE ALL LR WEAPONS; RUN OR SHOOT* WITH PASSENGERS; ASSAULT!!!"


I'm going to write that right now! And give my scouts a locator beacon :-).

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I'd give it to a Drop Pod. No one pays attention to them, as what comes out is normally big and nasty, plus they're still very hard to kill with AV 12 all round.

True! Against Dark Eldar with 50 gajillion Dark Lances, they have only popped my Drop Pod once! That was only because he got lucky and popped my DC Dread and then had enough shots leftover for the pod. Needless to say, my LRR was able to land dead-on where I needed it. :D

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As far as anyone else considering this tactic, I would STRONGLY encourage you do it a few times if not just to see the look on the other guy's face. PRICELESS!!! I would also suggest that everyone write in the following next to the 3 or 4 "Locator Beacon" entries in their copy of C:BA... "ALLOWS LAND RAIDERS (ALL VARIANTS) TO DEEP-STRIKE 100% WITHOUT MISHAP WITHIN 6-INCHES; POP SMOKE; MOVE 6" NEXT TURN; DISEMBARK PASSENGERS; FIRE ALL LR WEAPONS; RUN OR SHOOT* WITH PASSENGERS; ASSAULT!!!"


Thanks for the tip.

This deserves some epic music.


"I love the smell of a Land Raider Deep Striking in the morning. Smells like ... victory."

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