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Warning! Incoming Land Raider!


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A land raider is dedicated transport for Blood Angels, Dante has the tactical precision special rule.

Dante attached to a Squad of your choice in their dedicated transport deepstriking would mean no scatter?

Does the unit need jump packs if it is riding in a landraider that has the deep strike rule? I would say no but I will listen to discussion on this variation on Dantes many uses.

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A land raider is dedicated transport for Blood Angels, Dante has the tactical precision special rule.

Dante attached to a Squad of your choice in their dedicated transport deepstriking would mean no scatter?

Does the unit need jump packs if it is riding in a landraider that has the deep strike rule? I would say no but I will listen to discussion on this variation on Dantes many uses.


Dante can't go into a Land Raider as he is jump infantry. Dante's rule is only for models equipped with Jump Packs, and those can't be in a Land Raider.

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I'm stiking to my guns! The idea of a locator beacon as a panacea to the deepstriking landraider is not strong. There are only three units in our codex with locator beacon capability, as far as I can see, the storm raven and the scouts and scoutbikers. A 200 point stormraven to deepstrike a landraider! Why not just use it instead?


I was playing Planetstrike, our preferred variant. To deepstrike the scouts to a location wouldn't work (they scatter just as badly and you would have to gamble that they would arrive a turn before the landraider, when there are only 3 deepstriking turns in total). Turbo boosting the bikes eliminates the scatter but again there are only two remaining turns and nothing to stop the landraider coming in on the same turn. That leaves infiltration. As I read the rules infiltration is pre-turn 1, though there is an ambiguity ('on table at start of the turn'). If the landraider arrives on that turn fine, as long as the scouts aren't themselves taking up too much space (Planetstrike boards are often very busy places). If it doesn't. what are the odds of a squishy scout squad surviving the defender's turn? Quad guns and automated heavy bolters will chew them up. If there is any real cover it is probably something else which will hinder the deepstriking of a large vehicle. They could go to ground but I see them as a clear magnet for every hostile piece of fire going.


I think this was a not very sensible rule to try to get 'fast landraiders' into the game, The storm Raven was another one (the new codex has several of these duplicate ideas) and really the best answer is descent of angels - the transports are kept off the board completely and the unit arrives 1-6 inches at most from where you want it.

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We can have locator beacons on our Drop Pods and as someone said recently people tend to not bother destroying Pods as they're not much of a threat once they've landed and they're too busy taking out the nasty stuff that came out of the Pod too!
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Well, drop-pods scatter 2-12 inches, which potentially puts the landraider 6 inches from where you want it. Drop Pod Assault could guarantee it arrived first turn, but couldn't prevent the landraider arriving first turn as well. It also takes up a lot of space when opened. It is open-topped Armour 12, and I don't see it surviving very long if it's function is to beam out co-ordinates to a deep-striking landraider.


I still can't see that the effort put into deepstriking a landraider is worth it compared with, e.g. driving it onto the board, guns blazing, flying in a storm raven with the same payload (and a dreadnought) or indeed just deep-striking or teleporting the units it would be transporting, all either less risky or at least less costly. My preference is to have the land raider on the board from the start of the game, dominating with its fire power and acting as a fairly indestructable fire magnet, and use other units much more suitable for it (Vanguard and Terminators) to arrive unexpectedly behind enemy lines. I only did it this time because it was Planetstrike and I wanted everything I could get falling out of the sky!

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I have a novel thought - If you don't like it, don't do it. All we can do is share what has worked for us and our playstyles. Planetstrike is one of 50 different gamesystems and if it doesn't work for you then don't do it. It works for me because I have an LRC full of Termies, 2 Baals, a Vindicator and 2 Rhinos (Tactical Squads) starting on the board. When my DC Dread Pod crashes down behind enemy lines, they now have 5 different AV12+ targets to choose from. They can't get them all, so it comes down to target priority, and I guarantee my Drop Pod is in last place everytime compared to everything else on the table!!! Then when my LRR comes down and unloads its cleansing fire AND 10DC and a TDA Reclusiarch, then it's time to breakout the popcorn and watch the blood flow.


A smart Commander ***FINDS A WAY*** to use everything he can to gain an advantage over his enemy. And I try to use EVERYTHING (sans DoA - not my style) I can that is unique to BA - DC, DSing LRs, fast tanks, SR.


I could have just said ***ALWAYS USE A DROP POD WITH LOCATOR BEACON TO ENSURE 100% SUCCESS WHEN DEEP-STRIKING YOUR LANDRAIDERS*** But I chose to allow the other 3 options so as to accomodate everyone's playstyle. Sure the DP can scatter, but guess what? It will NEVER Mishap unless you place it within 12" of a board edge AND roll double 6s - and if you do that then you (whoever does that, not YOU specifically) weren't very smart in choosing that Drop Zone.


What works for me may not work for anyone else and vice versa, but TRY IT more than once to get an accurate trial base. Theoryhammer be damned! Put the models on the table, roll the dice and PLAY the game. :rolleyes:

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If you're DS-ing a LR consider squads with assault and rapid fire weapons. Sternguard (/combi) weapons are great for this as they'll be effective on the turn they drop should one decide it's time for 'em to debark. CC squads gotta wait a turn unless you're setting receipt of a charge.
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This story fits this situation perfectly.


Once upon a time on planet XYZ there was corruption amongst the local guard brigade on the planet. Now it just so happens that a Blood Angles armada was patrolling the area when and over heard some rather odd communications chatter in the sector. As the techmarine investigated more it became clearer that the planet was well on its way to being corrupt by Chaos. The armada immediately began an assault on planet and purging it of all corrupt guard. During this purge there was a man named ABC part of squadron EFG of the local imperial guard regiment, one of the first to be assaulted. As his squad looked up, they saw a hail of marines 10 feet in height descending down on their position. The battle was short lived and ABC was frightened fearing death was imminent. So he hid in the body of corpses while the marines finished up with the poor helpless squadron. Finally the marines moved on to the next squadron and ABC emerged form the pile of corpses and ran for as far as he could form the battle lines. But then he saw it, what seemed to be a huge tank plummeting from the sky. It was so huge it blotted out the sun, ABC was frightened and sure his death was near. Bud suddenly he saw it, a glimmer of hope in all this darkness. It was a nice shiny gas tank on the bottom of this huge hunk of metal. He figured, if only he could shoot the gas tank with his pistol he would return a hero for sure. So trebling and shaking in fear he draws out his pistol and takes aim. He closes one eye however his hand would not stop shaking so he shot. Little did he know that the tank was armored and would not be affected by his shot. So this wonderfully place shot hits the tank and ricochets hitting a fuel line. This started a chain reaction setting the fuel line on fire which quickly spread into the gas tank blowing up the land raider in mid air. All crew were lost, the Blood angels will never forget that honorable terminator squad of eight marines that dies in this mishap. ABC returned home a hero for it was this one heroic act that allowed the corrupt guard to win this battle. Unfortunately it was not long before the rest of the blood angles armada arrived to take the planet and cleans it of its corruption.


The moral of the story is that it sucks to lose land raider to a mishap form one messily little solder which in the current rules could happen. I didn’t know what to make up for the names I really just made this up now so you can fill in ABC, EFG, XYZ with whatever you like :). I just thought the story would have a learning point to it that is related to the topic and be fun to read.

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I've never done it, but I watched it happen in a game before. The BA player declares his Land Raiders to be in reserve, his opponent says okay without realizing they can deep strike. Turn 2 they both land safely behind his lines, and his army gets shot to pieces. I think he conceded shortly afterwards.


I might give it a shot myself eventually, right now I have barely started to build my BA army. It just sounds like too much fun.

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I have done this against a Mech IG list.

- He had too much str 10 shooting for me to really drive across the table

- I could tell he wasn't going to attempt to take the mid ground


I deep struck about 9 inches in front of his army;

scattered about 9" away.

Popped smoke.

He shot quite a bit at it, but only succeed in stunning it (downgraded to shaken.)

I drove it forward 12" the next turn, firing the MM and releasing terminators and Infernus Pistol carrying ICs into his tank wall.


Ended up pushing him off his control point while keeping my own. Win for me.


I'd consider doing it again in a similar situation.



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I've never done it, but I watched it happen in a game before. The BA player declares his Land Raiders to be in reserve, his opponent says okay without realizing they can deep strike. Turn 2 they both land safely behind his lines, and his army gets shot to pieces. I think he conceded shortly afterwards.


I might give it a shot myself eventually, right now I have barely started to build my BA army. It just sounds like too much fun.

When you put a unit in reserve you have to say if it is deep striking, outflanking or just coming on normally.

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