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DoA madness

Autobot Tran

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So I was thinking about starting a DoA army and had a few questions. If I take vanguard vets and I wanted to add a chaplain with them does that mean I can't heroic intervention? So pretty much the Vv would have to take things out on their own? They seem pretty awesome tho so they can probably handle most things by thrmslevss right?


Also for my other units the only squads that seem to be decent for DoA army would be RAS. Termies don't have DoA and seem like they would want to be in the fight early to soak shots but without rerolls thy would probably come on te field later.


I was thinking I really want a libby for unleash rage and shield of sang sounds really good but then they wouldn't have wings of sang and would slow down whatever squad they were in. So I'm still u sure about Libby. I was thinking astorath would be pretty good for an HQ so I can Ty to give more guys red thirst. Sanguinor is really cool but is he worth the points?


Also when i deploy and I want a sang priest to be in a squad do I put him kn that unit and that entre squad has one roll to enter? I don't roll him separate right? How good is sang priest because I can't furious charge a lot since I cant charge when I land.


Am I suppose to drop in their face and get charged? What are some basic tactics?


Thanks! Sorry for the infinite questions but no one in my club plays BA

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Yes, if you have a Chaplain or any other Independent Character join the Vanguard Veterans they cannot use Heroic Intervention.


RAS are the bread-and-butter of most DoA lists. Consider Sanguinary Guard as well, depending on your points level.


Give the Librarian a Jump Pack. Problem solved. Wings is only truly useful on a Furioso Librarian.


Yes, you attach the Priest to a unit and make one reserve roll for them. And yes, Priests are worth every point. FNP helps you weather shooting on the turn you arrive, and of course FC on subsequent turns is fantastic. Also, if your scatter rolls and placement work out, you can sometimes get that Priest within 6" of your VV, giving them FC when they charge on the turn they arrive.


Drop in where you can make use of cover or LOS blocking terrain. You want the charge, so avoid dropping near tough CC units. Also, don't scatter your DS units all over. Pick an area and try and keep them together. Mutual support and all that. :)

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