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Chronos [Artwork] thread...


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Thought I'd do something fun during the easter holidays, doing some stuff with the tablet at the moment, thought I could just as well take a break and sketch up a chaos marine,

it's good motivation anyway since I'm soon starting up my chaos space marines. This chap is a champion from a chapter of my own devising, the Empyrean Guard, of which the first marines I did back

in 2001/2002 I think. They'll be sporting a different colorscheme this time, but there will be reference to the old chapter color in form of the helmets. More on that later, prolly start up a blog, once I get front page art done. :)

Anyway, for fun and your amusement.


Please don't use my art without consent.



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Very nice work. Why do I get the feeling the chaos marine (in the first pic) seems slightly Slaaneshi? :D


I like the smiling picture btw - he seems sinister just on the strength of his smile. More I say! :)

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@Walking Fleabag


I use the Intuos tablet.



Well, his head is very close to the CSM box slaanesh champ head, might give him that slaaneshi look. :cry:



Haven't gotten round to that yet, and I sorta like my old "classic" avatar. :P



Thanks for the positive Feedback. I'll post more whe I do more Marine related stuff(well, CHAOS marine related anyway).



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I actually like the neutral expression the best. I get the impression that he's become very dispassionate as he's fought the Long War. I also really like the balance of human features and daemonic corruption.


I just feel like more of the face on the right side should be pulled in the direction of the horn. The brow line in particular.


Overall, very nice pieces. I like that skull helmet.

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Looks like this is rapidly becoming an art thread. :P


Night Lord


Tzeentchian Sorcerer



Some older stuff... Could actually rework this one and make it more proportional and othervise correct. :P


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Well, I'm doing rather small images that aren't cluttered with lots of detail and whatnot. A battlescene would likely eat quite a lot of time, doing sorta torso shots are kinda quick. :P Have to try some sorta fighty scene at some point. :P


Did some effects on the Tzeentchian sorcerer. Looks lots better like this IMO. Could put down more time, but meh, I'll do something else. On a good roll as it is. ;)




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That Tzeentchian sorceror is, let's be frank here, awesome. If I ever get around to doing a third version of my Thousand Sons Warlord, this picture right here is what I want his head to look like. :tu:
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