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Dawn of War Deployment Dedicated Transport Question


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In Dawn of War deployment can I deploy just dedicated transports as my 2 units? And then have those units deploy as normal?


For example, if I had 2 Grey Knight Strike Squads (who are troops), mounted in 2 Razorbacks, could I deploy the two Razorbacks at the 24" line (if I had first turn) to push back my opponent/get in some first turn shooting and then reserve the Strike Squad (who have deep strike) and then have them deep strike in later?


I've read the rules on dawn of war, deep striking, dedicated transports and the individual unit entries and can't work out if its legal or not.

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In Dawn of War deployment can I deploy just dedicated transports as my 2 units? And then have those units deploy as normal?


For example, if I had 2 Grey Knight Strike Squads (who are troops), mounted in 2 Razorbacks, could I deploy the two Razorbacks at the 24" line (if I had first turn) to push back my opponent/get in some first turn shooting and then reserve the Strike Squad (who have deep strike) and then have them deep strike in later?


I've read the rules on dawn of war, deep striking, dedicated transports and the individual unit entries and can't work out if its legal or not.


Also should you want to get at the enemy with a couple of units quickly you can deploy the transports 6-8 from your board edge then walk the models in the unit within 2 inches of access points and then drive the transport forward giving you an extra 6-8 inches over bringing the units on in transports turn 1.

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Its the difference between a Units and a Selection.


A dedicated transport is its own unit, but the same force organization slot selection as the unit it was purchased for.


So while you can put in your strike squads razorbacks because they are troops you couldnt put in a purgation squads razorback- because its a heavy support selection.


This becomes even more important in some of the alternate killpoint games, wherein a HS unit may be worth more than a troops unit.


One of the few exceptions to this is the Imperial Gaurd infantry platoon- wich can easily select a dozen units in a single selection. Unlike most FOC selections, its units cant be put into reserves separately, due to their special rules. Each unit still counts as its own kill point though.

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Let me get my head round this.


So, while units may be bought together, but this doesn't bind them together. It means that they can choose to join together but can also split up.


So if I had a 10 man strike squad, and a rhino, and made them scout via grand stratergy, I could put the squad and the rhino in reserve/outflank or deploy one and have the other out flank? obviously I could only combat squad the strike squad when they get deployed.


Is that right?

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Not quite.


By being a dedicated transport, you can scout the rhino if the strike squad is in it- however, the rhino itself doesnt have scout, and thus cant go off scouting on its own. If it had scout, and the unit had scout, then you could.

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Could I choose to outflank with the squad and rhino, but have them out of the vehicle, so when they come in on the same side could they come on from different points?


Sorry to hijack the thread but it got me thinking about options...

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Its the difference between a Units and a Selection.

One of the few exceptions to this is the Imperial Gaurd infantry platoon- wich can easily select a dozen units in a single selection. Unlike most FOC selections, its units cant be put into reserves separately, due to their special rules. Each unit still counts as its own kill point though.



I have a hijack as well. As I have started using Guard what happens with them in DOW? I cannot deploy or reserve the platoon units individually?

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Its the difference between a Units and a Selection.

One of the few exceptions to this is the Imperial Gaurd infantry platoon- wich can easily select a dozen units in a single selection. Unlike most FOC selections, its units cant be put into reserves separately, due to their special rules. Each unit still counts as its own kill point though.



I have a hijack as well. As I have started using Guard what happens with them in DOW? I cannot deploy or reserve the platoon units individually?



"each infantry platoon counts as a single troops choice on the force orginization chart, when deploying , and is rolled for collectively when rolling reserves."

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You dont deploy by FOC- unless your an IG Infantry platoon.


Dawn of War just places restrictions on the number and type of units that can be deployed- and knowing their FOC slot tells you the type.

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