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Test Marine


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OK. I've completed my first Angel and would welcome opinions from the board before I start painting in larger volumes. I'm actually pleasantly surprised for my first effor in the chapter and the first marine of any kind in over a year. I can already see a couple of things I'd do differently. The chest eagle turned out too light and I should have waited until the model was full assembled to do the final highlighting. Anyway, this is my trooper from the 7th squad of the 5th company.

Also my first time posting pictures on the board in case that doesn't work out either.





And a bonus shot of this intrepid soul facing off against my latest xenos completion.


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Thanks. Yes, the shoulders are freehand. Those got a bit more practice. One nice thing about painting orks is that they can look like just about anything. One of my 'ard boys is now sporting BA shoulder pads with reject chapter symbols. Another one of the pleasant surprises. The little highlight of adeptus grey made them look so much better.
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It looks like the paint has some texture to it, never really been a fan of dry brushing and it looks like you got some going on there...I have found drybrushing w/ oil paints mixed w/ a wax medium provides the smoothest finish.


Other than that, very clean work, nice bright yellow too.



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I really like it, although the red looks more like Angels Encarmine/Vermillion than a bright Blood Angels red. If you like more muted tones though more power to ya, it's your army. As others have said top work on the freehand.
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Excellent model. I love the gritty look.


Take it or leave it: Maybe something small on the bolt pistol (or elsewhere on the models left arm) that is yellow, to create a visual triangle of yellow parts of the armor, serving to balance the look of the model?

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Thanks for the comments. Really appreciate everyone taking the time. Couple of thoughts based on the feedback.


I wasn't drybrushing, but I do see that the paint isn't nearly as smooth as it could be. Looks like I didn't thin enough when doing the basecoating.


I was surprised at how dark the red came out as the primer was white, but I'm actually happy with the richer tone. For me, the darker base makes it easier to have the highlights pop.


I was hesitant on the weathering, but have decided I like it. I'm always nervous taking a cleanly painted fig and dirtying in up. The charring around the jump pack is a stippling of scorched brown and black and the dirt on the legs is a light stipple of graveyard earth and dark flesh to indicate a mix of dry and wet mud. I was also careless laying down the glue for the flock and got a small patch on the bottom of the left foot. At first I was annoyed, but now quite pleased with the effect of having a bit of turf stuck in the treads of the boot. If you look closely at the fourth image you can see the bit of green near the heel.

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