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Stormraven not a dedicated transport


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So i just ordered a stormraven and have been thinking of what to do with it and something came to mind, its not a dedicated transport is it? because of this dont units wishing to embark on it have to wait at its base? also doesn't that mean you cant have units inside it before you deep strike?


now im guessing i have this all wrong and i really hope i do have it wrong or i cant use it how i want :D

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on a slight tangent i don't understand why it isn't a dedicated transport. off the top of my head then the codex says that we have about 10 more stormravens than we do land raiders. so why can we have LR as dedicated but not SR?



Because having 10 Storm ravens flying around would suck for everyone else.

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on a slight tangent i don't understand why it isn't a dedicated transport. off the top of my head then the codex says that we have about 10 more stormravens than we do land raiders. so why can we have LR as dedicated but not SR?



Because having 10 Storm ravens flying around would suck for everyone else.


Haha :tu:

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