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Hey dudes its the last day before I start back to uni and I wanted to get something to you guys in appreciation for the support I got for the first claw pic, seriously every time I post something here it just makes me want to get straight back to the drawing board, aaaanyways it's been a long enough time comin' so I'll just shut up and give you the pic


Angron: Primarch of the World eaters


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Ladies and Gentlemen, I believe we have found John Blanche's successor. :huh:


Very nice work, I am always impressed by the residing artists on B&C. I do believe Colrouphobic was doing an Angron piece around here somewhere...

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I don't know what you are doing at UUni mate but you are a wasted talent ;) !!!! I agree with the first poster, deaf Mr Blanche's successor :P . This is sensational! Love the colours, can't say I have much in terms of crit as I have all the drawing talent of a 5 year old. EXCELLENT!!!!!!
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Huh...for some reason I never imagined Angron as having dreadlocks. It works quite well (maybe a Predator connection with the whole skull trophy fetish). Excelletn work


He's not even crumpling a can or anything.


Now I just have to see this: Angron, crushing a Power Armor helm on his forehead like frat boys do with beer cans. Possibly with the head still inside it.


How much would you charge for a commission like that? :P

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