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"Ladies and Gentlemen, I believe we have found John Blanche's successor"

Hmmm waaaaaaay better than Blanche I'd say (remember what the guy did with most primarchs, pity for auld legions to get hi-heeled supragenitors...). Now this is a convincing primarch ! Many congrats !!!!



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Ladies and Gentlemen, I believe we have found John Blanche's successor. :ermm:


Very nice work, I am always impressed by the residing artists on B&C. I do believe Colrouphobic was doing an Angron piece around here somewhere...


thanks a lot man thats most flattering, really? I'll have to check that out Col rocks.


Wow that is amazing, not just the central figure but the atmosphere it brings as well



hehe cheers man


God of war meets Epic Pauldrons. Very nice


haha 'this is aaaaaannnnnggggrrrrroooonnnn!!!'


damn dude, i loved your first claw piece and this is fantastic too. the red angel comes to town


thanks dude, by the red angel I assume you mean Santa?


He looks totally insane ... and I mean that in a good way.


cheers dude, it took a couple of tries though


This should've been the cover for "Tales of Heresy"! Awesome job!


cheers dude, aw man that guy can do stuff with 3D modelling that would have me curled up into a fetal position


Got a link?


All I can see is the dreaded red X


http://slaine69.deviantart.com/art/Angron-206330215 here you go dude


That is frikken AWESOME! The World Eaters to me were always amazing, but this...........this just takes it to a whole new level!


thanks man, much appreciated


Not enough blood!


Stellar job, as usual. I can't help but wonder what he would keep in those little pouches, though.


haha cheers man, I'm guessing Prozac


Awesome! But shouldn't he have two axes?


cheers dude, he actually did have two axes but one of them was vandalized by a pre-heresy emperors child with a penchant for painting flowers on other peoples weapons, needless to say Angron got angry


Amazing. Simply fantastic. I really cannot say more than that. I look forward to see what you come up with next. Good luck!




thanks man, I really have no idea who I'm gonna have a go at next, I did start a Russ one but I think it would be better if I read Prospero burns first, t'get a better idea of the character for maximum whomp


Wow... that looks amazing! Simply beautiful!!!


thanks a lot man


Really like the face. The dread locks look nice on him. Good work!


cheers dude, I'm still unsure if they're supposed to be dreads or mechadendrites


I don't know what you are doing at UUni mate but you are a wasted talent ;) !!!! I agree with the first poster, deaf Mr Blanche's successor :P . This is sensational! Love the colours, can't say I have much in terms of crit as I have all the drawing talent of a 5 year old. EXCELLENT!!!!!!


haha thanks man, I'm smack in the middle of a computer game design course, here's hopin' for a job at relic


Thats an impressive piece of art there!


thanks dude


Looking good slaine. :) Only thing I don't quite like are the chains, look a bit pasted on, "chain brush"? Keep up the good work.




haha you bet your ass they are, aye, I still haven't figured out how to get rid of that cartoony look they have, but I'm workin' on getting a process down that will sort it out, I suppose I could try drawing them but I get bored by the third link and it gets messy from there, that and I bloody love makin' brushes.


cheers dude


Very, very, cool. It could easily pass for an original GW piece.


thanks man I appreciate it


That is so awsome!


´Nuff said.


haha cheers man


That is an excellent work of art! I love how it just has that World Eaters feel to it.


thanks man




cheers dude


Bah, not nearly angry enough. He's not even crumpling a can or anything.


haha Angron doesn't drink from cans, he waits 'til someone else drinks from them then bites through their abdomen and sucks the drink straight from their stomach


Huh...for some reason I never imagined Angron as having dreadlocks. It works quite well (maybe a Predator connection with the whole skull trophy fetish). Excelletn work


He's not even crumpling a can or anything.


Now I just have to see this: Angron, crushing a Power Armor helm on his forehead like frat boys do with beer cans. Possibly with the head still inside it.


How much would you charge for a commission like that? ;)


haha predator fetish? as far as fetishes go that ones gonna be brutal in the bedroom.


would he be crushing it on his forehead, in his hand or taking the other option? http://www.spicygif.com/981703


depending what the picture was of, £100, that would cover prep sketches as well.



That looks boss.


Sun Reaver


cheers dude


Finally, an Angron who looks angry enough! Excellent work.


thanks man, this was like the fourth attempt at this pic the others just weren't angry enough

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any chance of a Mortarion?????? Or I'll have to do it))))))))))))))))00


its a great piece any ways)))))


sure dude I'm working my way through all the primarchs, have a bash anyway though dude drawing primarchs is the :o


thanks man


Very nice, very nice! The angles on the chain ax however are a little off… otherwise, PERFECT!




cheers man, I know right? I should just do what Adrian Smith does and do all the weapons side on, I'm bloody rubbish with angles.


"Ladies and Gentlemen, I believe we have found John Blanche's successor"

Hmmm waaaaaaay better than Blanche I'd say (remember what the guy did with most primarchs, pity for auld legions to get hi-heeled supragenitors...). Now this is a convincing primarch ! Many congrats !!!!




Haha thanks man much obliged


I'm guessing this is him as a traitor...? (a very very ANGRY traitor :ermm: )


You never could tell with Angron... ;)


Extremely satisfying work. Major kudos.


cheers man,


I didn't think that much into it dude this was him getting out of bed

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