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How to paint the Mantis Warriors

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Questions that aren't a tutorial for starters.


"What color do I highlight Scorpion Green with?" Isn't a tutorial or even a tutorial question. That is for General PCA Questions.


"Does anyone want a tutorial on X?" If you have a tutorial then just post it. You can find tutorials that people are looking for in the Tutorial Requests Thread.


"Where can I find/buy model/paint/tool X?" Again this is something for General PCA Questions.


Basically if it isn't something that isn't a step by step instruction it shouldn't be in here!


Topic moved. :)

I don't think there's any one correct way, they aren't quite as standardized as many of the other chapters (i.e. there's no "Mantis Green" for example). IA has them as kind of a grey-green, but then all the chapter colors in IA 9 & 10 are fairly muted. Originally they were a bright, emerald green and that's what I've always tried to stay rather close to. Trick is to separate yourself from the other main green chapters... Dark Angels, Salamanders & Sons of Medusa. Of those three, the Salamanders are probably the closest in color, but if you don't include black as a major armor design element you should be fine.


Right now I'm using an airbrush for most of my work & as such am using Vallejo Air paints. I use Chromate Green as my base with Field Green (I think) as the dark shade and pale green with a little white and yellow added as my highlight shade. I've recently started to give my marines a wash with dilute 50/50 Thraka Green which deepens the shade just slightly and brings it a little closer to the original emerald green.


Here's a figure without the green wash:




And one with the green wash:




Hope this helps.

I believe we have a member who paints Mantis Warriors...

Doghouse did some a few years back it seems:

Doghouse Mantis Warriors


And Gitsplitta, who was the person I seemingly originally thought of when coming here, gives himself too little credit: check out his thread here:

Gitsplitta Mantis Warriors


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