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Instant death blast/template vs swarm.


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I have trouble understanding this. A template weapond or blast weaponds deal 2x wound to swarms. If ripperswarms (t3) gets damadged by a plasma cannon (s7) and it does not make it's one save, how many would die then? 1 or 2 bases of swarms?
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Aaaaand that is another worthless entry in the tyranid codex along with the tyranid warriors. Thank you Robbin Cruddace. (<--- sarcasem)


I swear that the tyranids are the least competetive codex, and that includes the necrons.

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Actually, I believe they're far from uncompetitive; you just have to use the right units like in any codex :). Warriors are actually quite powerful when used right.


But that's outside the scope of the OR forum I suppose ;).

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I swear that the tyranids are the least competetive codex, and that includes the necrons.


thats interwebz fallacy for you.. the nid dex can be deadly if handled correctly.. IMO most dexes are going that way now.

they require skill and experience to build the optimum army lists.. and that is only a good thing.


do a member search for stormbringer, ask him how weak his nid army is!

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I swear that the tyranids are the least competetive codex, and that includes the necrons.


thats interwebz fallacy for you.. the nid dex can be deadly if handled correctly.. IMO most dexes are going that way now.

they require skill and experience to build the optimum army lists.. and that is only a good thing.


do a member search for stormbringer, ask him how weak his nid army is!


Is it a space marine or guard? No then it is rubbish. THIS IS THE WORD OF THE INTERNET! I think the problem is many players just play marines (or marines a lot) and don't understand how to use something that is different... Although I will say certain lists are harder to play with or should I say when played badly will break but if played well (even against another good player) they will do just fine, while many marine lists are pretty tough and flexible even if we don't go into the so called point and click lists.

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You realise we are hidejaking this thread now that the awser is awsered so it is only a porblem before the Inquisitors find us and shuts us down.


Back on the hijacking: It is not the word on the internett. I hav searched up Thor, Hulksmash (on dakka dakka) 3++ is the new black and the tyranid hive (homepage): It is fine, it is very cool, it is great fluff but it is not competive. I can beat moast hybrid lists but gunlines: I CANNOT DO IT. I have no chanche in the world. My one friend has only SM and IG gunlies and I can not beat him with tyranids.


I know that the turanid adepticon 4th place 60 x genstealers + 2 tervigon for feel no pain has been around for some time, and is known to beat gunlines, but it dies a lott against everything else. I cannot make tyranids work at all. I can beat those same lists with SW and DE no problem, but not with tyranids. (I also think GK will do good or decent against them.)


I cannot winn with tyranids vs gunnlines. I am not saying it is a bad codex, it is a fine codex and it is hard to predict the future metagame and balance it against it but they have really done a rubbish job.

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