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Making my own counts as Gabriel Seth


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Ok so I want to make my own character for my BA 4th company and I think I wanna make him a Seth counts as! So basically I wanna know what freedom I have, what could he be captin etc? I think I just wanna make a captin for my army so an I aloud to create a captin for the 4th? Also I want to give him his own squad/retinue which will be a counts as choppy HG, is this aloud too? I don't see why not as it's an HQ with an honour guard they just won't be called honour guard.


So it's all basic stuff I just wanna know if I can make a captin for the 4th and whether I can give him his own unit and just make them a counts as honour guard so the other question will be if my captin is a Gabriel Seth counts as can he join a unit of HG?

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Fluff wise you have total freedom, you just have to be clear on wargear. He can be the Blood Angels cartoon rabbit mascot if you like, so long as the model that rabbit wears power armour and an iron halo, and carries a bolt pistol, grenades and something that could feasibly represent a S8, two-handed rending weapon (and preferably a Khorne Berserker's helmet). Obviously you need to explain to your opponent what the model counts as before every game.
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I think I'm gonna model him with two double edged chainswords from the spacewolves box and the winged helmet bits from the DA vets box unless I can get my hands on one of the black Templars heads (they are the only heads I really like without helmets, shaved head and a beard)
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In fact instead of the chainswords I'm swaying towards two green glowing powerswords which I'm gonna write fluff for, can't wait :P
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Power swords would be a bad move as Seth doesn't have a power weapon. Remember counts as still needs to be WYSIWYG.


On another note, nothing major it's generally good forum etiquette to edit your previous post rather than double post.

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Ok sorry. And I know Seth has a huge chainsword but whatever weapon(s) I gave my character would just be for aesthetic reasons as I would just be using seth's rules.. Do you still think it's not a good idea to give him powerswords? Hmmm maybe I'll choose another character with a power weapon or just give him the dual chainswords instead
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Whilst the model would no doubt look cool, a counts as still has to be WYSIWYG. Barring any special rules, your opponent should be able to work out roughly what your model is equipped with by looking at it. Two power swords has a very different in game effect to Seth's weapon. I'd say at the very least you'd need to go with a two-handed weapon which wasn't a power weapon.
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'two hand weapon that isn't a power weapon' any suggestions?


Also what I was thinking was giving him two chainswords would represent the giant two handed one Seth has. If I had to use a two handed weapon that isn't a power weapon well I can actually think of anything that I can use for this!

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For example you could cut the thunder hammer's pole and stick a chainsword's blade onto it. You'll have chainberd :ermm: (chainsword + halberd).


Haha, that's pretty cool but it takes away the coolness from the model and character I wanted to create (I wanted to use two weapons that would work in the same way his double chainsword special rule does) and the only cool double handed weapons I can think of are powerglaives, their aren't any double handed weapons that aren't power weapons that I can think of... Your idea for the 'chainberd' is cool but I really don't see my character wielding it!


I guess instead I could make him counts as Dante and that way I can model him with a power weapon. I already have Dante though, I wanna use seth's rules... I wonder if I could make a two handed chainsword with two chainswords.

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Or you can glue nother chainblade to the 'chainberd' and get 'two-bladed chainsword' - if you played Neverwiner Nights 1, you'll know what I mean :ermm: The 'Chainstaff' will make your character fight like shaolin monk with war staff.

The only issue with two chainswords that I see is that the character has two weapons, so rules wise he can't take a pistol.

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Or you can glue nother chainblade to the 'chainberd' and get 'two-bladed chainsword' - if you played Neverwiner Nights 1, you'll know what I mean :ermm: The 'Chainstaff' will make your character fight like shaolin monk with war staff.

The only issue with two chainswords that I see is that the character has two weapons, so rules wise he can't take a pistol.


That is a good idea and probably the best I'll get, I'm gonna look into doing this with the spare thunderhammer from a DC kit, you think it'll work with that?

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6th ed 40k is expected to change the rules on double handed weapons, which is why they've suddenly started appearing. For that reason two chainswords would be a bit iffy - it's two different types of existing CCW upgrade.
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6th ed 40k is expected to change the rules on double handed weapons, which is why they've suddenly started appearing. For that reason two chainswords would be a bit iffy - it's two different types of existing CCW upgrade.


Yeah I guess. You got any ideas on a double handed non power weapon?

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You could get a chaos chainaxe head and attach it to one of the Glaive Encarmine axes replacing the normal axe blade.


That is a good idea... The glaive encarmine axes are in the SG box right?

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Now that I've proposed the concept of 'chainstaff' I'm thinking of doing my own count as Seth. And here is how I see it. Only with chainblades instead of lightsabres :P I think that Champion's blade from command squad would do fine as it has long shaft and appropriate hand. Or it could be the banner holding hand from the same box.
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You could get a chaos chainaxe head and attach it to one of the Glaive Encarmine axes replacing the normal axe blade.


That is a good idea... The glaive encarmine axes are in the SG box right?

Yep, SG box.


Now that I've proposed the concept of 'chainstaff' I'm thinking of doing my own count as Seth. And here is how I see it. Only with chainblades instead of lightsabres :) I think that Champion's blade from command squad would do fine as it has long shaft and appropriate hand. Or it could be the banner holding hand from the same box.

Try to get some Chaos chainswords with the blade all the way around for it. That would be great.

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Now that I've proposed the concept of 'chainstaff' I'm thinking of doing my own count as Seth. And here is how I see it. Only with chainblades instead of lightsabres :) I think that Champion's blade from command squad would do fine as it has long shaft and appropriate hand. Or it could be the banner holding hand from the same box.


Ah, I get what you mean now, that would be awesome but double sided chainswords would be best for this I feel.. How would we get the bar in the middle though?


EDIT: oh right, so the command squad box would have the appropriate bits for making the handle for this weapon?

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The banner pole looks perfect, it's a really good idea so I'll see if I can get one from a bits site and some of those double edges space wolves or chaos chainswords.
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if you look around in the homemade chapters area somoen was making a chaptermaster with a double sidded scythe that i thought instantly that would make a cool seth... or go the angry marines route and just use a big friggin stick...
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if you look around in the homemade chapters area somoen was making a chaptermaster with a double sidded scythe that i thought instantly that would make a cool seth... or go the angry marines route and just use a big friggin stick...


Ok I'll have a look for that.. Thanks.

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Depending on how intricate you wanted to get with the conversion I could see an Ork power claw being made into some kind of Edward Scissor Hands-esque instrument of death (where you replace the power calw fingers with bits of chainsword to make chainsword fingers). Maybe write up some fluff where the chapter master looses his hand in some long ago battle and comission the creation of his "Chain Claw" or whatever you want to call it.


The Power Claw bit that comes in the standard Ork boys box would make a good jumping off point (it's the 3 fingered PK model), Just lop off the claw where it attaches to the Ork arm and in place of the power claw fingers make some special chainsword ones and attack it to a suitable space marine army (might need to be a lightning claw arm for the size to match up). I'm sure any local Ork player has loads of those power claw arms laying about and would be happy to give you one if you asked nicely. Then all you need is the patients to try this idea and a few spare chain swords.

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Depending on how intricate you wanted to get with the conversion I could see an Ork power claw being made into some kind of Edward Scissor Hands-esque instrument of death (where you replace the power calw fingers with bits of chainsword to make chainsword fingers). Maybe write up some fluff where the chapter master looses his hand in some long ago battle and comission the creation of his "Chain Claw" or whatever you want to call it.


The Power Claw bit that comes in the standard Ork boys box would make a good jumping off point (it's the 3 fingered PK model), Just lop off the claw where it attaches to the Ork arm and in place of the power claw fingers make some special chainsword ones and attack it to a suitable space marine army (might need to be a lightning claw arm for the size to match up). I'm sure any local Ork player has loads of those power claw arms laying about and would be happy to give you one if you asked nicely. Then all you need is the patients to try this idea and a few spare chain swords.


Haha, thanks, My brother has a half finished ork army so I could ask him if I can butcher one of his to make it ;)


EDIT: ok so he's given me an ork with a powerclaw and I can see what you mean for making this 'chain-claw' thing I just need to start chopping stuff up, ha,ha. And by the way before I do this are we sure this could pass as a two handed weapon for WSISWYG purposes?

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