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Making my own counts as Gabriel Seth


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we sure this could pass as a two handed weapon for WSISWYG purposes?


I'm not sure exactly on this issue, but I'd imagine that the Power Claw modified with chainsword would look bulky enough to be considered 2 handed. Personally I think it would work for a 2 hander, and WYSWYG can be interpreted differently by different people. For example if your assault marines don't have grenades represented on them do they still have access to them? Some would say no and some would say yes. Personally I'd say yes to the grenades issue, but if say the model had a melta bomb I'd want it represented on the model. I think a counts as Seth model with a big "chainclaw" and toting a bolt pistol could be a pretty cool looking model.

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we sure this could pass as a two handed weapon for WSISWYG purposes?


I'm not sure exactly on this issue, but I'd imagine that the Power Claw modified with chainsword would look bulky enough to be considered 2 handed. Personally I think it would work for a 2 hander, and WYSWYG can be interpreted differently by different people. For example if your assault marines don't have grenades represented on them do they still have access to them? Some would say no and some would say yes. Personally I'd say yes to the grenades issue, but if say the model had a melta bomb I'd want it represented on the model. I think a counts as Seth model with a big "chainclaw" and toting a bolt pistol could be a pretty cool looking model.


Yes I agree, the chain-claw idea is pure genius as is the darth maul inspired double ended chain-staff and I will be making them both on different models! I think the chain-staff would suite the nature of seth's special attack more than the chain-claw but the claw is such a good idea and I already know exactly how I'm going to make it.. Thanks so much for the inspiration, how did you come up with the idea?

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Not sure whether you want to buy bits from someone other than GW, but how about these or the Two-handed Axes from those?


Ah that's awesome bro, that set has a double handed chainsword in it, I just would need to work out what arms to use for it.. Do you know of any arms for modeling double handed weapons?

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You could also use the chain claw model to represent Tycho. I'd say the chainclaw represents his deadmans hand rather well and he could have "looted" it from one of the many orks he's killed with his preffered enemy rule... anyway just another thought I had in regards to the counts as model.


Not sure what made me think of a chain claw, I was just considering what already exists in 40k and my love of lightning claw models made me think of them as an option.

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You could also use the chain claw model to represent Tycho. I'd say the chainclaw represents his deadmans hand rather well and he could have "looted" it from one of the many orks he's killed with his preffered enemy rule... anyway just another thought I had in regards to the counts as model.


Not sure what made me think of a chain claw, I was just considering what already exists in 40k and my love of lightning claw models made me think of them as an option.


That's an even better idea, I'll use the claw on a counts as Tyco and make the chainstaff for my counts as Seth or I may even just use one of the double handed chainswords I was posted a link to before! I think the chainstaff would be alot more fun and cool than just using one of those chainswords although they do look very good if I could just work out what arms I could use for holding a double handed weapon.

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are you lot sure you arnt really flesh tearers? which is another point, how about the big 2 handed nob weapons?


I've thought about this actually and I'm definitely a BA 4th Company general!


Dudes.. I know where to get a two handed chainsword but don't know where I would get the arms for it.. I mean like I need to find some arms that are in the position to hold a double handed weapon! You guys will probably have some ideas for me. Also does anyone know which space wolves kit has the double edged powerswords as I've been told this whole kit is really good for pimping assault marines!?


Also while I'm here if I'm going to make a counts as tyco I will need some form of combo weapon right? Where do I get one of these?

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double edged powerswords? most powerswords are double sided... but they really only have 2 options, powerarmoured and termy armoured. though i wouldnt get the current wolves kits for my angels, to much wolvy stuff to have to remove. the old kit was excelent as it was jsut normal power armour with extra ccws and stuff... id actually get a grey knights kit before id go for a wolves kit... there migt be ics of the frames of both on the gw site somewhere...
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Ah right well I was thinking of just trying to get the chainswords off a bits website if the sw sprue was no good but do you know what arms I could use for holding a double handed chainsword?


And yeah I'm getting the gk and gk terminator boxes anyway for building my libbys and sang priests!

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then your landed. as for hands, depends on your pose you want. obviously you have the death co thunderhammer and the sanguard set arms, and i think theres a few in the greyknight kits. after that im not sure. look at other thunder hammer guys probably...
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Yeah I've looked at the DC thunderhammer guy and I'm not too hot on it as one of the arms is very powerweapon-ish but I guess I could paint the hand as a skeleton hand that would be cool. If they have them in the GK kit that could be my answer plus I want to get a SG kit too to build something out of so there's a few possibilities.
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what no pictures yet? boooo! :)


Sorry, I haven't started him yet as I need to order loads of bits and I ended up buying 2 RB's and some scouts so I've kinda ran out of money for 2 weeks :) sorrrry.

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Thanks.. I've got alot to paint at the moment (well a very lot actually, a full 2500 points worth) so I just thought rather than start putting loads of time into one character (which is very tempting as it's so much fun) I'd get my squads and transports finished as I have to paint and finish building the rest of my DC and finish painting my DC dread, astorath and lemartes then I need to build and paint their stormraven, finish my attack bikes, build all my RAS and RB's and paint them then I still have a load of devs to do, cc terminators, mephiston, Dante and do my HG conversion from the DA vets box so yeah, I have quite a bit to be getting on with!! Oh yeah and now I have some scouts to do too, lol.
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save him as a "reward project" its what i do regulary and it keeps the hobby entertaining. its basiclly fix x amount of y units and you get to make one z character/vehicle or such :mellow:


keeping motivated is the hardest part of this hobby...

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Yeah I know what you mean, I've been trying to build a full army and finish on and off for 19 years and still never finished one yet but I had a huge break as I had alot of things going on in my life that prevented me from being able to do anything like that but now I'm more settled and focused and I'm positive I'm gonna do it this time!
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The only issue with two chainswords that I see is that the character has two weapons, so rules wise he can't take a pistol.


Really? I model a good amount of my flesh tearers with two chainswords even though they have a CCW and Bolt Pistol. No one around here seems to care and they like the look. If you say that (for me its an assault squad, and i have my meltas modeled) that everyone else that isn't the sergeant is CCW and BP, i don't see the problem with modelling guys with two CCWs, hell i even have one guy with long white hair and a Ebony and Ivory pistol in one squad.

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The only issue with two chainswords that I see is that the character has two weapons, so rules wise he can't take a pistol.


Really? I model a good amount of my flesh tearers with two chainswords even though they have a CCW and Bolt Pistol. No one around here seems to care and they like the look. If you say that (for me its an assault squad, and i have my meltas modeled) that everyone else that isn't the sergeant is CCW and BP, i don't see the problem with modelling guys with two CCWs, hell i even have one guy with long white hair and a Ebony and Ivory pistol in one squad.

Technically that's not right. If your marines have ccw+bp, they should have them, not ccw+ccw. For modelling reasons it looks good, no doubt, but generally one should stick to WYSIWYG. At least that's what I do.

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