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Modelling question


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Part of the fluff for my Angels Sanguine army is that they've 'liberated' unsanctioned tech from a group of Adeptus Mechanicus who tried to steal one of their Baal Predators. The real reason for this stuff is it will allow me to model cool stuff like Jetbikes and Dreadknights as C.A. Bike squads and Librarian Furiosos.


Anyway I'm already going to buy a box of Grey Knights to split between plastic Librarians and some Dornian 1K Sons, and I was looking at the personal teleporters. Personally, I think these would make an awesome 'counts as' for jump packs on either a vanguard or honour guard squad. Alternatively they'd be pretty cool on a CC-oriented Deathwatch Squad, as my fluff ties AS quite close to the Ordo Xenos. I could count them as one of the aforementioned units. What would people make of this? Would you be okay with me using them or is it pushing things too far? For the record I don't play tournaments so strict compatibility is not an issue.

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I'd have no problem with either Jetbikes as Bikers or Teleporter-rods as Jump Packs.


I think the Jetbikes are more 'Blood Angel' than Bikes honestly, and would love to see the conversions. On the other hand, I personally think Jump Packs are more BA than teleporter rods, but I really like the idea of having a Counts-As Deathwatch on hand in the army, and think the teleporter spikes would be both awesome to see and pretty fluffy for them as well.

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I really want to paint a Blood Angels jetbike now. I've got a great image in my head of what it would look like. Strip off all the DA icons and add a few Forgeworld, Furioso, or Storm Raven icons. It'd be great. I'm definitely going to try this once I've got some extra cash.
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jet bike- libarian on bike using wings of sanguinius power- now you have a jet bike... but if your going for so much grey knight stuff why not just collect grey knights... or if thats not quite it why not go for costodians? combine both armys and thats pretty much what you get...

and yea id be wary of pushing wysiwyg to far with the counts as rule...

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Simply because I prefer my Angels Sanguine. I hardly think a couple of psychic hoods and some back packs are that much Grey Knights stuff. I've probably got more Dark Angels and Black Templars bits in my army than Grey Knights, it's the wonderful thing about how easily kitbashed marines are. Why not take advantage of what's on offer?
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I'm all for jetbikes, count as bikes sounds good. The jetbikes are really, really cool.


But I think you are the first one I've heard say that the dreadknight is a cool model. To me it looks like a transformer with a baby carrier on its belly. But thats just me. And I also switched to BA to be able to use all kinds of dreads because I love the dread model. So I don't understand at all why you wanna use the dreadknight.


Nevermind my rambling, do what you want. It would be a good way to separate the libby from regular dreads. Remember to post a pic of your red dreadknight, maybe I'll change my mind about it :)

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I guess I'm just not a fan of the librarian furioso model. Personally I think the Dread Knight is like the Storm Raven - it'll grow on people. Personally I liked it when it first came out. The conversion will probably never get made as I've got too many other things crowding up my elites section and I'm not the biggest fan of dreads compared to termies and sternguard.
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I like the dreadknight model too and BA jetbikes will look really good.. I thought at first you ment eldar jetbikes but do you mean the DA ones?
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@Marine77 - I see what you mean, but I see it in the same way that a power weapon can be a sword or a big ol' mace, a two handed axe, whatever.
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@Marine77 - I see what you mean, but I see it in the same way that a power weapon can be a sword or a big ol' mace, a two handed axe, whatever.


Yeah, but there you still got a lot of unifying things, like the power cell or the wiring, also, all of those are usually very similar in size...And, it is also commonly taken as granted that "a non-chainsword weapon is a power weapon" as far as I know. So when you see an Axe and a Sword, you just expect them to be PW. But on the other hand, between JP and a Teleporter rod, there is a rather huge size and shape difference, way more than on the axe / sword dillema wich can confuse very easily on the table. The more when the teleporters do look like a stick on a common PA backpack. Fully converted, rather huge teleporters would be way easier to spot and not mistake with just a common backpack...


Also, Teleporters instead of JP's is soooo not BA if you ask me...Where is that "I soar the skies like an Angel" thing in there?

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Thanks for all the responses guys. I think I'm gonna go with the idea of Deathwatch Vanguard, as it seems very fluffy for them and I agree with you guys that jump packs are more fluffy for Angels Sanguine.


The jetbikes are gonna be converted, I'll post pics once I've ordered the bitz and add it all to my blog.

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