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Stormraven payload?


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I just bought a stormraven and have been thinking of what to put in it i like the idea of a ten man assault squad,

chaplain, sanguinary priest and a furioso.


what do you guys think? also what do you guys put in your stormraven?

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I find it better to load it with 10 DC and a chaplain + DC dread with lightning claws. Guaranteed to wipe put out any thing they touch. I had that very unit kill 2 tactical squads, 2 rhinos, and one drop pod.
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I think the stereotyped Assault Termies with a Libby is a good unit. 2-3 TH and the rest with LCs. The Libby also get a SS. If there are some points a Furioso dread with Blood Talons helps with crowd control. Expensive yet cool and effective.
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What they all said, I actually run both DC and CC Termies in 2 ravens in one list although I take a Libby furioso (with the termies) and a TDA sang priest or TDA chaplain.
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Thats the configuration I am going with on my 2500pt list for 'Ard Boyz.


Same here, I haven't built it yet but I'll be rockin' that list next year sometime once I've gotten back into the game properly!

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hmmm people really like putting death company in it, i would like to do that but my friend is eldar and very smart so im worried he will run them around the place lol


Rage doesn't take a hold when the DC are in a vehicle, I believe - so you can fly your raven where you want ;)

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Best load for a DS raven for me so far is sternguard, priests, libby and fragnaught.

shield, urage, fnp, combi-Melta, heavy flamers and fragcannons plus the stormraven wargear = extraordinary killing power on a single reserve roll without needing to wait (/survive for another player turn) for assault phases... which the infantry can still perform rather well. Typical or common SR cargoes contain assualty units that can't assault after DS. The increase in on-demand power of this reserve roll is stupefying and pretty much unconditional.

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