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Need color advice

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Hey guys,


I just recently picked up a few of the Micro Art Studios temple bases, and I rather like the yellowed color that they gave to their samples in the pictures (example). How do you think they did it? It looks like a black primer, and then possibly bleached bone with sepia/flesh washes, or perhaps something with a brownish yellow (such as Iyanden Darksun) mixed with bleached bone. Either way, it looks like a drybrush of a lighter color went on top once the base was done.


Any ideas from fellow painters? Or, heck, even ideas for a ruined temple color that are different from what MAS came up with? I thought about doing it like stone, but that doesn't seem quite right as a broken old temple will be old, weathered, and discolored. Even a temple recently broken (perhaps from the summoning of a daemon) won't look like nice, plain stone. I'm not typically able to be very creative, so I'm rather at a loss here and could use any advice you can give.

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Well, this is my first stab at it:


Not terrible, although looking at it I think that you're right, kizzap, and a green wash would look good. I used 3:1 bleached bone to iyanden darksun for the base, followed by devlan mud in the deep recesses, gryphonne sepia all over, and a drybrush of bleached bone. Dirt is khemri brown drybrushed with vermin brown. Those colors could use changing up, as I don't like how they turned out all that much, but it's a small enough part of the base I won't worry too much.

All in all, not perfect, but not so bad I feel the need to strip it down and re-do it. Any thoughts in particular?


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