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Spear of Sanguinius

9K Painting

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Here are a few of my guys, they are not 100% done, they need some more work on the mud to get it looking wet, and a few more tiny details, as you should be able to see


My work in progress:


a little death company, termies, sanguinary guards, Dante and Lemartes



My libby:




My 2 x 5 Assault Marines:





My Furioso Dread:




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Yeah I thought so. I don't own a gun so I have gotta do blending by hand but I'm yet to try blending on a model but I'm going to try it on the blood claws on my DC dread, it can't be that hard I don't think.
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A picture of my complete 1000 points army as it is now.


I've ordered a ton of DC, a stormraven and more goodies so soon I'll have around 2-2,5k points.


The "Malus Extremis" award was for "naughty player/list", hence the rusty nail. :)


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Do you play with the 1000pts you have pictured above often? I found the list really interested and wondering how it does on the battle field. One last queestion, how come no special weapons in the Assault squads?
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It was a list i made for an adepticon style tourney, the list plats well and is pretty strong at 1000 points.

I was originally intending it to run with 5 ass cans, but changed the baals to Flamestorms, which turned out really good.

And it tolk mé less thab 2 days to paint :D


I am expanding the list as we usually play 1500-1750 :(


Considering a pure drop list at the moment.

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