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Use of Null Zone


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So C:SM states that Null Zone is used at the start of the Librarian's shooting phase. Ok, that seems straightforward enough... But my question is, what do I do if the squad my libby has joined plans on shooting? When do I have to decide whether or not I decide to use the power? The main reason for my question is that I have a biker libby that I'll run with a multimelta attack bike squad. He's going to have null zone & machine curse (or maybe vortex), and I'm thinking that if the multimeltas manage to ruin whatever vehicle they're gunning for, the libby might want to use null zone, but if the guns fail I plan to use machine curse as a last-ditch attempt to stop the armour.


Is it acceptable for me to resolve the attack bikes' shooting before moving on to the libby's shooting phase & deciding which power to use? Or does the librarian's shooting phase extend to that of whatever unit he's with? Kind of similar to the idea that you can't blow open a transport with a tac squad's lascannon & then mow down its erstwhile passengers with the rest of the squad's bolters I suppose...


Hope that makes sense. Thanks :)

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No shooting is simultaneous and needs to be declared that way. You could for example fire the multimelta then when that failed declare you were using the plasma gunner as well. You would have to declare before firing wether you were or not. In game this rarely comes up. (plasma weapons being one of the few) because units for the most part dont have a choice to split fire or there are no penalties for failed or extra successful hits.


So to summarize


All shooting is simultaneous so you have to declare whether you are machine cursing at the same time as declaring your target and which weapons people are using.

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Null Zone is used at the very beginning of your Shooting phase, before ANY unit in your ENTIRE army fires ANYTHING.

Unless your Librarian is an Epistolary, you have to use Null Zone at the beginning of the phase, or use Machine Curse at the same time the multimeltas fire. Doing it any other way is not a legal option.

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