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The worst army you can build


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Basicaly to conter everyones excuse that their Codex is the worst I will be in a month or so holding in my area a "Worst army tourney" to end the whining of all but one codex.


The goal is to bring 1250pts of the most gimped army you can (minimum 1000pts has to be spent) It will then be given either randomly to another member of the tourney or traded with your opponent before each game. You then prove that the list you just been given is not the worse by wining with it. The overall loosing army's creator (not general) becomes the winner.


An example list that my Necron Brother is bringing is. Lord, 2x 10 Warriors, 10 Pharias (360pts!). filling the rest with scarabs and useless wargear on the Lord (No orb). Thats a 21 Necron count and no monolith or orb protection. Also almost a third of the army does not have WBB.


So what do you think I should bring? I am leaning towards Draigo with a couple of single Apothacary Paladins ?squads?. Codex is arriving from ebay and dont intend to write list until closer to tourney. But 7 men tops on the field foot slogging could give that army a huge handicap.


Downsides to that is:

-Potentialy 6 Hollowcause templates.

-Many other lists may purposefully not take high str or low ap weapons, removing the Palis main weakness

-Cant take psybolt ammo as str 5 guns could make a difference.

-Although Draigo is a huge point sink, he is a monster in combat, and a smart general will IC him with one or many of the FNP Palis.





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  Gentlemanloser said:

As many Units of 12 Servitors you can fit in.


Don't attach Coteaz to any of them.




Unfortunaly I dont decide how my opponent plays them. And a lot of servitors with Corteaz sitting in a good los position could end a low synapse gaunt army.


I do like the mystic Idea =) But may not take it on the fact I will have 0 intention of getting 68 metal mystics that I most likely wont ever use again.



  XaClocKWorKoX said:
penial legion/concript army with no commisars


have fun rolling 5s all day


I am actualy expecting an infantry Guard army with a Psyker hq. Meaning any t7+ or tanks are also invincible against this army.


The models I have are hardly of importance until I actualy write the list. I take back my previous statements about both the Corteaz lists. I was just in denile that Corteaz happens to be the linch pin of the cheesiest army and the suckiest army.


Similar on the guard, how can one of the top teir armies potentialy make a worse army than some of the 3rd edition "we been broken for years"?



Yeah, no heavy wepaons on those Servitors, and while they have S8 Power Firsts in CC, they are 1W, T3, with a 5+ Save. They should be easy enough to kill (either from shooting, even with Las Pistols, or CC with CCWs!) before the Servo Fists can do much.


Coteaz is the most dangerous mini in the army. <_<


(Again, going at I1 in CC, but having a 24" 4 shot S4 AP- weapon)

The models are kind of important unless you are buying models to make a bad list, especially if those same models are not going to get used in other lists.


As for the reasons for new/good codices having both the best and worst builds that is because of the variety in newer codices. Though I am sure Tau/sisters etc. can make some pretty bad lists.


The cotaez servitor list could quite possibly be the worst army possible in all of 40k.

I say don't go for absolute worst, go for really bad, but funny.


Has anyone figured out how many points a Grand Master can be? 150 base. 45 for psycannon, 35 for warding stave, 20 points for blind grenades, meltabombs, digital weapons, psybolt ammunition, 15 points for servo skulls, 10 points for brain mines, 30 points for rad and psychostroke grenades, 50 points for Orbital Strike, and 5 points each for anything you mastercraft. So 355 minimum? But he'd be too good facing crap even when overpriced like this..


How about two separate Paladin squads of one man each, with a brotherhood banner and psybolt ammo, for 200 total points. What a waste of points there. Or maybe, a Techmarine with a warding stave, psybolt ammo, 3 servo skulls, meltabomb and digital weapons for ... 149.


But we can do better and still be funny. Ordo Hereticus Inquisitor with two null rods and a psyocculum for 100 points (far more useless than Coteaz). And then 2 squads of 12 Warrior Acolytes each with two storm shields. 24 models times 44 points is.... 1056 points! So 1156 gets you one HQ with crappy weapons and 24 guys who can't shoot.

  Fred Johnson the 3rd jr said:
And then 2 squads of 12 Warrior Acolytes each with two storm shields. 24 models times 44 points is.... 1056 points! So 1156 gets you one HQ with crappy weapons and 24 guys who can't shoot.


Poop, I forgot about limiting it to 3 warriors per squad. :P

Hows about this...




4x Henchmen Squad


3 Warrior Acolytes w/2x Power Fists, Power Armour

Combat Servitor

8 Mystics


I can't think of a bigger points sink than 64 point guardsmen, and there's a servitor in there just to make sure they aren't doing much every other turn.


Random Guy

  Gentlemanloser said:
Win! :lol:


Actually palidans with the apothecary upgrade and the banner upgrade would be funny, no gun and no Power weapon for the win.


They can still cast Holocaust, so might be quite killy. :lol:


Not only that, but they wouldn't die. If I was using them, they'd sit on an objective, going to ground wherever necessary shrugging off all small arms fire that you care to throw at them. Considering that 2 out of the 3 missions rely on objective capturing, this might be a game winning strategy.


But I do like the WH inquisitor with all the useless wargear. But I'm suprised no-one has suggested taking Crowe and Mordrak and leaving both the ghost knights and purifiers at home. That's 350 points on it's own.


So here's a new idea...


Crowe (150)


Mordrak (200)


2x 6 Man Strike Squads (2x180=360)

6 Daemon Hammers


3x Techmarine (3x100=300)

Daemon hammer


Total 1010 points


I only have to spend 1000 of the 1250 allowed, so that's all I will spend. But have fun winning with that lot. For starters only 1 model in the army doesn't strike at I1 in combat, and he's considered a 150 point liability normally. Sure Mordrak will turn up turn 1 and won't scatter, but he can't kill nearly enough for anyone to care about him on his own.


Random Guy

I think that the worst army is Coteaz and as many of the most useless henchmen (mystics) as you can fit in 1000 points.


Grey Knights, even with daemon hammers, are still pretty good. Storm bolters plus strength 8/10 in combat, especially when the other armies are trying to nerf themselves so no plasma/power weapons.

Jokaero Spam hasn't been mentioned? 35 point monkeys, who, after a certain point, their special abilities DO NOTHING.


So basically you get a 35 point model that's T3, BS3, 5+ invuln, and can shoot lascannons, multi-meltas, or heavy flamers. Get enough Jokaero so that no matter what you roll they don't do diddly, then spam Mystics.

  Brother Ramses said:
I had Canis Wolfborn and 6 packs of 15 Fenrisian Wolves each and could not get to 1000pts. Maybe some Skyclaws to fill in the last few hundred points.


I did it!


Canis Wolfborn with 2 Fenrisian Wolves


Iron Priest with 2 Cyberwolves, Wolftooth Necklace

Iron Priest with 2 Cyberwolves, Wolftooth Necklace

Iron Priest with 2 Cyberwolves, Wolftooth Necklace


Fenrisian Wolf Pack x14, Cyberwolf x1

Fenrisian Wolf Pack x14, Cyberwolf x1

Fenrisian Wolf Pack x14, Cyberwolf x1

Fenrisian Wolf Pack x14, Cyberwolf x1

Fenrisian Wolf Pack x14, Cyberwolf x1

Fenrisian Wolf Pack x14, Cyberwolf x1


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